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Marriage Unhappiness - Sink & Stove face each other

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My husband and I have enjoyed 90% marital bliss & harmony wherever we have lived until we bought this home, we currently live in, almost 4 years ago. We've never argued about love, money or anything really.
I am convinced our unhappiness is due to the layout of our kitchen. For the first time ever, our sink, with window looking East, directly faces our stove on the opposite side of the kitchen. To top it off, our fridge is situated to the right of the stove, with about 1 & 1/2 foot blue countertop in between. Last year, I placed a small plant beside each element. We still are not happy.
Fortunately, in the future, we both have agreed, to have the kitchen rearranged.
In the meantime:
#1 - What can I do to bring happiness into our relationship?
#2 - What is a good layout for a kitchen, as to placement of stove, sink, fridge.
With sincere thanks

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Dear PB,
Although a kitchen has some influence over the house, the more scientific method is the use of the Flying Star Theory to check whether there are any imbalances in the house.
I believe, the above is a more `fruitful' excerise. Additional analysis could include the Pillars of Destiny to analyse both parties and compare both parties and find out the binding element for both parties.
It would be a better option then just simply looking at the kitchen itself.
The above is my opinion.
I will try to give more tips on the kitchen as soon as I can. You can find some of the `answers' on this, I believe by doing a search under this forum (Free Advice forum).
Warmest Regards

On 1/17/00 12:11:39 AM, Anonymous wrote:
My husband and I have enjoyed
90% marital bliss & harmony
wherever we have lived until
we bought this home, we
currently live in, almost 4
years ago. We've never argued
about love, money or anything
I am convinced our unhappiness
is due to the layout of our
kitchen. For the first time
ever, our sink, with window
looking East, directly faces
our stove on the opposite side
of the kitchen. To top it
off, our fridge is situated to
the right of the stove, with
about 1 & 1/2 foot blue
countertop in between. Last
year, I placed a small plant
beside each element. We still
are not happy.
Fortunately, in the future, we
both have agreed, to have the
kitchen rearranged.
In the meantime:
#1 - What can I do to bring
happiness into our
#2 - What is a good layout for
a kitchen, as to placement of
stove, sink, fridge.
With sincere thanks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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