Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 IN SUMMARY " The main takeaway from the discussion on the 12 Habits of Feng Shui is the importance of incorporating specific practices, such as Habit No. 3, to enhance the flow of positive energy in one's environment, ultimately promoting well-being and harmony. Embracing these habits can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. " - Cecil Lee, 12 HABITS OF FENG SHUI TRADITIONAL AUTHENTIC FENG SHUI CANNOT GET BETTER THAN THIS + GEOMANCY.NET'S 12 HABITS OF FENG SHUI BY CECIL LEE 1. I have developed these effective tools to further progress the traditional practice of Feng Shui. 2. These 12 habits are drawn from personal experience and observations, as well as the integration of concepts from various fields, and are consistently applied on a daily basis. You can do the same. 3. Take, for instance, the term "Triage," which originates from the medical field and is used to determine the order of treatment for patients or casualties, particularly in an A & E setting. 4. The concept of "It Depends!" is derived from the field of Management, where no two situations are identical. 5. The Customer Service Engineer (CSE) concept is based on my personal observation of how an IBM CSE resolved a problematic ATM's intermittent communication issue with the host server. 6. Additionally, I have fine-tuned numerous other concepts. 7. Therefore, if one has the time, they can delve into each of these concepts to gain a better understanding, troubleshoot, and enhance the world of Feng Shui. [1.] ONE: Feng Shui Triage God: “Hey! I manage your souls, not your physical body! Go see a doctor instead, please!” The Feng Shui Triage 1. Physicians may need to assess an unwell patient and perform various examinations. Only after analyzing the test results can the doctor comprehend your health issues. 2. When it comes to Feng Shui, the process remains consistent. A Feng Shui expert must collect sufficient information and analyze the "birth-chart" of a residence in order to gain a deeper understanding of the environment before recommending remedies or improvements. 3. Therefore, numerous skilled Feng Shui experts conducting official assessments would:- 4. 1st Meeting at the residence or workplace of the clients: Utilize their Luo Pan (compass) to examine the external and internal surroundings. 4.1. Additionally, they would obtain a copy of the floor plan and all pertinent personal information of the household. 4.2. Subsequently, the Feng Shui specialist will analyze the data, and suggest potential improvements. 4.3. Typically, the expert would create a comprehensive report containing recommendations. 4.4. The second appointment is typically scheduled for a week later, following the practitioner's review of their findings, analysis, and recommendations. 4.5. During this subsequent visit, the practitioner will review their findings and recommendations once again. 4.6. Despite common misconceptions, conducting a thorough and professional Feng Shui audit requires significant effort and is not a haphazard decision. 4.7. Practitioners often utilize tools such as Flying Star Feng Shui in their practice. 4.8. It is more accurate to compare barging into a doctor's office and demanding an explanation before the examination to be true. The Barber and the Dentist 1. In the past, many individuals suffering from toothaches sought assistance from their barbers to have their teeth extracted. This historical practice is symbolized by the additional "RED" stripe on the barber pole, which represents "blood". 2. In contemporary times, individuals experiencing tooth problems such as tooth decay or toothaches typically seek treatment from a dentist. 3. The historical practice of approaching a barber for tooth-related issues can be likened to implementing "Trial and Error" Feng Shui. 4. Nowadays, when individuals experience tooth problems, dentists often use X-ray imaging to diagnose and treat the issue, similar to how a Feng Shui practitioner maps out a home's individual sector charts. 5. Can you draw a comparison between the historical role of the barber as a dentist and the modern-day dentist based on this illustration? Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan) Vs An X-Ray 1. MRI utilizes powerful magnets and radio waves, unlike x-rays and CT scans that rely on radiation. 2. X-rays provide flat 2-D images and may not clearly show body tissues, unlike MRI. 3. Modern MRI machines are capable of producing colorful, three-dimensional maps of human tissue. 4. With MRI, doctors can easily examine specific parts of the body, such as cancerous growths. 5. The choice between X-ray and MRI is like choosing between trial and error (X-ray) and a comprehensive view (MRI). 6. It is often said that quality comes with a price, and opting for cheaper alternatives may not always be beneficial.. In-car Entertainment system (I.C.E) Car Installers 1. We offer sales, services, and installation of complete car stereo systems, security systems, and accessories. 2. Previously, upgrading or replacing in-car radio systems was a simple task. 3. Nowadays, even seasoned car installers may hesitate to work on a BMW. 3.1 This is due to concerns about accidentally triggering the airbags by connecting the wrong wires. 4. Furthermore, regular installers may lack the necessary hardware and software to enable certain features. 4.1 For instance, when installing a Bluetooth system or an additional factory-approved car alarm in a BMW, one must visit an authorized workshop with the appropriate software to activate the feature. 5. The landscape has evolved. 5.1 In the past, decisions were often made through trial and error without specialized tools like the "Flying star," resulting in a 50-50 chance of success. 5.2 Nowadays, there is a wealth of information available on various tools, including Feng Shui, making it easier to access the necessary knowledge. The Automobile Association (The British RAC, The American AAA) 1. In the past, during a time when vehicles were less advanced, the Automobile Association (AA) technicians were often able to assist in fixing common issues like battery problems, alternator malfunctions, and fuel pump failures. 2. Nowadays, when contacting the AA for breakdown support, aside from battery issues, their technicians may inform you that they will arrange for your vehicle to be towed to a workshop of your choice. Germany is one of the few countries known to offer excellent on-site breakdown services for their autobahn. 3. Simply lifting the hood of a car does not guarantee that the vehicle can be repaired anymore. Modern fuel systems are complex, with sophisticated injection systems and components like flywheel sensors. 4. Times have certainly changed! If someone were to inquire about the suitability of a water feature for their wedding 20 years ago, a Geomancer might have given a yes or no answer based on a 50-50 chance, perhaps even crossing their fingers for luck. 5. Presently, those unfamiliar with advanced tools like updated software diagnostic systems should consider utilizing them for more detailed information. Referring to ancient practices like Flying Star without understanding can be likened to speaking Greek or Latin, a language barrier of sorts. 6. Car Installers for In-car Entertainment Systems (I.C.E) 6.1. Providing sales, services, and installations of complete car stereo systems, security features, and accessories. 6.2. In the past, making changes to in-car radio systems was relatively simple and straightforward. Too Little Information to Work On 1. An individual who has Gua (Kua) 4 is categorized as part of the East Group. 2. "Which solutions are you seeking?" 2.1. It is similar to entering an A & E without waiting in line; going straight to the doctor's office and asking: "What's the matter with me?" 2.2. The doctor might just say: "Leave! And go through the Triage first! The purpose of the Triage is to conduct troubleshooting. Without troubleshooting, how can we possibly identify the issues or problems?" A Triage is recommended, here: More: One brother is named TRIAGE. Another brother is named CURE. TRIAGE IS THE SIAMESE TWIN OF CURE. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [2.] TWO: Fix-the-Leaks, First! 1. There exist two categories of Feng Shui improvements: 1.1. The primary concern for most individuals is locating their wealth area and enhancing it effectively. 1.2. It is crucial to address any imbalances that may exist as well. 2. Unfortunately numerous Feng Shui practitioners operate as a Feng Shui marketplace themselves. 2.1. Their primary objective is to capitalize on people's desires by marketing various commercial items under the guise of Feng Shui. 2.2. Their strategy involves: Step 1: Pinpointing your wealth location Step 2: Purchasing a specific product is essential for results Step 3: Where to make the purchase? "From me, naturally" 3. It is essential to bear in mind that simply painting all four interior walls with gold paint, for instance, is not sufficient. Neglecting the external aspects, which may be deteriorating, is a mistake. 3.1. Consider this scenario: You own a lavish boat and load it with unimaginable riches. However, if this luxurious vessel has tiny cracks, these cracks can worsen over time and potentially lead to the sinking of the boat along with all its treasures and occupants! 3. The idea is to identify and fix the leaks, first. And Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [3.] THREE: The Concept of Maximising Marks 1. For instance: If the exam paper mandates the answering of 4 out of 10 questions within a 2-hour time frame. 2. Ensure that all 4 questions are attempted, and if feasible, allocate 30 minutes for each question. 3. The student in question only answered 3 questions and did not make an attempt at the 4th question, resulting in a failing grade of 45 out of 100 marks. 4. Feng Shui shares the same examinations strategy or techniques. 1. In various forum posts, I have highlighted the comparison that can be made with Examinations. 2. An intelligent individual sitting for an exam would aim to optimize his/her scores. 2.1 For instance, in an essay test where we must respond to 4 mandatory questions. 2.2 It is advisable to attempt ALL 4 questions, each carrying 25 marks out of a total of 100 marks. 2.3 Opting to answer only 3 out of the 4 compulsory questions might be risky if we do not perform well in those 3 questions. 3. Making a connection, Feng Shui, Pillars of Destiny, etc., strive to enhance our EARTH LUCK. 3.1 Therefore, simply attempting to "activate" a specific sector like South-West (assuming one guesses correctly... without considering the Five Elements... let's call it luck!) 4. Using the Flying Star analysis, there are 9 sectors, so if we divide 100 by 9 = 11.1% for each sector. 4.1 Even if we correctly 'activate' one sector, we only attain an 11% score. We have essentially "failed" the test! 5. By correctly applying, for instance, the Flying Star analysis, we would have achieved at least 6 sectors (or more) x 11.1%. 6. Considering that our goal is to enhance/maximize our EARTH LUCK, we also need to 'take other exams'. 6.1 Therefore, in real-life scenarios like education, we must sit for multiple exams and pass them. 7. Once again drawing a parallel, the examination resembles: Paper 1: Shapes and Form Feng Shui Paper 2: Flying Star Paper 3: Eight House Paper 4: Pillars of Destiny 7.1 If we do not give equal importance to all 4 papers, we must at the very least, pass all papers to "pass" our exams. 8. Consequently, many individuals who believe that focusing on one sector will suffice later discover that "Feng Shui" is not yielding results for them. 8.1 Viewing FS comprehensively, I am not implying that it will work for everyone, but we should always strive to maximize or 'play it safe' to enhance our chances of success or the likelihood of. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [4.] FOUR: The Customer Service Engineer (CSE) Concept 1. It is recommended to proceed with enhancements or remedies gradually if done without professional assistance. 2. For instance, an IBM Customer Engineer will first remove what he suspects to be a faulty card when troubleshooting an issue. He will then observe the situation for a period of time, and if the problem is resolved, it is considered successful. If not, he will replace another card and continue monitoring. 3. Similarly, when making enhancements independently, it is best to avoid implementing all changes simultaneously. For example, refrain from enhancing the garden, a specific room, or multiple areas at once. This approach helps in identifying any mistakes made if issues arise. 4. It is advisable to test an enhancement for a period of two weeks to a month, especially for individuals who frequently engage in enhancement activities. 5. The concept of Customer Service Engineer (CSE) is exemplified in my personal observation of how an IBM CSE troubleshoots intermittent communication issues between an ATM and the host server. 6. The responsibility for the problematic ATM's communication issues could lie with the Singtel ISDN line, the modems between the bank and the Singtel exchange, or the IBM ATM machine. 7. The specific ATM machine experienced a significantly high downtime rate, resulting in a high number of complaints. 8. The ATM machine is equipped with approximately 8 card slots. 9. The IBM CSR methodically removed and replaced various modular cards in the ATM machine to identify the root cause of the issue. By isolating the problem to one of the cards, other equipment faults were ruled out. 10. The same principle applies to Feng Shui practices. 10.1. When implementing D.I.Y. cures, it is recommended to introduce them gradually instead of all at once. Monitor the effects of each cure for a few days before adding another one. 10.2. This approach allows for easier identification of any issues that may arise, narrowing down the potential causes to the actions taken earlier. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [5.] FIVE: Pure Common Sense 1. Numerous Feng Shui experts have elaborated on the benefits of a bed with four elevated corners, as it facilitates the smooth flow of positive Qi energy. 2. To be honest, the actual reason is more related to practicality. 3. This can only occur. 4. Always ask yourself: "Has this got to do with common sense?" The morale of the story? Perhaps in the future, one should attempt to connect the situation with rational thinking? I conducted a search in this forum for: "Common sense" and discovered 540 matches... This suggests that there are numerous matters that are linked to common sense. And frequently, it is a feeble justification to seek assistance from a Feng Shui Master for them... Frankly, it is never too late to know this.... I can have very high IQ and EQ... but.... I just realised this... Please be aware that many others share the same trait as you, so there is no need to take offense. LOL. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [6.] SIX: Fast Food Feng Shui Many people began studying Feng Shui in the 1980s and decided to try it themselves, leading to the term "Fast Food Feng Shui". I continue to have unsettling dreams about Fast Food Feng Shui. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [7.] SEVEN: Situational Approach = It Depends! Every situation and outcome is unique and distinct from one another. Thus Situations and outcomes are never identical or consistent. Within the framework of Management Principles, the situational approach is a method used to study leadership. Various situations require different styles of leadership, as proposed by the situational approach. This concept was introduced by Hersey and Blanchard in 1969, building upon Reddin's 3-D management style theory from 1967. In 1999, I applied this idea to Feng Shui, creating "The Situational Approach to Feng Shui". Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [8.] EIGHT: Feng Shui by Exception! In fundamental management literature, one often encounters the concept of Management by Exception. Utilizing the Management by Exception Principle involves placing emphasis on the exceptions. Derived from the Management by Exception Principle, the emphasis is on focusing solely on the exceptions rather than every single issue. This approach entails managers focusing their attention on addressing exceptional cases and resolving associated issues, while dedicating their time and resources to more productive endeavors. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [9.] NINE: The Three Step Approach What is the Three-Step Approach? It is essential to have a thorough understanding of these three aspects. Step 1: Determine the purpose of the concept or theory. Step 2: Identify its strengths. Step 3: Recognize its weaknesses. By following these three simple steps, you will be well on your way to establishing a strong foundation in Feng Shui. For instance, the Eight House concept or the 4 Good 4 Bad directions has its own set of limitations. According to the Eight House concept, the choice is clear-cut: EBONY OR IVORY. Will you say YES or NO? Are you working in a good sector? Yes or No? Are you sitting facing a good direction? Yes or No? What more do you seek from this theory or concept? Is this concept a positive or negative one? There is no room for "but," "if," or "maybe" in this scenario! As the saying goes, a miss is as good as a mile! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [10.] TEN: You stay there, we don't? Correct? It is important for Feng Shui Masters, Developers, and other service providers to always take into account their client's circumstances. For instance, I have encountered clients who were advised by their previous Feng Shui Master to never use the main toilet in their home. Other examples.... Also, it is pretty common for staff of companies who do not have empathy at all... Q: Want to ask if we want to do this mirror tv console feature, is it ok? Reply: Side is ok. But hopefully ceiling lights does not provide glare (I took into consideration: You stay there we don't!) Thanks for the pointer....u can go be ID too , lol More... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [11.] Eleven: Your Home: An unpolished gem or a rotten apple? Sometimes a home may only require a small improvement. Other times, it's like a 10-year-old 1,000 cc car. No matter what you do, you can't turn it into a BMW or Mercedes Benz. LOL Are you able to identify a property with exceptional potential or one that is a poor investment? Yes or no? Learn more... Occasionally, a residence might only require a small repair. In other instances, it can be a complete disaster. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 18, 2019 [12.] TWELVE: Don't be a Headbanger Avoid being stubborn, as there may be situations where relocating is the only viable option. Are there any other alternatives to explore? It is important to acknowledge that not all Feng Shui issues can be resolved practically or feasibly without considering the option of relocating. In such cases, one may need to explore alternative solutions in different aspects of life. Question: Reading your posts, if unlucky that rubbish chute is next to or in front of unit, what is the remedy? 1. My recommendation is always to thoroughly inspect the location of common bins before finalizing any agreements, especially in the case of ECs/Condos where this information may not be explicitly provided. It is advisable to request the Agent to physically show you the exact location. 1.1. Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid purchasing a unit in such a situation if possible. 1.2. In the unfortunate event that one has already acquired a unit near a rubbish chute, there may be limited options available. 1.3. Upon reaching the gates of heaven... 1.3.1. Little girl: Have you seen the questions I asked Master Cecil Lee? 1.3.2. Angel: Yes, I have. Unfortunately, I do not possess the answers you seek. Perhaps you should inquire with the Devil below? 1.3.3. Little girl: After meeting the devil below: Dear girl, I wish I could offer you an answer in exchange for your soul, but even I am unable to provide a solution. You are free to go, as I am unable to entrap you. 2. Title: Another synonymous term for "God/Devil" also remains without solutions for your inquiries. 2.1. I own a sedan that can accommodate up to 5 adults, but I require a vehicle that can transport 7 people on a daily basis. 2.2. I lack the financial means to purchase a 7-seater MPV, and relying on taxis daily is not feasible for me. 2.3. Is there a solution to this issue? Addedum: The correct title should be: "BEYOND BOTH GOD & LUCIFER - AS THEY TOO LACK ANSWERS FOR YOU". Given that this is not related to Feng Shui, is it possible to find a suitable solution? If so, please call 555 = FIRE, FIRE, FIRE and give the answer to Lucifer.. LOL More.... More Headbangers... More Headbangers Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 19, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted July 19, 2019 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 7, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 7, 2019 Please make an estimation: "Which degree is considered FREE?" It's a degree is Common Sense! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 26, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted April 26, 2024 ALL ELSE KEEP CALM AND LET CECIL HANDLE IT Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 10, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted October 10, 2024 Hi Cecil, 2 questions. 1) If the toilet is always in the center of all the layouts, does it mean that this development is a no go. Is there a way to solve this issue? 2) if the good areas (eg NW and SW) are actually missing corners, does this mean that this property is not suitable? Reply: 1. It varies: 2. Check the link, particularly Habit 3, which discusses the idea of maximizing marks. 3. For instance, if the house is comparable to a 10-year-old, 1000cc car, no matter how much effort is put into improvements, the results may not be favorable. 4. Therefore, with the toilet positioned at the center and missing corners in the NW and/or SW, this house is definitely a lost cause. 5. On the other hand, if the house has fewer issues and is suitable for the breadwinner, with good Internal and External Feng Shui, then even having the toilet in the center or missing corners in the NW/SW may not be a critical problem. The 12 Habits of Feng Shui - Check Habit 3 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 12, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted October 12, 2024 GEOMANCY.NET IS THE OLDEST FENG SHUI FORUM IN THE WORLD holds the distinction of being the oldest Feng Shui forum globally, serving as a significant platform for discussions and insights related to this ancient practice. Its longevity underscores its importance as a Leader in the field of Feng Shui. How can we help you today? GET EXPERT HELP: IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Comprehensive Home Package [A.]: On-site or [B.]: Off-site for HDB / Condo / EC & Landed Properties for New/Re-Sale House or facing financial/ marriage/ relationship/ health issues Do you offer a 1 visit On-site audit? How much? " As much as we see, has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. " Success starts with good Feng Shui Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products. Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / House Hunting? We will help you select the most auspicious unit! Learn More The Experts in House Hunting AUSPICIOUS DATES FOR ONE OR TWO PERSONS Please visit 30 Days Auspicious Date for ONE or TWO Person(s) - FengShui.Geomancy.Net +++ Related: Non-Religious Chinese Customs For New Re-Sale Home Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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