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HDB Fernvale Vines BTO launched in February 2019 + an in-depth understanding on main doors facing each other inauspicious? True or False? By understanding this, we can apply elsewhere

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Estimated Completion date is Year 2023.


90E712F3-2028-491C-A97C-501251A81977.jpegEstimated TOP.png

Based on the above Estimated Completion Date, under Flying Stars Feng Shui; this development would have been completed under Period 8.

But when we prepare an individual Feng Shui Chart, will certainly discuss especially the wealth luck also from 2024 onwards, due to a change of Qi.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 1: Common Rubbish Bins (Two: Common and recycle bins each)


1. The planners did a good job in placing the common rubbish bins centrally away from all units within each block.

1.1. Thus unlike the HDB Boon Lay Glade (same Februay 2019 BTO launch); this development does not have stacks/unit's main door facing the common bins nor very near-by to it. 

2. However, if one intends to buy low floor units of 2 or 3rd storeys may (if at home when the rubbish truck arrives could get a whiff of the smell coming from rubbish trucks reversing towards the collection point that's all:-

500, 516, 518, 536, 534, 538, 552, 554, 570, 572, 568, 594, 584, 582

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2: Staggered block/stack layout can result in potential sharp corners (poison arrows)

1. How do I know if my unit is affected by a poison arrow?FERNVALE VINES AND POISON ARROWS.png

1.1. From the site plan, one can only roughly estimate the probability of a potential poison arrow.

1.2. What is more important is that if the sharp corner is not aimed towards an opening such as a window then it is a non-issue. 

2. Above. For Block 466B stack 502 between storeys 1 to 7 = can be affected by the sharp corner of the MSCP aimed towards perhaps a bedroom opening.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Fernvale Vines and the two Precinct Pavilions (PPs)

FERNVALE VINES AND PRECINCT PAVILION.png1. Your checklist for purchase of a unit at Fernvale Vines should include the consideration of low level flats that has a view into one of the two PPs in this development.

2. Low floor stacks close-by to the PPs should also be taken note of. As sometimes, religious prayers and ceremonies are performed at these PPs.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Electrical Sub-Station (ESS)

FERNVALE VINES AND ESS.png1. The planners of this development has done an acceptable job to incorporate the ESS together with the 2-storey Elderly Facility with roof garden access.

2. This ESS is quite a distance away from the nearest stacks: 506, 508, 510 and 512. Thus overall for the majority of stacks/units in Fernvale Vines.. can be considered  a non-issue.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Sites reserved for Schools


1. Above: Directly south of Fernvale Vines plot of land, is a site reserved for a school.

2. Below: While to the north of this site is another site reserved for another school.


3. Should I be concerned?

3.1. Yes, if one's unit directly faces a construction site especially since blocks 464A and 464B south facing stacks are next door neighbours to this reserved site.

3.2. Noise pollution and dusts throughout the construction of the school(s). Often this lasts 2 to 2 1/2 years or more.

3.3. Luckily not many, but there are a group of Feng Shui practitioners and even common persons who felt that staying facing a school is not ideal.

3.3.1 Their main concern is that after school hours, there is no activity within the compound of a school. If so, in the evenings.. they consider a school as having a YIN environment.

3.3.2 Technically speaking this is true. But, generally, the morning and afternoon activities of so many young persons is like a burst of Yang Qi during the daylight hours.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: In the early 1980's, Fernvale Vines site has a road: Seletar East Farmway splitting the site running North to South cutting this site in-half:-


1. Then Seletar East Farmway land was for agriculture, pig rearing and poultry land.

2. Between 1978 to 1980's, I had to attend: Clerk Class II, Clerk Class I, NCO II and NCO I at School of Manpower, Seletar West Camp and we had to travel past Jalan Kayu. And once we reached Yio Chu Kang leading towards Jalan Kayu road, the distinctive smell of pig farming permeates through our army vehicles.

3. In some of the past forum postings I had also posted the cleared land at and around Fernvale Vines. By then the LRT was completed. The photos are somewhere within this forum....

4. This is the 1966 map of the area:-1802694267_Historicalmapof1966.thumb.jpeg.f4d6b330ed3ee7e58cfce2f532d91fa9.jpeg

4.1. Fernvale Vines once sit on Lorong Kechapi and fringe of Lorong Chengai. Of course, these roads are no longer around.

4.2. Did you manage to see a former market? Yes, a market. It is to the West of Fernvale Vines / Parc Botannia!

4.3. This area has quite a rich history. Given that it is South of the former British Seletar Camp. 



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Is there frequent aircraft/helicopter noise since Fernvale Vines is so close to the Seletar Airport?


1. One consolation is that many parts of Singapore have aircraft fly past. Some clients have feedback from Punggol, Tengah and even East Coast.

2. For now around Paya Lebar area... but when the airbase is moved to Tengah... this is history.

3. Currently in my opinion, most flights to Seletar come from the sea. But recently, Malaysia was making noise about unable to maximise the height of some buildings close to Seletar due to hight restrictions... Hopefully, planes don't start coming inland... that often...

4. Question: So how huh? Your guess is as good as anyone else!

4.1. Check around, the web, friends etc.. any such issues around Sengkang West = Fernvale area?

** Please don't look at me for the answer! ** LOL


Five years later after eligible for re-sale:

Your agent: "This location very good you know! South of the Aviation Hub! Rolls Royce is just a few kilo-metres away!

Potential buyer: "But... I work in the city leah! How huh? And nowadays the LRT trains are so packed!"

Your agent: "You can always rent out the place!"

Potential buyer: "IF so, I don't have anywhere else to stay!!"

Your agent: " Okay, NEXT! (this fella is out)" Not my potential buyer at this area. LOL!

fly over fernvale vines1.png

Hey! What is the problem chaps! We at Punggol are most affected! As Fernvale Vines is too far in .... the planes fly more frequently closer to the coast... LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8: A total of six 2-room Flexi (Type 2) main entrance door has a view of one of the common bins. From my past experience, the outermost 2nd bins are most likely the recycle bins:-

Stacks 506, 508, 526, 528, 560 & 562:-


Frankly not serious but can be a stigma especially if either relatives, friends and even later outsiders who have a interest in the future to purchase a unit at Fernvale Vines.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hello Master, thanks for sharing your analysis of this BTO project.

Upon studying the resources, I noticed:

  1. There are stacks with front doors either facing the staircase or are located next to the staircase;
  2. Some stacks have their front doors directly facing their neighbours' front doors, such as 584 and 586, 580 and 582 as well as 530 and 532, among others.

What are the fengshui considerations when selecting stacks with these features? Are there any cause for concerns?

Also, re #2, I've heard this could lead to quarrels between the two affected families, is this true?


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On 2/25/2019 at 12:38 PM, invalid address said:

Hello Master, thanks for sharing your analysis of this BTO project.

Upon studying the resources, I noticed:

  1. There are stacks with front doors either facing the staircase or are located next to the staircase;
  2. Some stacks have their front doors directly facing their neighbours' front doors, such as 584 and 586, 580 and 582 as well as 530 and 532, among others.

What are the fengshui considerations when selecting stacks with these features? Are there any cause for concerns?

Also, re #2, I've heard this could lead to quarrels between the two affected families, is this true?


1. Frankly, in my opinion, #2 is based more on common sense or symbolism. This is the reason:-

1.1. In fact, many, many Condos and EC developments have this situtation.

Can one see the similarity of this with a main door facing another neighbour's door. Here, there is more likely some interaction vs another neighbour's door that does not face your unit. Primarily this is based on pure common sense:-


1.2. In this example: it is a bedroom door facing another bedroom door.

There are a few cures used by various Feng Shui Masters (FSMs). This is one of them... which consider this to be more practical and less inconspicuous... wait till you see some of the other recommendations by other FSMs.. LOL

1.3. Some other common sense reasons:There


1.3.1 Often if both neighbours leave their doors opened, if a neighbour's unit is pretty noisy, it can be quite irritation if equally you like leaving the door opened especially since this makes the unit breezy. But because of such "noise pollution"; one may thus have no choice but to close the door. Such as one has a baby .. etc... 

This link shows another technique of a protective curb place at the main door. But this is only possible for older generation HDB flats that are not wheel chair friendly 

1.3.2 Sometimes the neighbour may encroach into "your common corridor" eg. extra large shoe cabinet(s) and or placing plants and/or hoarding items. Such items are such an eye-sore and irritation especially if you are the "neat and tidy" type.

1.3.3 Some neighbours threw their shoes and sandals all over and even spill over to your unit.

1.4 Sometimes, alternatively, it could be your neighbour got irritated with you and/or family members leading to bad blood spilling over each other....


2. You wrote:  "There are stacks with front doors either facing the staircase or are located next to the staircase;"

2.1. I have some resources where the main entrance (front doors) of units directly facing a staircase. Especially older generation HDB flats. Use Search feature for e.g. "Main door facing stairs". I have added a link to some of these resources = see below...

2.2. Under symbolism in Feng Shui, it is considered inauspicious for a main entrance to face a staircase that goes down to a lower floor. It symbolises wealth flowing downwards.

2.3. Frankly for new generation HDB flats such as Fernvale Vines; the good news is that "legally" all staircases must have at least half-hour rated fire doors. Plus all staircase doors must be CLOSED AT ALL TIMES! [This comes under: both common sense and SDCF Fire Safety code]

2.3.1. This has to do with common sense! If higher floor occupants need to evacuate.. such exit doors MUST BE able to CLOSE after people enter the stairs =  are to prevent any smoke or fire going into the stairwell!

3. For the last reason under Para 2.3. If the stair-case door is always closed; then the concern you mentioned does not apply. But if someone keeps on leaving the door opened.. then this can be reported and in the end, the final verdict is that one can win the case - if so.

3.1 If one does a search in this forum can view several resouces on this subject. One of which is similar to this case:

4. Thank one's luck star that the Fernvale Vines is the newer generation flats else for older block designs..may have to resort to the.... 

5. Don't want to place convex ba gua mirror? Possible?... 

Morale of this information: Please note that majority of Feng Shui considerations are based simply on pure common sense! 

Thus each time when I approach any subjected matter, I will always ask myself this: "Has common sense have to do with this?"

You will be surprised! That not everything has its origin from/in Feng Shui!

For example, my toes keep on laughing whenever I find the reasoning that one's bed should have four legs. And the explanation was: " To allow good qi to flow below the bed!" 

If you do come across a Feng Shui Master that says this.. please ignore the person like the plaque! 

Frankly, it has to do purely with common sense.

With four legs, the area below the bed can easily be cleaned. (Dusty, dust mites etc.. ) 

If too lazy, one can even sent in a robot to clean that area!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Note: This is purely fiction. Neither have I evaluated the pricing of each of the BTO


Part 9: Is price a Feng Shui consideration?

Daddy and mummy how come not Towner Crest?

Daddy: Dear darling, you are still young to know that for certain locations especially mature estates and locations close-by or next to MRT stations, these flats are often sold at a premium!

And unfortunately, I cannot afford these flats. Another reality check is: you know, your mum was retrenched and her job was stolen. Your daddy, also does not have an iron rice bowl.

Daddy: In recent years, we had a wake-up call when the Minister of National Development announced that HDB flats have zero value when the lease is up.

Daddy: So sorry; I know; nowadays Sengkang WEST LRT even with it's two trains is packed like sardines during peak-periods! 

Daddy: By the time we move-in; I will train your body to endure the potential squeeze in the trains. And prevent molestations. Or like some others.. hopefully.. the alternative is via bus.good girl wants Towner Crest.png

Daddy:  Anyway, I got car what! I can be your Driver! Right! Darling baby!

Sweet daughter: Daddy, by the time you collect your keys.. your car is already due for scrap! And you told me that by then you are forced to go without car! Remember!

Sweet daughter: Nevermind... you are still my daddy and I love both of you very much!

P.S. For condos and ECs units facing real water is often sold by the developer at higher premiums. Coincidentally, this perhaps coincide with the idea under Feng Shui that a home facing a pool of water is preferred.


Note: This is purely fiction. Neither have I evaluated the pricing of each of the BTO. BTW, Feng Shui does not look at the price!

Yes! Please call this FAKE NEWS! Not REAL!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 9: I always thought HDB's Sales Brochures are very thorough and very detailed and careful. Or rather a tad kiasu especially with their advice. But I was wrong, this time...round...

HDB forgot to add this line in RED:-


Hey! HDB, you forgot this... "Applicants are also encouraged to try out Sengkang West LRT before booking a flat." [Implied clue = During peak-hours to really get a feel]

Since you want to be kiasu.. be more detailed, lah! LOL

In addition. If HDB portrays or adopt a more "KIASEE" approach should also include:  "Applicants are also encouraged to try out Sengkang West LRT & the Circle line before booking a flat during peak-hours."

Why Circle line? For some, this is one of their life-lines... Got it? Get it? Another LOL, here.

Hey! You failed to mentioned about the NE line? Are there any secrets?

Many residents at Sengkang and even Buangkok learned the “trick, here”. Take the opposite train to Punggol, seated, and onwards to their journeys! LOL

This is what had happened at Pasir Ris, Tampines and even Simei! Got it?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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4 hours ago, Adrian86 said:

Hi Sir,

would like to check stack 588 and 578, understand that 588 got poison arrow, any ways to counter this?

for stack 578, is there any possible poison arrow from existing HDB flat?


Actually the review mentioned that it may be a potential poison arrow and not 100% confirmed case.

The only way is to be physically present within the unit to confirm whether it is threat or not.

It is only a threat if it is aimed towards an opening such as an open window.

I have mentioned the cure (if any) on the topic of poison arrow.

You also wrote: for stack 578, is there any possible poison arrow from existing HDB flat?


Please note that this is a new development and if stack 578 faces common green; most likely the only fear is that for lower floors  - if there are tall trees with mature tree trucks aimed towards an open window into that unit.

More likely, this stack’s corner is more of a threat to the existing HDB Block than neighbouring Block 468C is a threat to it.

Good news is that such trees (if any) takes many years to mature or grow to 4th storey or more.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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