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Part 1: HDB Sales Brochure Information Resources for review

Kempas Residences Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plans


2-room Flexi, 3-, and 4-room Flats

Kempas Residences  will be located just off Kempas Road, and bounded by Serangoon Road, Lavender Street, and Boon Keng Road.

There are 4 residential blocks ranging from 29 to 37 storeys in height. You can choose your home from 583 units of 2-room Flexi, 3-, and 4-room flats. The 2-room Flexi flats in this development are only offered to seniors (aged 55 and above) on short leases between 15 and 45 years (in 5-year increments).

22052019_BTO Image 4_Kempas Residences.pnglayoutideas_kwn_n5c58_2(1) (1).pnglayoutideas_kwn_n5c58_2(1).pnglayoutideas_kwn_n5c58_2(2).pnglayoutideas_kwn_n5c58_3.pnglayoutideas_kwn_n5c58_4.png


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2: Common Rubbish Bins and HDB Kempas Residences

379311074_KEMPASRESIDENCESCOMMONRUBBISHCHUTES.thumb.png.963db713e76aec88bc2eef5f04fb0c45.pngStack #29 is sharing the same wall as  beside the common rubbish chute lobby.

While stack #37 is exactly opposite the common rubbish chute lobby very close to it's entrance.

Thus if possible, make these two stacks the "last resort,"

These photos are actually from the recent Just T.O.P. At Macpherson Spring.. with similarities of the common bins beside one of the units in future Kempas Residences:


May most certainly also affect the future resale value of the above unit to the right of the photos.

For example: in the future, when it is time to resell the unit and if the potential buyer brings a "Conservative" Feng Shui Master [FSM] for advice.. "wait long long".. as the answer will often be.. "LOOK ELSEWHERE!"

To understand who is a Conservative FSM find out more under this link:-..

P.S. Often a Conservative FSM eats and sleeps with emphasis on the main door. And with a view like this.. where the main door is next to the bin centre... Yeah! Good LUCK to ..." LOL!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Electrical Sub Station (ESS) at HDB Kempas Residences

KEMPAS RESIDENCES ESS.pngIt is good that the ESS is partially facing the entrance towards one of the Boon Keng MRT's entrance/exit. 

Even if Block 2B stack #39 is closest to this ESS, seems non threating. Especially if one does not purchase units at levels 2 or 3. If so, this is fine or okay.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: Majority of the stacks/units in this development under Flying Star Feng Shui either face  NW3 or SE3.

 With the exception of 2 - Room Flex [Type 2] which faces SW1 facing direction:


1. As the development lease commencent date is expected to be on or after the year 2024; this development thus belongs to Period 9.

2. Under Period 9, other than low floors and traffic noise and afternoon sun;  in general, the better stacks under Flying Stars are the NW3 facing stacks.

2.1. This is because stacks like #5, #7, #15, #17, #25, #27, #35 & #37 belong to NW3. And under Period 9, these is a pair of very auspicious #9's at the frontage of the unit:-


2.2. For SE3 facing stacks, however, the frontage has a #2 sickness with #7 = "theft of wealth/loss opportunties", here. Plus the double auspicious #9's are often at the rear of the unit. Or rather wasted at the rear:-



3. Flying stars SW1 facing are stacks/units #1, #3,  #21 and #23


4. How do I determine the Feng Shui of a home? Main Entrance Door or?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8:  Can I purchase a unit directly facing the Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital?

1. This has more to do with someone's perception and sometimes it can lead to a stigma attached to it.

2. Some people feel that it is inaupicious to have a home e.g. living room (on a daily basis) looking towards a hospital.  Ultimately when it is time to resell the unit; one cannot control a potential buyer and/or a potential buyer bringing their Feng Shui Master and for whatever reason either/or or even both sharing the same concern = stigma/taboo.

3. Personally, if one or one's family is not duly concern, then go ahead. But not forgetting Para 2. above.

4. Eastpoint Green Condo much resembles the HDB BTO Kempas Residence development. Where this development is to the South-East of a hospital:- 


4.1. In fact, HDB blocks 105, 101 and the likes at Simei Street 1 is somewhat like that of HDB Towner Crest. Fortunately for Towner Crest, there is a buffer of a Multi-storey car park [MSCP].

5. From a Common Sense Feng Shui, the main concern of a hospital has more to do with where is the location of the Pathology department or the holding room where deceased patients are placed pending witnessing prior to sending the body away for funeral arrangements.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 9: Favourable Shapes and Forms Feng Shui of the "smart looking"  twin Tower Blocks.

1. Looking at the two identical Siamese twins; shows favourable flow of qi around these two blocks:-


2. This is a plus point. Other than low stacks/units affected by traffic noise.

3. In addition with just a quick glance, one may be mistaken that this is a private development and not a HDB BTO development.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 11: "Singapore Casket is close-by" LOL...872456357_SingaporeCasket.thumb.png.65b778c1817913a885f3e75bd929daf0.png

Life's like that: "Civil Servants exclaimed.. Our backs are covered.. We can sleep peacefully at that!"

1. Private developers will never show this on their Sales brochure:

749077886_HDBCANBUTWECANNOTAFFORDTODOSO.thumb.png.fa3ee33fba9e1198534d434af4128262.png2. [Singapore Casket] = It is nothing bad. Just plain honesty on the part of HDB Town map.

3. Hey! At least there is no excuse should a potential Kempas Residences to later on claim or faint ignorance that they were not informed of this.

2101299378_favouritestudyjoint.png.5940c148dcacf5be422ee9a3d240fff8.png3.1. For the civil servants; at least they can sleep soundly as their "backs are covered".. LOL 

4. Perhaps the once upon a time Fernvale - Temple - Urn Niche was a wake-up lesson, here!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 12: Breaking [FAKE] News! HDB's 100 percent assurance that they will never sell you a unit with numbers: #04, #14 or #44 at Kempas Residences!

651981890_ODDUNITNUMBERatKEMPASRESIDENCES.png.e89452d9b1915acb0b7c253b561d9d72.pngHDB Sales Team wants you to know that they understand some of their clients well! 

Do you know that all stacks/units in this development are ODD numbered?

And like POSBank = "NEIGHBOURS FIRST!" they want you to know that their people are also your neighbours. Or Ka Ki Lang.. LOL...

P.S. Stack numbering in May 2019 BTO launch:-

Garden Vale = ODD
Kempas Residences = ODD
Woodlands Champion Green = ODD

Only Plantation Acres = EVEN

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 13: Any potential poison arrows from sharp corners of neighbouring blocks?

1. The two closest blocks are Block 4 and 5 of HDB Boon Keng Road.

2. As these two blocks run parallel to HDB Kempas Residences site; the only potential poison arrow coming from these two blocks is one of the corners of Block 5 aimed towards Block 1B stack #11.1272970414_KEMPASRESIDENCESANDPOISONARROWS.thumb.png.eff476fe3a756ee65cb9cab2033a2b31.png

3. The good news is that this poison arrow neutralises each other as they are aimed at each other's corner. Thus totally no issue at all.

4. On the other hand, sometimes, a new development's block layout could instead become a threat. Such as Block 1B's stack #19 has a sharp angle aimed towards Block 5 Boon Keng Road:-1705970876_KEMPASRESIDENCESANDPOISONARROWS1.png.b89aa7ac4432ca108d20fd5e4f6eedcf.png

5. As HDB Kempas Residences blocks are angled as opposed to being parallel to that of Blocks 4, 5, 6; it MAY inadvertently cause or result in more poison arrows coming from this development to: Blocks 4, 5, 6!

1867635152_KEMPASSRESIDENCESMSCPPOISONARROWS.thumb.png.29ec9a43fd2de9292878b5f9482bc4b5.png6. Please take note that poison arrows arise only if it is aimed towards a unit's opening such as the main door or windows.

7. For example, the Kempass Residences (KR) MSCP. As this car-park is 7 storeys high, it's sharp corner as shown by the green arrow may only be a threat up to approximately 7 or 8th storey high at Boon Keng Block 4.

7.1. If one has ever been to the roof-top of an MSCP; the boundary of the roof-top is always lined with street lamps spaced out at specific distances. These lamp post  it is slices towards a unit's main door or windows; it is also considered a poison arrow.

8. The DROP OFF (DOP) roof-top may sometimes pose a poison arrow if it is aimed towards say Block 4 or Block 6 - a unit facing this roof-line (IF ANY).

9. [Above] I have added more POTENTIAL poison arrow(s) if any from Block 2B ....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 14: How is the neighbourhood surrounding HDB Kempas Residences? 

If one has the time, please go through the neighbouring estate of HDB Towner Crest BTO launched in Februay 2019:

Basically, this HDB Kempas Residences site remains vacant .. even during the late 1960’s. With the exception that Idris Road has disappeared totally. What remains is just Kempas Road:-2C0E5752-DBC4-4472-B98F-BFA0BD6C1C4C.thumb.jpeg.8a7494fedb01ee831d613f332640004b.jpeg

Idris Road has thus made way for the entry/exit into the service road of HDB Blocks 4, 5 & 6 Boon Keng Road.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 1:59 PM, YSS said:

May I know which stacks is ideal avoiding “west sun”?

This illustration shows three different afternoon influences on various stacks affected somewhat by the afternoon sun rays.


To simply, majority of the stacks facing Serangoon Road could be affected by the afternoon sun. Subject to certain storeys being shielded by the hospital (or not).

1. PURPLE = Afternoon sun all year round towards the living room and all bedrooms

2. PINK = Afternoon sun all year round also towards the living room and all bedrooms. In addition, on a hot sunny day, do expect the afternoon sun to soak outside the master bedroom walls. And be prepared to see the heat oozing into the master bedroom often even at 7pm or even at 8pm. 

2.1 Turning on a fan may just circulate the heat. 

2.2 However, the effect of soaking into the master bedroom wall depends very much on the thickness of the external walls. But from past experience, HDB's wall are like that... not fantastic. 

2.3 In some recent condos, the development grew creepers along the side walls extending from the top floors to close to the bottom wall. Thus this has the effect of shielding or cooling somewhat the heat.

3. Older HDB flats have extended RC roofs or even added arm-length aluminum trellises to try to partially shield the unit from direct heat from say 12.30pm to 3 or 4pm.

4. GREEN = Afternoon sun soaking into the master bedroom wall. And afternoon sunlight towards the service yard and kitchen area. For the later, no issue since these are non living quarters. Some like it as their clothes get maximum afternoon sun heat.

5. This additional illustration shows RED lines drawn onto stacks that are affected by afternoon sun:-


6. Below. Just imagine that what you see here are all the stacks that are affected by afternoon sun:-


(Artist sketch: shows the Serangoon Road side of Kempas Residences).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: Meet and recognise Feng Shui from hell?  Avoid like the plaque.. LOL 

These persons give Feng Shui a bad name...E5DF66D5-E7D9-48F8-AD78-0B841FF23980.thumb.gif.a126d6a1fe17a67ed5875976c8331566.gif

The tell tale signs are often on their website:

Please ask: “Must I buy items from you?”

Authentic Feng Shui does not require one to buy commercial products in the name of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is purely scientific.

Everyone of us can do our part to boycott them.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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12 minutes ago, Joseph Tan said:

Is your geomancy compass applicable to Blk 2 of Kempas Residences too?

The geomancy compass or Luopan is simply an instrument or a Feng Shui tool.  

The review is meant for the residential blocks and not Block 2 is the MSCP with CCC etc...  if this is what you mean.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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