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Dear Cecil,
I would like to thk for the valuable advice given.
Can you give some tips to enhance personal saving. It seems money come and go so easily, even increment or promotion does not seem enough to cover increasing spending.
I think enhancing just the wealth element is not good enough as what come in still seem to go out as quickly. Pls advise.

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Dear Jenny,
Actually, when we look at Feng Shui you will find that we never put false hope on say finding the wealth corner or simply enhancing wealth only. Simply because it is not possible or easy to locate these factors simply by using any one theory.
It is more often you will find us looking for overall solution in terms of the various problems you encounter all together.
We always emphasize the importance of overall balance in every single area of your life.
This means that if there is a problem in the Feng Shui relating to Shapes and Forms, we find a cure for that.
And when there is a problem in the Feng Shui of the House (Flying Star), we recommend a solution for the problem sectors of the house.
And same goes for the rest of the theories such as Eight House, Pillars and etc.
If you noticed what we often do is to correct all the various problems rather then enhancing good areas.
Just take a look at the following example:-
Say two different persons are facing problems such as money problems (whether not saving enough or having financial problems).
Say if one of these family only want to know how to increase their wealth to solve this problem.
This family ask a Feng Shui practitioner or master to help them enhance the wealth. Then under the advice, the family purchases fountain or wind chimes and spent lots of time and money just to ensure that the wealth is enhance. However, did not focus on finding the problems that may cause this lost of wealth.
Instead another family wants to solve their problem by rectifying all the problem areas.
So, having analysed all the situation, say there is a problem with the house in this sector and problems with say the suitability of the house etc. So this family tackles all these fundamental problems.
If you compare, what you will find at the end result is that the second family who had solved all the major problems affecting their family will enjoy a better life than the first family. After the second family has enjoyed a better life (less stressful, more harmony), the second family can then consider to enhance his wealth.
Remember that when we talk about Wealth in Feng Shui it DOES NOT mean money only. Wealth can be in having lots of children, having a very happy and harmonous life, and some properties.
Since most of all his problems are solved, he will find life much better. And if he enhances his good sectors during this time, he will enjoy even more!
This is what Feng Shui is all about - BALANCE between good and bad.
The moral of this short story is simply, there is no use of enhancing wealth only, in order to do so, you actually have first got to solve the various fundamental problems which may arise from simple theory such as Shapes and Forms, Eight House to complex theories such as Flying Star and Pillars.
So to get back to your question:-
Please read below:-

On 1/18/00 3:41:57 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I would like to thk for the
valuable advice given.
Can you give some tips to
enhance personal saving. It
seems money come and go so
easily, even increment or
promotion does not seem enough
to cover increasing spending.
I think enhancing just the
wealth element is not good
enough as what come in still
seem to go out as quickly. Pls

Personally, if you have enhanced your wealth element but have not solved the fundamental problems such as say problem areas in the home etc, that could be the reason why you may get lots of wealth, but find that they still go as quickly.
There may be other problems which you are not solving as yet. You may like to make use of some of the various free tools available under the My FengShui to help you assess your situation.
As with the information you have provided, it is difficult to tell or advice you on why you are still facing this problem such as money going out as fast as it comes in.
We do not usually give tips or advices because we know that everyone is unique and there is NO ONE TIP which works for all. Everyone has different a different life and thus cures to your problem are usually different.
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
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