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Dear Robert
I purchased the report from your website and found the explanation below:
Since Water represents your wealth, this means that a job representing this element would bring you wealth. This is because you will be creating more opportunities with your Wealth Deities.
If you have a job with this element, you will likely be able to accumulate wealth.
According to your Pillars, you will not completely enjoy this wealth unless you enhance yourself with Fire.
"This type of Career is not recommended unless you are in constant contact with Fire. "
However, I am already in the career as describe above (computer) , now how does one maintain constant contact with fire ?
Switching career is not an option for me as I am reasonably happy with my present job.
Please advise .

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Dear Ang Jen,
1. Elementt analysis under jobs or occupations sounds quite `scary' if one says that the job should be related to `fire' element.
However, if one looks at it closely, it does not really mean `fire' as in contact with the real thing like a fireman's occupation or job.
2. But rather Fire element can be a range of jobs relating to e.g. sales, marketing, or anything that has `fire' or `drive' in it.
3. Therefore, for example if one is in computers, in contact with fire could suggest jobs relating to marketing of computer products etc..
4. Other broad areas could include System Analyst e.g. in areas of project management i.e. task oriented work where tasks need to be carried out `fast'.
The above are some of the many examples that one can relate to.
5. In the past, when the occupation or Pillars of Occupation was "designed", it was easy to classify the simplistic occupations in the past under each element clearly. But nowadays with multi skilling and so many multi-faceted job titles and job specifications, one may have to look at it closely or on a case-by-case basis.
6. As Pillars of Occupation is part of the Pillars of Destiny, we have provided this to all users. However, do understand the significance of Para 5.
I believe it is still relevant as it is clever to provide `analysis' on whether one should have a career with Wealth or a career with Power today.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/20/00 12:45:51 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Robert
I purchased the report from
your website and found the
explanation below:
Since Water represents your
wealth, this means that a job
representing this element
would bring you wealth. This
is because you will be
creating more opportunities
with your Wealth Deities.
If you have a job with this
element, you will likely be
able to accumulate wealth.
According to your Pillars, you
will not completely enjoy this
wealth unless you enhance
yourself with Fire.
"This type of Career is not
recommended unless you are in
constant contact with Fire. "
However, I am already in the
career as describe above
(computer) , now how does one
maintain constant contact with
fire ?
Switching career is not an
option for me as I am
reasonably happy with my
present job.
Please advise .

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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