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Normanton Park ( One Normanton ) Park @ Normanton Park by Kingsford Huray Development

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April 2019: "ONE NORMANTON OBTAINED A NO-SALE LICENCE"1888408393_NO-SALELICENCE.thumb.png.8d079d1d1420fd1e8249cbbe95ca9cb2.png
(Or rather the developer kena this kind of infamous luck) Yes! Best not to be given such a notice... Oh Dear!

"I SMELL A RAT!"  as the RATs are the ones that spilled the beans on us! Thus this is why we are slap with a "no-sale" licence !!@#$##@@!@##


CFO: "How come?"
CEO: "I am only following SGP's culture of no blame on the HEADS!"

Hit with "no-sale" licence. (April 2019) Simply means can still commence construction. But not allowed to sell any units as yet. (Or even strictly speaking.. until TOP is obtained.. Wah? Die lah?) How to get funding?? If no progressive payments from new Subsiday Proprietors...

Oh-dear! The authorities had previously found this developer had deviated especially for the windows, barriers and common storey shelter at their last project "Kingsford Waterbay" in Upper Serangoon View. Accordingly URA is also getting feedback from these "TIKUS".

With 1,900 units, this development is 2nd largest development while Treasure at Tampines TOPs for this year 2019.

The former Normanton Park enbloc itself was a pretty site. As the blocks are well spaced out. Lots of greenery! Other than for the above hiccup! Hopefully the developer do justice to this former development.

Some of the former Normanton Park photos can be found in this forum...

P.S. Tikus is a Malay word meaning: Rat. As in? "I smell a RAT" LOL...

Please note that the above story line about the CEO, CFO is simply pure FICTION. But unfortunately the No-Sale Licence is for REAL = obtained in April 2019.

Please check with the developer for the current status as Geomancy.net is not responsible for follow-ups or sudden relaxation of rules (if any) by the relevant authorities such as URA, BCA etc..



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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My last visit was last year (2018) where a client of mine asked me to go down to her existing home at Normanton Park to discuss the Feng Shui of her new home.

These are some of the photos taken of the former Normanton Park (enbloc):-

Typically HDB styled development. Built specifically to cater for the SAF in the 1970's.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: Two strikes and you are out? Hmm......

1. Okay, this is not that serious.

2. Just that planners of development never really understand that Spice and Herb Gardens seems a good idea. 

2.1. But, these herbs and spices can never be edible with the weekly fumigation of the entire premises....


Reference: Dairy Farm Residences by UE + Herb garden? Really? - Around Singapore - FengShui.Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Flying Star Feng Shui of Normanton Park

Normanton Park's T.O.P. is expected to be in the year 2022. If so, it will fall under Flying Stars Period 8 Feng Shui

1. Blocks 47, 49, 51 and 53 falls under N3 or S3 facing direction:


2. Block 55 falls under NE1 or SW1 facing:


3. Block 57 = E2 or W2


Block 59 = E3 or W3


Block 61 = NW2 or SE2


Block 45 = NE2 or SW2


D.I.Y. House Hunting Kit:

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to Normanton Park ( One Normanton ) Park @ Normanton Park by Kingsford Huray Development
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8 hours ago, Aaron Soh said:

Hi Master. I have used your DIY so I know I get units facing SW1 but I am interested at block 49 because of its view but its facing S3. Can I still buy?

Hi Aaron,

You can consider this service:-

Off-site Can or cannot buy Re-sale:


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Look Ma! No Peep-hole!

Will never find a regular peep-hole on the front door. As there is none at all.



Press this! And your face will be seen on the fixed console inside the house, near this door.

Honestly, if you ask me, this camera module is best to be forward facing vs such an odd position close to the side and 90 degrees to the door. Hmm.. whose idea is this? LOL





Hi! I am the back-up!

This compact door bell suits Normaton Park Units


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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