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The Gazania, 5 How Sun Drive (Former Sun Rosier) by SingHaiYi - Which units are the most unlucky, today?

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2126908628_CommentsBlock5stacks01and02.thumb.png.1dd7daca531ae8ec4e2074fe93505bee.pngPart 2A: Under Shapes and forms Feng Shui, the worst stack is that of Block 5 stack #02

1. The frontage of stack #02 including 90 percent of the living room balconyfaces the side of Block 7 stack #11 at such a close proximity.

2. In addition, the bottle-neck at stacks #02 as shown by a red "X" marking means that during strong windy days, it can affect both health and wealth of the occupants living in stack #02.

3. The master bedroom windows of stack #02 virtually faces the yard or is overlooking into the yard of stack #11 and also even that of stack #12.

1349568537_thegazaniastack01comments.thumb.png.164956f74de0aade01e85838520642c2.png4. For stack #01, from this photo, the entrance and stack #01 is quite a distance away.

4.1. Commonsense still says that it is best to  purchase at least the 3rd storey or better the 4th storey or higher to avoid the drop-off and often vehicles may have their engines still turned on at this area.

Part 2B: Poor Shapes and forms of Block 17 stacks 37, 38, 39 & 40 are as equally unfavourable as Block 5's stack 02:-


1. Block 17 stacks #37, #38, #39 & #40 equally also faces the side of Block 19 stacks #49 and #59.

2. Equally, there is a bottle-neck at the frontages of stacks #37, #38, #39 & #40. In windy conditions, can affect health and weath of the occupants.

3. Purple arrows shows another form of poison arrow aimed towards either stack #37, #39 and #40.

4. Common sense also says that these stacks look into the yard area of stacks #49 and #50. Where often brooms mobs, air-con compressor, kitchen/ washing machine / clothes may be hung.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Many experienced occupants of homes would certainly appreciate the overhanging reinforced (RC) roofs.

1. The red outline shows the extended roof-lines. Not perfect, could have been wider.. but nevertheless a god send especially for higher units .. where often, the occupants could still leave their windows slightly opened even during rainy days.

2. Such finer touches should be appreciated provided that especially the pigeon population (if any) within that area has been culled. Else, it can be a nightmare of the dried up bird-shit...  

Below: the yellow hightlights with the red lines shows the yellow areas may have some rain protection especially during light rainfalls (without much windy conditions)...

RC Roof blessing in disguise.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1227065379_Commentspotentialpoisonarrowsatthegazania.thumb.png.ad849402746f3c96032985b99e58fabf.pngPart 4: Potential poison arrow as represented by the red arrows from sharp corner of neighbouring blocks

1. How can I confirm if these are poison arrow(s)?

1834406316_Surveyingthesurroundingsandsite.thumb.png.fea4807aae10e138f709a0da0e8fc40a.png2. The only sure way is to literally stand inside the unit looking outwards.

3. But the development has yet to T.O.P. How is this possible? Got to wait till T.O.P. to confirm. If not, try to avoid purchasing such a unit or do cross one's fingers, first. 




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: 4-Bedroom Type D6A & common toilets = Good and bad news.. Good news, first?

1. It is not easy for an architect/planner to be able to locate toilets centrally.

2. Thus they did a fairly good job to consolidate three common toilets: Yellow / Green / Purple into one core area. Thus minimizing the number of sewerage pipes / drainage within the interior layout.

3. Already good as given that there is no choice that the master bedroom has an on suite toilet. As the master bedroom is at another corner of the unit.

The not so good news....

4. However, the trade-off = bad Feng Shui of this layout design is that it is unfortunate that a toilet is in the middle of the unit.. LOL


5. How do I cure this?

5.1 In realistic Feng Shui, often one since "leak" such as this will not bring the Feng Shui down totally. 

5.2 Often three or more major leaks can. In Feng Shui, the practise is to....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: Reading between the lines of Sales Brochure

1. One of the major considerations for The Gazania is that each unit does not have an individual rubbish chute. 

2. Thus, it is a primary consideration to get the developer's Agent to get a copy of the block plan with the exact location of the common rubbish chute.

3. Don't buy until it is shown to you.

4. If possible, avoid purchasing a potential unit with this rubbish chute beside the main door or directly facing the main door....

5. What happens if the Agent says that it is impossible to get the block plan(s)? Or that if he claims that it is a "secret". LOL! 

5.1. Simply tell the Agent, it is also impossible for me to buy FROM YOU! Simple as that! LOL! 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Case study of a three panel balcony sliding panel

1. Many of us will not even think twice about purchasing a unit; let alone the difference between a three or four panel sliding panels.

2. Why are you so concerned with this?
3. Today's unit is small. And for a three panel sliding panels; the locks are at both sides.

3.1. If one's sofa is bulky or tall; and it may cover the locking/unlocking latch one of side of the sliding panel.

3.2. Furthermore, instead of the opening at the middle of the living room; one has to pull the sliding panel for quite a distance before comfortably going out towards the balcony. 

3.3. In addition, often one side of the balcony can get windy-rain to splash towards it. Thus cumbersome to open that panel during such conditions.

4. Please note that this has more to do with common sense, not Feng Shui.

4.1. However it may be blamed on Feng Shui if because of the above situation, the occupants are more reluctant to open the balcony panels to let fresh air-in. Especially not all will want to turn on the air-con 24/7. Thus if fall sick often.. some just say... this  unit has bad Feng Shui. 

5. This three panel sliding panels has also been covered in one of the resources in the above earlier thread on "Part 6: Reading between the lines of Sales Brochure"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8: Poor Shapes and Forms Feng Shui where the stove shares the same wall as the toilet piping

1. The innocent seeming void in the shower area of this toilet (in blue) often has a purpose. 

2. Most likely the sewerage and other drainage/water pipes cluster in it:-1825512718_commentsstovesharingsamewallastheshowerwall.thumb.png.a99746c98d9ce90315f909b13ca352fb.png

3. Below: 4-Bedroom & 4-Bedroom + Study has the stove sharing the same wall as the shower...



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 9: Traffic Noise and The Gazania

1. Unlike The Lilium site; The Gazania's plot disadvantage that it is not rectangular. And there is an existing Block 37 at it's immediate North of the plot with a sharp corner pointed towards South towards The Gazania:- 


2. The Lilium is a rectangular plot of land. Thus based on this, has a better Shapes and Forms.

3. However, The Lilium is just next to Upper Paya Lebar Road and can be busy during peak hours in the mornings and evenings.

3.1. While The Gazania's plot is more exclusive as it is off Bartley Road along How Sun Drive. Won't be affected that much by traffic noise (if any) from any major roads.

3.2 [Below] The Lilium: the purple and yellow waves highlights expected traffic noise from Upper Paya Lebar Road...


4. Ultimately, it depends on where one's unit is located.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Considering all the plus and minuses scores a respectable 3.5 stars.

Although both The Lilium and this development has 3.5 stars, under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, I would still prefer The Lilium's L x 3 but try to get a unit with pool facing, here.





Overall poor block and some layout designs, thus only get a 2.5 score.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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Part 1: How is the luck of the Internal Feng Shui of this unit?
Part 2: External Feng Shui luck? 
Part 3: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom?


PART 1 = 35%

Depends on the Internal Layout & Sectors - How Lucky or UnLucky, Today?

[This unit is a review on/from Years 2024 till 2043]



T.O.P. in 2022


There are four facing directions for this development: NE3 or SW3, NW3 or SE3





Good, Better, Best!





The Rest!


image.png.7545db4b1821123891bf5c0fbd790cb9.pngimage.png.7d02d0ef034508d89d82e51e7311d6f6.pngNW3 = Less lucky under Period 9.




image.png.7545db4b1821123891bf5c0fbd790cb9.pngimage.png.7d02d0ef034508d89d82e51e7311d6f6.pngSE3 = Less lucky under Period 9. But also depends on layout. As Current Prosperity Career and Overall Luck is trapped or wasted at the centrepoint of the unit.




The Worst!



image.png.7545db4b1821123891bf5c0fbd790cb9.pngimage.png.7d02d0ef034508d89d82e51e7311d6f6.png NE3 = Take extra care of health issues from 2024 onwards.




Like Band-Aid; need to fix-it!














But also need to review/consider the individual Internal Layout Plan 
& this is just part of the many considerations in a home purchase.

However the above does not take into consideration things like:
Kitchen/Stove at Inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate
or Poison arrow aimed towards the unit, proximity to common bin etc..



PART 2 = 35%

Location, location, location?

Sha Qi? Poison Arrow? 


Watch Your Front, Sides & Back!



Sha Qi or Poison arrow(s) from Sharp Corner(s)
煞 (tiān zhǎn shà) = Tian Zhan Sha etc...




PART 3 = 30%

How Suitable to breadwinner?


Please note that has yet to take into consideration:
1. How suitable is the unit to the main breadwinner &
2. External Shapes and Forms of the unit


TOTAL SCORE = 35 + 35 + 30 = 100%

Get Expert Help:


How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist?


Applies to Homes that previously T.O.P. between Years 2004 to 2023...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to The Gazania, 5 How Sun Drive (Former Sun Rosier) by SingHaiYi - Which units are the most unlucky, today?
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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