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Case Study - Part. 1: Is it advisable to have a platform bed in a bedroom?

1. Some believe that standing on a raised platform or "stepping up" is considered auspicious when starting the day. This belief is rooted in the concept of:1C711649-5C8A-44E8-BC14-8D0A729A0C01.jpeg.f02780cae77bd0479553789e9fd186d6.jpeg

1.1 The phrase "to ascend with each step or step-by-step ascension" is the literal translation.

2. Conversely, it is accurate that we ascend to the platform bed when going to sleep. However, upon waking up, instead of ascending each morning, one must descend the platform.

3. Therefore, this argument is flawed! It is advisable to opt for a regular bed, as every time we wake up, we will indeed have to physically step down from the platform.

4. The primary rationale for choosing a platform bed is the limited size of a new condo or Ec.

4.1 Some designers have suggested a platform bed for its practicality. That is the extent of it.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study - Part 2: Common sense + the concept of “You stay there we don’t!”

1. I have encountered situations where I was summoned to a residence due to the recurring illnesses of the occupants.

2. On multiple occasions, I have observed a particular bedroom furnished with a platform bed.

3. During the initial investigation, the question arose: "Who utilizes this bedroom?"

3.1. The entire family sleeps in this bedroom featuring an elevated platform bed. However, due to the absence of a roof to shield the windows, we refrain from opening them to prevent water from damaging the platform.

3.2. Moreover, the family faces challenges in affording the operation of the air conditioning unit. Even with the fan running, the bedroom remains uncomfortably stuffy.

3.3. In this scenario, the platform bed emerges as a primary factor contributing to the health issues.

4. Hygiene: The condition of the platform and the resulting wear and tear.

4.1. Some experts argue that a bed supported by four legs is essential to allow Qi to circulate beneath it.

4.2. However, this concept can be more logically and sensibly explained.

4.3. A bed with four legs facilitates cleaning the floor space beneath it, as the wood of the platform bed may contract, creating gaps where debris can accumulate. In this case, cleaning underneath the bed becomes practically impossible.

4.4. Even with storage compartments beneath the bed, there are inaccessible areas. Avoid storing items like family photos or toys under the bed, and periodically inspect these items. It is advisable to wrap them to prevent dust mites.

5. A few years back, a young child accidentally spilled orange juice, causing it to seep towards the floor. Consequently, ants were attracted to the platform.

6. The platform bed may develop creaks and signs of wear and tear over time.

7. To be honest, I can identify more drawbacks than advantages of a platform bed. Consider the needs of the elderly as well. Do you understand the point I am trying to convey?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. It is simply logical reasoning! However, numerous individuals mistakenly associate it with Feng Shui.

2. It is basic common sense! Nevertheless, a lot of people mistakenly believe it is related to Feng Shui.


3. Is there anything else?
4. Do you have any other questions?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Morning Master Cecil, We considering to have platform bed with storage/drawers for kids rooms and bedframe with drawers for adults, is it ok, acceptable? Thanks

Reply: it is acceptable. however, if child is allegic to dusts and dust mites.. see whether can clean or not that's all

Got it. Main concern is cleaning. 



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee, for the platform bed inside my son room, I was wondering if is ok to have a build in underneath compartment inside the platform, does it affect anything in terms of Fengshui?


make sure that it can be "cleaned". As in the past, some spill juices.. ants..

Or bed bugs or dust mites..(allergic) that's all

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Is the Sales Brochure Useful?


Introduction: For brand new just launched developments, there is no physical site to visit the completed buildings and apartments. 

1. The only thing we can do is to visit the show room (which often is close-by to the site) as well as obtain a sales brochure and see the mock-up of the development. As well as try to ask questions from the sales agent (if any).

1.1. We must still try to gather as much information as we can.

2. Summary of Case Studies in this article.

If the information is overwhelming. Pick and choose selective articles...

1A & B: Common Rubbish Bin
2A & B: Interior unit Dry Walls
3: Fire at Heaven's Gate
4: Sha Qi or Poison Arrows from Club-house roof-lines
5: 3 Panel Sliding Doors at the Balcony
6: Drainage at the Balcony
7: Air-con Ledges
8: Mixed Developments + Cooling Towers
9: Termite infestations
10: Coffee-shop below or near to unit
11: Water tank at roof-top
12: Lamp Posts, Pillars, Tree Trunks
13: Spice Garden in an EC/condo
14: EC/condo Clubhouse
15A & B: Pneumatic Waste Collection System
16: Look closely at the development's scale model for clues
17: Buying a Mixed development apartment
18: Survey or study facilities surrounding the development
19: Pump Room below a unit
20: Seven Commandments of Stove Placement
21: Is there a potential poison arrow from the neighbours?
22: Should I be concerned with a near-by temple, church, mosque &/or elder care?
23: Is the compass marking on the Sales Brochure accurate?
24: Sites reserved for Schools?
25: Doors face each other? [Main Door/Bedrooms]
26: Unit numbers with 4, 44 or 444 Okay?

27: Stove or sink or WC at the Centre of the house?

3. It is always an excellent idea to spent some time to scrutinise a prospective sales brochure of our potential buy (purchase).

49651023_salesbrochureatreasuretrove.png.afca5f2b95a493eef57294c48a2b4858.png4. Recently, more and more clients have discovered to their shock (horror) that the least expected was the location of the central rubbish bin outside their unit.

5. A year ago; many had purchased a premium unit within the development .. and later shocked to learn that the central rubbish chute (for their entire floor) is just next to their main door!

6. Thus the morale of the story is to check first before signing on the dotted line.

7. In general, most developments have these:-

8.1. A central rubbish collection centre / rubbish bin collection point

8.2. Power Sub-station. Every development usually has one or more of these depending on the size of the development.

8.3. Design of club-house roof-lines / trellis / gazebo / pavilion. Are the designs a "threat" e.g. with spikes or like a razor's edge? Usually these are aimed towards lower storeys.

8.4. Any poison arrows in the form of a sharp corner of another block of neighbouring stack aimed towards one's balcony (hard to cure) or towards one's windows (if any)

8.5. Location of areas like BBQ pits and any impact e.g. the smell from these pits towards a unit.. especially low storeys such as #01  or #02 first or second storeys

8.6. Any tree trunk aimed towards a lower unit e.g. #01 or #02. Unfortunately it may be too late; especially if the development is under construction.

9. There are lots more considerations...  

9.1. Do remember "Read in-between" the lines..

TRILIVE reading between the lines.png



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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Can I put this kind of Queen bed in Master room? Due to lack of storage. I know that loft bed is not recommended but this is the lowest kind of storage bed I searched, to accommodate our clothes.

Previously around many years ago, a new client at The Bayshore called me down. And his skin was bitten badly. So we went into his master bedroom. And when he opened the drawers of the bed, the bed was infested with bed-bugs etc...

That development had like a 1,000 units and many with pet dogs. So most likely he might have caught it from them. 

Based on common sense... with four legs, can easy be cleaned and visible






In Summary

1. In the past, several years ago, a recent customer at The Bayshore summoned me for assistance. His skin had been severely bitten.

We proceeded to his main bedroom, where we discovered that the bed was infested with bed bugs when he opened the drawers, etc... That complex consisted of approximately 1,000 units, many of which housed pet dogs. It is highly probable that he contracted the infestation from them.

Using logic, a bed with four legs are easily identifiable and can be cleaned effectively.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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If got gap…

How do I lure a cockroach out from under the storage bed?

Prefer not to shift the storage bed or use Baygon spray as I’ve small fur babies.

Roach flew into the room at 3am. Tried to chase it out, but it scuttled under the storage bed. I believe it is still under the bed. Or might it crawl away during the day when everyone is out? 

There is no food / cooking in the house, so there’s no reason for it to stay.

Source & Credit: 



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to Is it possible to set up a platform bed in a bedroom?
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Geomancy.net is the oldest forum in


Our forum was hosted on a Third-party forum before 1997.

Messages from 1998 onwards are still accessible for reading.


Geomancy.net holds the title of being the world's oldest verifiable forum through the wayback machine.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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In today's housing market, numerous homeowners are turning to compact, shoebox-sized bedrooms and similar designs. Or In the current real estate landscape, a growing number of homeowners are opting for small, shoebox-sized bedrooms and similar designs.


For instance, certain individuals may opt for a single step leading up to the platform bed, while others may prefer having three or more steps to create additional "deeper" storage, resulting in more storage capacity.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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