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To all Pillars of Destiny users,
You will be pleased to hear that we have just completed many major enhancements to the Pillars of Destiny Report!
All these upgrades are based from feedback and request from users:)
Comprehension of Report
1. We have made it easier to understand the report (at the same time still providing the details for expert users).
Deity Analysis
2. Ten Deities Summary Table. This provides easy reference to the types of deities found in your chart.
3. Wealth Analysis for the 4 pillars. This provides some insights to commonly asked question about your wealth.
From the basic analysis you can more or less tell how beneficial are the wealth deities to you.
In future versions, it will be linked to the analysis for the Luck Pillars.
80-Year Luck Pillars
1. Improved analysis of the Luck pillars.
Now you will find Very Auspicious, Auspicious, Mixed-Blessing, Inauspicious and average periods for each 5 year period.
2. Added a Suggestion or Suggested Prevention section for each 5 year detailed analysis.
3. Total improvement of the luck pillars for easier comprehension, understanding and layout.
4. Summary of your Luck Pillars telling you generally which category of personnel do you fall under (fortunate and lucky, unfortunate and unlucky or very average person etc.)
Yearly Luck Pillars - Beta
1. Finally, the beta for yearly analysis for each year luck pillars. This allows for further accuracy (up to 6-monthly analysis.)
This will show you a detailed Yearly Analysis for every 5 year grouping.
All analysis such as Seasonal luck directions, first 6 months and next 6 months analysis, and clashes are shown for each year's break-down!
Some additional fine tuning will be done to this module but feel free to make use of it:)
Brief Explanation of the 80-year luck Pillars
80 Years is broken down to 10 year periods.
Each 10 year periods consist of a season luck direction which gives brief knowledge of which period is very auspicious for you.
10 year periods is broken down to first 5 years and next 5 years.
The first 5 years is denoted by the Heavenly Stem Element.
The next 5 years is denoted by the Earthly Branches.
Each 5 years will give you a more accurate break down of your auspicious or inauspicious period.
It determines any clashes in your luck pillars and your birth pillars.
5 year period is broken down to year by year.
Every year, the year is broken down to approximately two sections (first 6 months and next 6 months).
This should give you more accuracy in terms of applying cures or taking advantage of the period's auspicious influence.
It determines any clashes in your luck pillars and your birth pillars.
What else is to be expected?
1. The analysis details for the clashes and cures.
2. Authority, Power, Intelligence and more against the 4 pillars as well as luck pillars.
So generate your new Pillars of Destiny v6.00 now!
If you have any feedback or comments on the new report or any areas you want to see please e-mail to me at robert-lee@3dmail.com.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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