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Part 2 - Case Study & the Key Considerations of P9 W2-3 facing home


1. WEST (Frontage)

1.1. One of the worst Flying Star Frontage in Period 9.

1.2. As a nasty Mountain Star #5 = misfortune/sickness is located at this West sector.

1.3. Since most blocks in a development has both a W2-3 facing. Equally most of the time, there should also be a E2-3 facing. If I were you, I would want to also look at the E2-3 chart. And compare a W2-3 against a E2-3 chart.

2. NW vs SW

2.1 If the frontage is West: usually either the living room or master bedroom is at NW or SW.

2.2. Given that NW has the #3 = Quarrels, conflicts and legal entanglements vs SW with an auspicious Mountain Star #1 = coming prosperity. 

2.3. It is strongly recommended that the Master bedroom be preferably located at SW = first choice. 

2.4. Assuming that there is no choice but get a layout with master bedroom at NW, then not the end of the world. Need to balance the bedroom at NW.

3. NE

3.1. The 2nd #5 = Misfortune/sickness is located at NE.

3.2. Ideally, best not to have a bedroom within this sector.


4.1. #2 = sickness is located at the centre-point. Best not to have open space at the centre-point of the unit.

4.2. Ideally, this should be a passageway to the bedrooms or a household shelter.


5.1. Best if the toilet(s), kitchen, yard  at any of these sectors.

5.2. Best to balance these sectors.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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