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Hi Cecil,

I wish to enquire on the procedure to relocate my Guan Yin.

I will be be shifting my Guan Yin to my mum's house. I heard that its good to bring the guan yin to si ma lu Guan yin temple to "cleanse" it before shifting to a new place?

Is there a need to buy a new incense holder?

Thank you for your advice.




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1. Often, when moving Guan Yin to a new home, it is common for people to inform her at each step of the way, such as before leaving the old home, when reaching the new home's car park, and when outside the main door.

2. Human factors

2.1. Before moving Guan Yin to your mother's home, it is important to check with her about her preferences.

2.2. Keep in mind that there are no strict rules for these matters.

2.3. If you feel that it should be cleansed based on good feelings and information, then go ahead.

3. You asked: "Is there a need to buy a new incense holder?"

3.1. Common sense should guide your decision.

3.2. For instance, if the current incense holder is too large or damaged, then it may be necessary to change it.

3.3. If you ask the shops selling incense holders, they may advise you to change, but consider their motives.

3.4. Another common sense consideration is that if you purchase a new incense holder, you will need to figure out how to dispose of the old one.

4. Other matters:

4.1. If the Guan Yin is "active" and has a real god within it, it may be best to bring it to your mother's home to avoid it being "dirtied" during transport to the temple or affected by other things.

4.2. Some Guan Yin statues are DUDs, meaning no god is within them. If so, get it cleansed and activated.

4.3. It's best to check with the temple directly if you are considering bringing it to them.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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