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I've just stumbled into this wonderful site and hope I can get some help.
My family had been down with sickness since we moved into our very first home 5 years ago. Throughout this 5 years, we have been visiting the doctors at least twice monthly. My sons has even been hospitalize twice. Both son and daughter is still on medication till today. Myself constantly suffer for severe gastric problem, I had even been twice to the hospital to have a scope done. A substantial amount of our income has been spent on medical bills on both Chinese and Western doctors. My husband faces difficulty in his career. We had engaged a Feng Shui master before but things don't seem to improve. We are at our wits end and now had putting our home for sale. What do you suggest we do to improve our health and life?

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Sorry to hear of your plight.
I have had several clients in similar situations and after assessing their personal charts and doing a Flying Star audit of the house it usually is revealed that through no fault of theirs, they are enhancing the sickness area of the house.
Once all this is attended to, it is possible for the family's health to improve.
Also check the eight house theory.....your main door could be in the breadwinners death or disaster area.
Cecil and Robert have many free modules on this web site to help you and feel free to ask as many questions as you want.
Good luck

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