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Hi master, 

I have tried reading and search through the forum for this topic. But it seems like I still can't get a idea on how can I counter it. I hope to seek for your kind advice on this issue as i have tried request them to took it off but they told me is harmless to us.

The attached Ba Gua mirror is what they have been hanging all this while. 

My questions is whether does a flat Ba gua mirror has any negative effects on my family as per what they have mentioned? 

If there is, how can I counter it and avoids ba gua war. 

Thank you in advance. 



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192379382_thewholetruthnothingbutthetruth.thumb.png.ca3d05ed8ba6fa4f380b987147040e41.pngA flat ba gua mirror like a piece of yellow paper charm is often meant for protection.

The idea is that if an "entity" were to approach the home; it will be scared off when it looks at it's own image.

Furthermore, the neighbours used a red border / outline frame. As compared to a regular ba gua mirror with the 8 trigrams on it.

Thus, at your end, you should not be fighting a ba gua war. As there is no war to fight-on in this case.


1. Convex mirror is used to deflect sha qi or poison arrow + may start a ba gua war

2. Concave mirror may be used against a convex mirror. Or on it's own to "suck" wealth or for the purpose of "missing corner"

3. A flat mirror face is usually for protection.

4. All three can be combined into a 8 Trigram ba gua mirror. Or framed in RED.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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