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Dear Anon,
Some FS practitioners if they are not sure, would simply say that it is bad to have empty space underneath the staircase.
In my opinion, with a covered store room or without (empty space) is still acceptable.
Ideally, it should be a covered store so that there is no possibility of placing displays e.g. an altar at the location etc...
It is inauspicious especially if the stove is under a staircase or an altar table under the staircase.
Otherwise, if someone says generally, it is bad to have the empty space, we should find out what is the person's rationale for it.
(It is noted that Qi or dead qi would be present at that location but if we do not use it or use it as a storeroom or placing our shoe rack etc.. there, this is acceptable).
Warmest Regards,

On 1/17/00 3:43:09 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that one
should have any empty space
underneath the staircase. Is
it true. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Sunny,
It is highly unusual to find a toilet under the staircase. The staircase, must be very high.
It is still acceptable to have the toilet under the staircase, if it does not have facility for bathing etc... where one can spent sometime there.
If the toilet only has e.g. a toilet bowl, a basin, it is ok.
Better still if one side of the toilet is attached to an external wall.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/18/00 4:32:24 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Yes, I have almost same
question. How about the toilet
is under staircase?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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