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Hi Master. Is it correct to say that Feng Shui cures must be activated with the “intention” to transform them in a cure? Otherwise it could happen that a simple red night light (the ones to avoid to hit corners  while commuting to the bathroom....) or the red switch of an electrical power strip could be classified as Feng Shui cures with very negative outcome if they happen to be in the wrong place. The same happens for painting or pictures of water of mountain placed in wrong place by an unaware house wife.

Again: many objects in the house are objects with a mass, does this mean that an iron on the iron board next to the wall activates a mountain star, maybe a very bad one?
Thank you for clarifying my doubts.
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These are some general considerations:

1. No offence but your write-up is too clinical.

2. Feng Shui does not only eat and sleep on just Flying Stars Feng Shui.

3. In addition, if one looks back at forum messages posted within this forum since 1998, few if any go into this line of approach.

4. Drawing vaguely a parallel to a leadership studies is the situational approach developed by Hersey and Blanchard (1969) based on Reddin's (1967) 3-D management style theory. 

4.1. No two situations are the same. And often the best approach is a person who is more inclined towards Shapes and Forms Feng Shui; on-site to get a feel of a place and.... + Macro Feng Shui application. 




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Most political Asian answer to this is the term “Agak-again” 

Even the British TV Chef Gordon Ramsay learned this term when in the past, he visited several Asian countries.

It seems he had a culture shock when he tried to learn how to make beef rendang.

The elderly Asian cook does not rely on a recipe book. Ingredients are all by experience and ESTIMATES..

This is this the closest reply that I can suggest to the above questions.

Else, again no offence, it is like too free nothing else to do than to search for the truth about the exit of aliens etc.. LOL


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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