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My toilet is located in the east and the toilet door is facing my dining area..I have a small hallway/walkway between the toilet door and my dining area, which lead to the kitchen. My dining table is not in view of the toilet, dining table is facing my kitchen island table which is located in the east( next to the toilet).I have read somewhere that we can put a door curtain( is the curtain required to be from top to bottom or half curtain alright), plants ( any kind?does it have to be as tall as the door?)and a screen/room divider between the toilet door and dining area. Was wondering if the screen/room divider are required to be solid screen( solid wood/plastic panel, or am i allow to have a decorative wooden/plastic panel that has holes in it- i can see through the panel). Is there any other remedy i can do for my east based toilet? Greatly appreciate for your reply.Thank you.

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In my opinion, best to leave it as it is.

A curtain if not changed frequently can be a hive for bacteria growth.

Most likely may not be as bad as this. But ...

Simply close the toilet door when not in use is the most practical solution.

Some universities found that the most unsafe place in a home with kids is the toilet. Then followed by the kitchen.

Touchwood, as it was found that toddlers get into trouble in the toilet than anywhere else at home. Of course for those without kids at home.. can skip this thought.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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