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Fernvale Acres @ Sengkang Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plans


Lease Commencement Date: Year 2021

Part 1: Introduction & Resources on Fernvale Acres

HDB's description of this site: Rustic Living, 4- and 5-room flats, Fernvale Acres  is bounded by Fernvale Lane and Yio Chu Kang Road. The development comprises 2 residential blocks that are 23-storey in height, and offers 330 units of 4- and 5-room flats.

Fernvale Acres is designed to reflect the plantations from the site's farming past, which is conveyed through the use of rustic colours, textures, and lush planting.

Please refer to the site plan for the facilities to be provided in Fernvale Acres. Facilities in this development will be opened to the public.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2: The area around HDB Fernvale Acres has an interesting past.

1. Jalan Kayu Road was the gateway towards Seletar East & West Camp. Whenever army vehicles past through this "yellow" stretch, one can start to have the distinctive smells of pig rearing. In the 1970's to 1980's Seletar Camp was host to : School of Combat Engineers, School of Driver Training. And School of Manpower Management = where I was trained as a reservist Chief Clerk under the G2 or S2 branch of the armed forces.


2. There was once a small HDB satellite town with only Four Blocks of low rise flats. Surprisingly, there was a market, a food court, Mcdonalds, the usual 4D outlet, an aquarium shop; Post Office, POSBank branch, UOB branch and lots of other sundry shops within this estate. 

2.1. Unfortunately around 2009, this estate was torn down and re-developed as The Greenwich. 

3. In PINK: Around 2001, the government gave the approval to re-name Jalan Woodbridge as Gerald Drive so that a new condo there could be sold by MCL land. Else, who wants to have an address as Block 100 Jalan Woodbridge ? In Singapore?

4. In the future, there is a plan to have a link road between Yio Chu Kang Road to Lorong Buangkok . This is a plus for residents living near-by. If so, Lorong Buangkok leads directly towards the start of entry into KPE leading towards the city.

5. The rich history of that area includes: Kampong Tongkang Pechah and Jalan Tongkang Pechah. Today, this village and Lorong all but disappeared. The reason for this name is in the past, old Tongkangs (wooden work/carrier boats) that were no longer usable were simply discarded at the tip of this river. Thus it's name.

6. Another interesting fact is that Singapore's last Kampong: Kampong Lorong Buangkok is for now still there = Off the cycling path. There is also a narrow concrete bridge as a marker towards the cycyling path.

7. Fernvale Acres is in the past considered as at the fringe of the Seletar Farmway land.

8. For those new to Sengkang: Blocks starting with 100 = Rivervale; 200 = Compassvale; 300 = Anchorvale. While Fernvale takes on (to some) the less appealing Block 400's. (The first three estates takes on a Maritime time. Hmm.. Fernvale? not much I guess.

9. No promises, according to one MRT visionary chart, it lists a "Neram" MRT station. And I am guessing that the only available plot of land is between what I had written in Blue to the upper stretch of Yio Chu Kang. My guess? Could be around the junction of Yio CHu Kang and Jalan Kayu. CAUTION: Please don't take my words on this. As anything can change OR I may be off the mark on this! CAVEAT EMPTOR! Thus I am not liable for any misinformation!  Your guess is as good as mine! Or none-at all!

10. If one has the time can read these links to understand where the ground zero of Woodbridge Hospital was in the past.

And also

11. This is 2018's street directory map of the area:


11.1 The Jalan Kayu Joint Temple (directly 12 O'clock high) beside Fernvale Lodge is not an issue.

11.2 According to the proposed blue print, stations are: Jalan Kayu, Neram and 7 0'clock below this map is Travistock. Thus in my opinion, the future Seletar MRT perhaps will not stray too far off from this Jalan Kayu / Yio Chu Kang junction. Perhaps, may be the station could be at Begonia Park. Which is less than 1Km from this site. Again, your guess is as good as mine!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Does the Drainage Reserve (DR) affect the Feng Shui of the development?

1. Yes, if the Drainage Reserve is open. But if the DR is totally covered, not a concern.


Above: Direct view of the (if open) drainage = Stacks 209, 2011, 227 & 229.
Indirect view = Stacks 207, 213 & 219

P.S. I am very familiar with this location. In fact, construction work has actively started on-site. And at present, don't seem to see an open Drainage. Hope that it remains covered like that of another recent launched site EastGlen @ Canberra site.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Common sense = Yio Chu Kang is a major road, expect traffic noise and stop-go bus noise. Thus either avoid purchasing a unit, here or often as high as 9th storey or above (if possible)

1. For those who prefer "peace and quite" inner stacks/units are preferred.


2. The 402B Block arrangement does little to help to ease the traffic noise as Stacks 227/229 together with stacks 223/225 helps to funnel noise towards the rear of these units including up to the main door of 219/221.


2.1 It looks more like a gramaphone's mouth where if sound can be "broadcast out"; the opposite is true that it can also instead funnel sound inwards.

2.2 It also kind of look like our EAR. Where sound or noise is collected and amplified within this central chamber. Luckily this is not Hitler's Germany. Else, the architect could have been strung by the thinnest piano wire... during that era. 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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