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The Florence Residences 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97 Hougang Avenue 2 by Florence Development Pte LTD (Logan Property) - Which units are lucky today? Which have health concerns?

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The Florence Residences by Logan is a 99 leasehold property. (Formerly en bloc site = Florence Regency)

Consists of 9 blocks, 18 storeys high with 1,410 units.

Expected TOP is within Period 8 at 31 March 2023.

Florence Residence will have 128 Facilities and 12 Clubs “Club-Condo” living concept:

  • Arrival Club
  • The Clubhouse
  • Island Club
  • Wellness Club
  • Hydrotherapy Club
  • Gourmet Club
  • Kid’s Play Club
  • Kid’s Aqua Club
  • Youth & Fitness Club
  • Tranquility Club
  • Passion Club
  • Garden Club


Bookings started...3/3/2019




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 1: This 1966 map shows that the overall outline of The Florence Residences virtually stays much the same: a virgin plot of land.

407564816_onemapTheFlorenceRes.png.0a2bf948481810160df2d7c43c019328.pngThe private Florence Road estate also remains intact. The main difference today is a road Hougang Ave 2 running horizontally above The Florence Residences (formerly Florence Regency privatised HUDC).

Good news is that unlike the near-by Simon Road (former market) at Kovan. This piece of land was not a market nor any cemetery. 

Once upon a time, the main arterial road was just Upper Serangoon Road = a straight road that leads down towards the city area.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 2/28/2019 at 4:21 PM, jojo26 said:


any advice if this is a good location?

Any recommendation on which units are the better ones?


Thank you

Guidelines on type of reviews can be found under this link:-

You wrote: "Any recommendation on which units are the better ones?"

Sorry, I also have clients looking at specific bedroom types and rankings. Thus Hope you understand, my priorities are to them, first.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2: Common Rubbish Bin(s) at the Common lobby area

1. As each unit does not have an individual rubbish bin; in my opinion, one of the key considerations is to get the Agent assigned to you to get a copy of the specific Block's storey plan. 

1.1. Don't just take the Agent's word for it! As by the time one place a deposit for the Option to purchase, too late.. if it really materialises that one's potential unit is directly beside a bin or the main door directly faces it.

1.2. What happens if the Agent refuses or claims that he is unable to obtain it. Or that it is "SECRET".

1.3. If this Agent refuses, the next visit, get served by another agent. Nowadays, many developers farm out the Sales to various Agency. You might consider going to another Agency. Seriously, there is no sympathy or empathy.. for such a major purchase. 

1.4. Fortunately, I have yet come across a client telling me that the reason why they could not obtain the layout is due to "SECRECY". This sounds familiar doesn't it. LOL-:) 


1.5 Looking at the Block layout, this reminds one of Jadescape at Sin Ming. Where roughly each block shares (roughly) the same lobby layout pattern. But don't rely on my words. It may be "Fake news!"

2. In last year's launches, my clients had no problems obtain a copy of the respective floor level plans for each of these blocks. Don't be shy. Go get it!

3. Alternatively, if one finds this a hassle, then go ahead, take your personal risks (if any). Don't later become a cry-baby! LOL!

4. This is a compilation of the most common considerations prior to signing on the dotted line...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Some websites associated with this development shouts : "All units are of North-South orientation!"

1. In broad terms, yes all blocks n this development is ROUGHLY in a North to South or vice-versa direction. 

345529032_TheFlorenceResidencessiteplanmoreNEorSW.png.de93941a7a0cce3b22cd1996c859e265.png2. However, five blocks mostly the left-half may be more of a NE or SW facing directions. (Currently using eye-ball method only. Not proper use of protractor readings, yet).

3. I cannot help but notice the rough resemblance of this new development's site plan with that of the existing en bloc privatised HUDC Florence Regency's block profiles. Thus in general it is a case of "copy cat" or since the current design looks good, why change it! LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Entry/Exit & The Main Entrance 

1607001503_TheFlorenceResidencesENTRY-EXIT.png.ee63ffa41a94965139cb7a4242da427e.png1. Although this is not a main concern for most purchasers; however, First Impressions do count especially for someone visiting the development for the very first time.

2. It is very unusual to place the main entrance exactly at a (major) traffic light junction.

3. While the Yellow, Red and Green arrows makes sense, however, I am puzzled with both X (Purple) and Y (Blue) arrows. (Note: the arrows are just my assumptions. They may not be what it is in actual life)

4. Anyway, as this is not exactly Feng Shui, let's leave it as that. 

5. Below: The RED and GREEN arrows definitely are (insane) and  not the case. This can case tailgating rear-end accidents. As it is really dangerous. Given also that there are the two slip roads at A and B already. 


659781982_TheFlorenceResidencesbincentre.png.bab51b818b06d4a9e782ac10274e41fe.png6. Good that the bin centre is isolated at the NE sector of the development. Thus Block 81 stacks #03 and #04 are the closest to the bin centre and ancillary buildings. The other Block 83 stack 15 higher floors has a view of this area... 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Understanding the Flow of Qi in this development

592562344_SINGAPOREMAPHIGHANDLOWPRESSUREZONES.thumb.png.22acf8f53fc428a8aaf5840d50819b10.png1. In this location, windows flowing from North to South and South to North (depending on the high and low pressure zones is more prevalent than windows moving from East to West and West to East and vice versa.

Below: Depending on the time of day, in Hougang area, wind-flow is affected by high-low pressure zones. And thus wind flow is more prevalent with a North to South or South to North direction:-

1.1. The main reason for a greater influence from N-S and S-N is because for very much part, this development is closer to the South (East-Coast / Batam Sea). Thus, very much like Marine Parade = high and low pressure zones are more prevalent with sea-land and land-sea situations. 


2. In my opinion, one good thing about individual tower/point blocks + sufficient gaps between all blocks from each other; overall, this development's flow of qi seems "balanced'.

2.1. No matter how, tower/point blocks, so long as there is some gap between each block is definitely much better than blocks that "snake" or joint together.

3. With the exception of Blocks 89 especially stack #41 with Block 87 and #30. These two stacks in particular can either have exceptional Feng Shui luck and at times with strong winds, can also face both health and wealth issues. Thus for these two stacks; one can say that "LUCK" is under the mercy of the weather/wind conditions:


4. To me, I visualise the above drawing similar to the human anatomy i.e. is the human "skeleton" around the lungs region. Do you agree?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: Every development is influenced by the Bell Curve: There are always a range of Excellent and Good Stacks/units..towards average, poor or last resort...Oops... 


Part 6: Concept of the bell curve. Does it apply to The Florence Residences?

bell_curve_png_913e53bcdf0b521423431be45c8c3ac8.png1. Remember our school days? Let's say we are in a class with 30 students.

The Bell Curve.png1.1. At the end of every year: we either find ourselves graded into:
Top Students 1 to 5 places
Above Average = 6 to 12
Fair = 13 to 25
Failures = 26 to 30

2. Thus whenever a class is graded; the grading falls usually in a bell curve.

3. Same here. Every development has it's Excellent to Poor units.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Flying Stars Feng Shui of Blocks 81, 83, 85 & 87

1. Stacks/units in the 4 blocks either facing N2 or S2.

2. In theory, these blocks are more suited to an East Group person. However, one would need to consider many other factors and look at the individual unit in a holistic way.


3. For S2 stacks, usually the kitchen falls either under NE or NW sector.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8: Part 8: Fire @ Heaven's Gate and The Florence Residences

1. Do a search in this forum for " Fire at Heaven's Gate ".

2. Generally, a kitchen especially if a stove is directly at the NW cardinal point will be inauspicious for the male-head of the house. Typically this can affect him.

3. This is because NW under the Ba Gua Trigram belongs to the Heaven (sign). And NW also represents the male-head elder of the house.

4. Thus in simple terms: turning on a stove at NW will burn one's Heaven luck = not lucky and also may affect the male-head elder's career.

5. In this example of Block 81 stack 04  partially has the kitchen at NW sector:-


6. It is thus not difficult to visualise South facing stacks and try to locate stacks with kitchen at NW sector. Especially Flying Stars S2 facing ones.

7. Does Fire at Heaven's Gate affects everybody?

Check out this link

Extract from the above link:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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R.I.P.  Fatal Accident at Florence Residence worksite 

On 17 September 2019, a 25-year-old construction worker from Bangadesh (belonging to a sub-contractor Dsoon Engineering - working for Tiong Aik Construction) was killed after a steel plate feel on him while he was working at The Florence Residence worksite in Hougang Avenue 2.

Workers were using an excavator to lift the steel plate in an attempt to rescue the worker.

The Ministry of Manpower issued an order to stop the use and movement of heavy machinery at the work site following the incident. Investigations going on...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Progress seems not only slow... sales so far as at time of writing 10 December 2019... is equally slow... only around 40% sold, how huh?

1108508867_theflorence40percentsold.png.2d1b655d1ecd16a343695c6c3d64d8e0.pngLady Sales Agent (LSA): "Lelong what?"

Developer: ""Lelong, lelong YOU, lah!"

LSA: "How come when I was at the Afinity, they also say "Lelong, me? Huh?"

Go look at Parc Esta, sold around the same time... already up, up and away.. LOL



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Question: Can you give an example of what is truly unique about thus development?

Frankly, thus has to be it!...

Truly one of a kind in SGP... 

Logically this is still a traffic junction and standard Highway Code applies.

Fortunately the PMDs are today banned on the pedestrian crossings and roads.

Less likely now of such potential causing accidents!

Thus who says potential accidents cannot be prevented!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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