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One Pearl Bank - formerly Pearl Bank Apartments - which was sold to CapitaLand will most likely be demolished

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onepearlbank.pngHi Mr Lee,

What are your thoughts on the fengshui of One Pearl Bank? I found the site plan in a google search. Any particular blocks have better feng shui compared to the rest?

Looking forward to your thoughts on this.

Thank you.


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Part 2: Wow! My eyes played a trick on me!

One-Pearl-Bank-Site-Plan-3.jpg.a7e45ec9488cbc2d27530a44fa0d733d.jpgOne-Pearl-Bank.thumb.jpg.68ce8fe089a26fb02f3dc98872d29f9b.jpg1. A quick glance at the above artist's sketch seems to give an illusion of a circular tower! (At most a slight oval curve).

2. But my eyes are so, so wrong! The tower block is nothing like circular nor exactly oval but rather some kind of an Alien's weapon much like Predator 2's slick hand held human body slicing or from the ancient India war chest... LOL 

3. What ever one calls this, for sure looking at the artists sketch all units within this development will be airy and even though Singapore does not always have gale force winds.. this shape can perhaps even withstand the dust storms on Mars!

3.1 The science of Votex Shedding for skyscrapers would certainly give One Pearl Bank a thumbs-UP!

4. In the past, when labour is cheaper; there are several buildings in Singapore that are curved, horse shoe shaped.

5. Singapore's one and only circular HDB tower block in Ang Mo Kio is a good example that in the 1970's - 1980's it can be both costly as well as more time and effort to build "circular" shaped homes.

5.1. No wonder HDB stopped building this design, ever.

5.2. Have yet to see the interior layout plans. Hopefully, it will not be as "painful" as that of the above HDB circular block at 259 Ang Mo Kio! Especially if the units are small and walls are? CURVED!

5.3. Hopefully, the curve of One Pearl Bank seems to be nothing like that of HDB Block 259 Ang Mo Kio's...72577146_HDB259AngMoKiocirculartowerflat.jpg.9ce19c0fa293cc83494722420e0f30e0.jpg1143654378_oneperalbankcaricature.png.87eba875723f611fa13a797d398f46c4.png

As mentioned earlier.. did not see the actual layout plan. But I suppose the curve of the outline is more like that of Blk 468A to 468D Sembawang....


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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546835970_twoarcs1.png.226f7e112727b48949391abb642712c5.pngPart 3: Shapes and Forms Feng Shui + mixed views 

1. The next views for me seems to signify two arcs! Yes, Two arcs!

2. Next, I began to imagine two diamonds (without the rings...yet)... where one of these rings are upside down.

3. The most obvious after drawing the pink and red outlines are two Fans... LOL

4. More importantly, the two concaves that of pink B and red A's stack walls seem to converge towards an imaginery TIP. And that these two halves uniquely does not seem to slice into each other... LOL

ONE PEARL BANK AWARD.png5. You may ask? What is your point?

6. Oops! Sorry... no point made. Just too much imaginations... coming from me... LOL... Don't read this if you don't want to .. YAWN! YAWN! 

7. BUT WAIT!...

7. Surprisingly, in my opinion this design makes for a pretty good Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.. meaning = "AIRY" "WIND CATCHING"... good Qi flow can be found for all units in this design. And in par with any single tower block flats.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Should I consider the afternoon sun for my purchase?

one peral bank and afternoon sun.png1. Many experienced buyers who had previously stayed in a home affected by afternoon sun often try to avoid staying in such a similar home.

west home.gif2. Common sense and race profiling

2.1. Frankly, this is not about racialism but more to do with science.

2.2. There were studies that found that races with darker skins are more resistent to skin cancer.

2.3. Thus Chinese with yellow skins [including my whole family], Malays, Indians with brown/chocolate skins are equally less likely to be affected by skin cancer i.e. exposed to afternoon sun more often than not.

West Group Sunburned(1).gif2.4. Of course, in theory one could easily use 99.99% UV films on the windows and/or don't open the windows at all...

2.5. Not sure about secondary issues.. like faster kena cataracts in the eyes or not? Or have children that need to be couped up in an afternoon sun room.. while we adults go enjoy an air-con work place. Or You are blessed with ... erh... Para 3. below? Then no sweat.. lah!

 3. Greenhouse effect

3. Houses affected by afternoon sun is more prone to heat built-up. Okay, I see! You are rich enough to turn on the air-con 24/7. Then apologies.. "afternoon sun-homes" are not a problem for you.

West Group Sunburned2.gif4. Can you imagine how I look like after 6 months staying there? LOL?

Luckily, none of the units have direct afternoon sun. But still ain't it bad enough? Why add salt to my wounds? Huh?

West Group Sunburned1(2).gifPapa: "Why our electricity bill so high?"

Mama: "Ask your two children, lah! Air-con, air-con 24/7"

Sons x 2: "Don't blame us... see people give you a chicken wing but take away the whole chicken... is true lah!"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Where is the common corridor rubbish bin located?

1. Some developments especially those built by CDL often has two common rubbish bins: common and recycle.

2. This development's common rubbish bin(s) is/are somewhere "out-there".

3. Before signing on the dotted line... check it's location, first.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: Should I be concerned with the stove sharing the same wall as a toilet?

417362660_COMMENTSTYPEC22BEDROOMS.thumb.png.7031e3f87313862a806711ff021590ea.png1. Frankly, it depends on whom one deals with.

2. Some Feng Shui Masters (FSMs) are ultra conservatives and scream "murder" at the sight of a stove sharing the same wall as a toilet.

3. While I suspect a majority including myself feel that although this is NOT PERFECT, it is nevertheless not a "FATAL error".

3.1. Given that this side of the toilet wall is often the walk-way and on occasions, only a hippo-type of person would spray and wet the entire bathing cubicle!

3.2 Therefore, the above is considered acceptable.

4. As expected, the bedrooms are not pure rectangular. But looking at it.. the shape of the windows and the layout.. the angles are not too acute.. thus suggests that even those off-the-shelf Ikea type of furnitures can do ... in the environment...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Pretty obvious from this layout plan the distinctive Odd Shape visible in the room profiles

1657143401_COMMENTSTYPEC32BEDROOMS.thumb.png.dfdc7a23460251b06f1a5687baef55a8.png1. Although some may not add a queen-sized bed, but the odd fit of such a bed in Bedroom 2 is obvious.

2. So is the fan-shape occurring especially in the living room, also.

3. The illustration showing the Dinning table location is ODD. But of course; a tiny dining table can easily be changed or squeezed towards A or B.

4. Master bed-head can see towards the master toilet WC. Frankly, this is not specific to this layout. Many other condos also do face this situation. The easiest "fix" is to close the toilet door when not in use.

5. Does this matter?

5.1. It is safe to apply this common sense approach:

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8: Is the infamous mortuary at HSA / SGH Block 9 a concerned for buyers of One Pearl Bank?


(I taken this photo before HSA took over Block 9 SGH Mortuary)

infamous block 9 SGH Mortuary.png1. The Mortuary @ HSA is aligned in a NE / SW direction. In general, NE is considered as the devil's gate (NE) and SW is the devil's backdoor.

2. Even under the Indian Vastu principles, often it is ideal not to have one's Pooja / altar in a NE-SW and vice-versa direction. 

3. Generally no issue for MOST PEOPLE. As most humans have sufficient aura or (qi force - some kind of a qi-field). Only the down trodden and often those staying lower floors may have a concern.

3.1. Why lower floors? Those "things" are like humans... as it takes much effort to "fly" towards especially 15 and higher floors...

4. Do avoid hanging a wind chime or wind chimes especially those solid rod types... at One Pearl Bank. LOL

4.1 Reference resource: [Includes a photo of the SGH Mortuary.. before it became HSA ....

4.2 Although One Pearl Bank is not close to a temple, however, this development's resource on the existence of Devil's gate at NE and backdoor SW is an interesting read...

Please scroll down to Part 6 - ..... 

Extract of Part 6:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 9: In my opinion, because of the distance between the two con-joint towers, no major bottle-neck sha qi to be concerned of.

1. On occasions, there may be more air-turbulance around the balcony area of stack 19 and frontage of stack 20.

1.1. Otherwise, no exceptional "bottle-neck" concerns.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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** General Knowledge: How to know if the WC is mounted onto a wall or seated on the toilet floor?" **

For wall mounted WCs there is always a water reservoir as shown highlighted in YELLOW.


Note: Below. This is just a sample + based on my past experience. Frankly, have not seen the specifications nor artist illustration of the toilet. Thus please don't rely on my assumptions. Always confirm with your respective Agent on such matters if not sure...



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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831232888_Concentrationoftoiletsandgoodshapesandforms.png.6a64ced34414a79bcae352916551bfdc.pngPart 10: If architects were to be graded, this Type C4 2 Bedroom layout plan gets an A+ grade!

1. Let's not look beyond the "fan" shaped layout plan.

2. Overall, the architect did a fairly good job in the concentration of the two Baths 1 and 2 back-to-back and at one corner of the unit.

3. Plus all the living quarters such as the living room + bedrooms 1 and 2 on one side (frontage) side of the home:


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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** Interlude: Authentic Feng Shui is a pure science + lots of common sense! **


"When the buying STOPS! The selling CAN!"

Let us expose these Fake commercial sellers in the name of Feng Shui!

It's a pity.. some started clean but today.... sells all sorts of rubbish!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 11: Flying Star Feng Shui and determining the birth-chart of a home 339963350_Happybirthday.png.b29dbe282922ce1bb2b975491b4b8da0.png

"Humans have our birthdays. Do you know that a block of flats also has a birthday?"

1. The developer's resources says: "The estimated completion date is 31 December 2023".

2. Currently, it is still premature to say for sure the actual completion of this development.

40263260_flyingstarchartPeriod8or9.gif.0274378c4a7724921b4a59d7bd9e01bd.gif3. From past experiences, most developments often obtain T.O.P. approximately 3 to even 9 months from this estimated date.

4. However, in some cases or unforseen circumstances, this One Pearl Bank development may even be completed in January or after the Chnese New Year of 2024.

5. Roughly, at this moment, given this stated estimation, technically, this develop belongs to Period 8 Flying Star Feng Shui.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 12: What is enjoying virtual water?

1. A useful feature of a unit facing a pool is that nothing can be built on-top of the pool. Thus providing clear-space.

2. Virtual water shares the same concept and acts as well as a pool of water in most instances.

3. When I looks out of the living room and sees birds flying freely around.. this is a representation of virtual water position or clear views.

4. Thus although a water position is often good. 

5. Virtual water is the next best thing to real water...

6. Artists impression of One Pearl Bank .... and if one can see a flock of birds flying freely towards it's roof top...

enjoy virtual water.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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4 minutes ago, Brissybee said:

Attaching the refuse chute location circled in red. Bin center is marked As T1 under Tower 4. 


Thanks very much for sharing this with us. 

Good news for MANY. Erh.. not that great for 6 stacks ... if we future zoom in 4 "unlucky" stacks... LOL 

Looks like only three stacks per tower are the closest to the bins.

Anyway... already 80+ percent sold... don't let those who bought especially beside the bins.. see this! LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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My aunt is considering Stack 6 or Stack 15. Based on the principle that it should be further from the refuse chute as possible, I guess Stack 15 would be the better choice ?

80% sold reported is out of 200 units only...it translates to approximately 20% sold out of the total 774 units for the entire development. 

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