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HDB Punggol Point Cove (PHASE I) BTO launched in August 2018 + do you know that the architect for this development loves FISHES? No Kidding!

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Sales Brochure for both Punggol Point Cover Phase I and II


This review is on Punggol Point Cove PHASE I (2018):-

Phase I: 446A, 446B, 447A, 448A, 448B & 448C


Note: HDB labels these two estates simply as Punggol Point Cove.

Part 1 - Sales Brochure resources
Punggol Point Cove - resize.jpgPunggol.pnglayoutideas_pg_S4C14.gifsiteplan_pg_S4C14 cove.png

There is some fishy business at Punggol Point Cove...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2 - Good Shapes and Forms Feng Shui & Common Sense. Did you instinctively choose these stacks?

1. I am sure, one look at the site plan and many of us would logically or instinctively go for these stacks/units:-978391545_topchoice.thumb.png.2c557520aeb964d07668255c504bffa1.png

2. Two major advantages:

a. Sea view
b. Morning sun. Therefore no afternoon sun.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3 - Test of your imagination: Please take a close look at this illustration:-

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, locality, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

If you agree.. here goes.. If you don't please click out of this thread....


Imagination: Did you notice that between the two pair of fishes; there are many ponds and there are lots of smaller fishes within these ponds!

Congrats! If you see all these! Then your "right-brain" is more dominant! No wonder most likely maths is not your favourite subject. And a career in accounting is the last resort for you.

Really you can't see them? In this case, you are a person who is "left-brained". A logical person.

1. Did you manage to see a profile of two fishes?

2. How about two pretty fierce predator mouths? And huge eyes (in green)

3. A slim-lined fish body and rudder (sorry! I mean tails)?

4. Maybe the architect of this development was struggling with the design for this plot of land?

4.1 And maybe.. he was about to head home after drawing a blank throughout the past few days? The date-line is tomorrow!

A meaningful predator LOVE BIRDS (Oops! LOVE-FISHES)


4.2 And on the radio: an unlikely inspiration. A head of state of a certain country was advising it's people: "If chicken is so expensive, do consider purchasing fish - instead". Sorry this may not be the actual words. But the essence is there!

5. Next time, if you do purchase a unit here, one can create an interesting conversation about the theme of this development = fishes! Cheers!

6. Futhermore, the architect at least know that EVEN numbers are auspicious. This is perhaps why there are two streamline fishes with huge predator like mouths open towards the sea!

7. Oops! I need the Fire element, how Ah?

P.S. Some even say the predator fish's head resembles more of a Gator fish!  You  don't find them in SGP. Thus these fishes are true Foreign Talents!

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, locality, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Addition on 30.10.2020


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4 - Precinct Pavilion (PP) & Electrical Sub-station (ESS)

1. Although there are no documented cases of ESS affecting human beings; nevertheless many potential buyers be it new or re-sale often found that there is a stigma attached to it.

1.1. Thus why get into the hassle of this. Just try to avoid purchasing a unit especially low floors close to the ESS.

2. Precinct Pavilions often have wakes/funerals in them. One cannot control when a funeral occurs + religious chants (if any).

2.1 Unfortunately, sometimes a funeral may occur on one's festive occasion. Thus, it could be the 1st or 2nd day of Chinese New Year. What is worse is a unit that is of low storey. And visitors standing at one's living room can see or even hear activities coming from the PP.  


Low priority for low level stacks: #1113, #1149 and #1147 directly facing the PP. If want to purchase, try to purchase at least 6th storey and above.

Firstly at 6th storeys and above, no way can see into the PP. But how about the chants / prayers (If any)? The higher the better.

There were a few times when I visited HDB units close-by to a PP; once, during working hours, I heard loud music played or coming from a PP. It was at an estate in Fernvale Sengkang.

Frankly, I am not too sure what is the rules and requirements for booking a PP in a HDB estate. As my visits to HDB estates with wakes does not always extend late into the night etc...

Caveat Emptor.. Let the buyer beware.

Depending on the floor level etc.. It may or may not also affect future re-sale value. 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5 - Do you have some time to spare? If so, please check out;

In the above link, go read up Part 3 - Temple.. and Part 6 - Devil’s Gate and Altar.

This is because the future temple may share same orientation.

And this development equally has unit’s facing NE.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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6 hours ago, HUILI said:


would like to check does it mean that unit 1037 has poison corners from unit 1011. so does the main door, poison arrow from 1039? 

Appreciate if you can enlighten me. 


In my opinion, most likely no. But frankly, nothing beats being there physically to do a proper look. As everyone knows.. not possible to say for sure, today = under-construction.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee, I am sorry to disturb you. I hope you can advise me with regards to which units to be avoided near to the temple. Based on your experience, is Blk 477A, unit # 1059 , High floor , is it close to the temple ? Should this unit be avoided staying ?  

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Yes of course, temple is one of the many considerations when choosing a home. 
Please refer to a past exercise on Punggol Point Cove:-

For example the Legend for temple is = V


And for Can or Cannot Buy review...Two stacks of Punggol Point Cove comes under "Last Resort". While some others are not as bad.. and may fall somewhere along the one of the choices....

V highlighted in yellow and C = a stack of Punngol Point Cove:-


For confidentiality all relevant details are masked out:-


Note: Tampines Green Gem is represented by a "G" in front of the stack number e.g. G While Punggol Point Cove is with a "C" e.g. C1xxx

1ST CHOICE =     Cxxxx Cxxxx

2ND CHOICE =     Cxxx 
                               Gxx Gxx

3RD CHOICE =     Cxx Cxx Cxx
                               Gxxx Gxxxx

4TH CHOICE =     Cxx

5TH CHOICE =     Cxx
                               G1xxS G1xxx G1xxx

6TH CHOICE =    C1xx
                              G1xx G1xxx

7TH CHOICE =     C1xx C1xx C1xx
                               G1xx G1x G1xx G1xx G1xx Gxxx

LAST RESORT  =  CV Cxxxxxx CVxxxxx 
                                Gxx GxxxABDEJT GxxxCKT GxxxxCDEH GxxABNPR GxxxAEKT GxxAJKT             


A = Frontage suitable for Mr xxx & sss: (standing inside the living room facing either NE, NW, West or SW). However, this Compass School Feng Shui is not xxxxxxxxx... xxxxxxxxxxxxxor Mrs = North, South, East or SE may even be xxxxx higher than these.

B = Indirect afternoon sun all year round. Also depends on floor level and whether other blocks/stacks provide some needed shade. For GreenGem no issue for stack Gxxx as it is only to the service yard area which is considered no issue. Also no issue for Stacks Cxxx, Cxx and Cxx

C = Afternoon sun may bathe the master bedroom wall. And hopefully on a sunny day, the heat does not ooze out in the evening making the bedroom very warm unless one can cool down the bedroom.

D = Stack Gxxx has a direct view of the Bin Centre (PWCS) at 1st storey. While stack xxx also has a view of the Bin Centre (PWCS).

E = Stack Gxxx has a distant view of the vehicle entry and exit of the covered carpark. Stack Gxxx also has another entry and exit point. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, this is less than ideal also. Most inauspicious is Stack Gxxx as it is at the immediate vicinity.

F = Precinct Pavilion (PP): Directly below Stack Gxx is the PP. Higher units preferred. Plus expect prayers and religious ceremonies (noise) on some occasions.
Gxxx & also Gxxx share the same concern, here. Really high floors is preferred. For stacks Cxxx and Cxxx must get high floors to compensate for excellent Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and no direct view especially for Cxxx of the internal of the PP and occasional funeral ... (if any).

H = Expect some traffic noise. Higher floors preferred.

J = In close proximity of the central rubbish bin. Not perfect but still not a major concern or issue, here.

K = However for Stack Gxx & Gxx  it is the closest as it is beside the central rubbish bin. thus best to avoid such a stack/unit. Stacks main door with a view of teh central rubbish bins: Gxx Gxx

L = The bus bay close-by. Higher floor preferred to avoid noise of the buses stopping and moving off.

M = Inauspicious for the Kitchen to be at NW. But especially for stack Gxx, it has good Shapes and Forms that can make this become a minor issue.

N = Under symbolism and Poor Shapes and Forms Feng Shui as "curved" road into the stack/unit. High floors preferred for stacks Gxx & Gxxx. Stack Gxxx has no issue, here.

P = Sharp corner of stack Gxx aimed towards stack Gxxx. 

Q = Athough there is no known problems with an Electrical Sub-Station (ESS). But it is more of a stigma of living in close proximity to the ESS.

R = Stack Gxxx frontage partially blocked by stack Gxx and with partial view of the service yard area. Stack Gxx by Gxx. Stack Gxx by Gxx. Stack Gxx by Gxx. Stack Gxx by Gxxx. Stack Gxxx by Gxxx. Not that critical. But a consideration that the unit is "sunken in". Sometimes also the reflective glare and partial look into the service yard especially from the Master bedroom window(s) if any.

S = Expect around 3 years construction noise if the plot next to the development is being developed. Plus depending on how the blocks are laid, hopefully, it does not pose a poison arrow if any from their sharp corner towards this stack/unit.

T = Main entrance door is in full view of the lobby lift(s). There is a stigma attached to such a situation. Actually more to do with common sense. For example, if the main door is opened, those coming in and out of the lift would often get a glimpse of the unit - more of a privacy concern. But if one always close the main door most of the time, is not that of an issue. This is why 1/2 hour fire rated doors are provided for each unit. In the unlikely event of a fire breaks out at such a unit, it does not spill into the lift lobby area. In a future resale, some may have a harder time selling such a unit = due to this stigma.

U = No issue with morning sun.

V = Close proximity to future temple and/or temple view.

W = Majority masked with xxxx: Unit maxxx facing a long corridxxxxly, the corridor ixxxxxof a straight path at the "turn" of a lift. While for stacks Cxx and Cxx there is a "xxxxxx bend" that results xxxx the sha qi. For example, it isxxxxk #Cxx where this stack/unxxiew once one tuxxr getxxxne of the three lifts! Given that the uxxxxxe eastern-direction of the sea, this long corridor is not a xxxs it has vxxxxlent Shapes and fxxxg Shui.

===========END ============

Recent resource of temple and it's concern at HDB Melody Spring Yishun BTO

Extracts from the above link:

MS Temple.png

ms temple1.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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What HDB didn’t tell you about Punggol (and Pasir Gudang) by 99.co

With Singaporeans oversubscribing the Punggol HDB projects in the Aug 2018 BTO sales launch, it would seem that the two main concerns about living in the North-eastern tip of Singapore — namely the bad traffic conditions to the CBD and the air pollution from Pasir Gudang petrochemical complex across the Straits of Johor — have been put aside. In this article, we take an in-depth look at Pasir Gudang, to find out what we haven’t been told about the petrochemical hub. 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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This recently launched EC also has some write-ups of our pollution causing neighbour from our North... an industrial complex.... that has been in the news for the wrong reasons....

Hopefully, the white noise or pollution.. won't become a stigma for future.. resale .... value... 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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