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HDB Garden Vines @ Tengah BTO launched in November 2019 + a Case Study of the future temple next to this development & Devil's Gate / Backdoor? Altar an issue? - Is my unit lucky?

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Garden Vines @ Tengah Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plans


Part 1: HDB Garden Vines Sales Information

2-room Flexi, 3-, 4-, 5-room, and 3Gen flats  

Located in the new Tengah town, Garden Vines @ Tengah will be sited in the Garden District, while Plantation Grange and Plantation Village will be situated in the Plantation District. Plantation Grange and Plantation Village will offer shorter-waiting-time flats.

These developments are located near upcoming amenities such as a neighbourhood centre, a community club, and Jurong Region Line MRT stations. The developments will be served by bus services leading to the city and nearby towns. With an extensive network of walking and cycling paths residents will also be able to walk and cycle everywhere in Tengah.

The Garden and Plantation Farmways are key features of the Garden and Plantation Districts, that will foster a new lifestyle centred on community gardening and urban farming.

You can choose your home from 3,460 units of 2-room Flexi, 3-, 4-, 5-room, and 3Gen flats. Please refer to the site plans for the facilities provided in these developments. Facilities in these developments will be accessible by the public.

Garden Vines @ Tengah will be bounded by Tengah Drive, Tengah Garden Walk, and Plantation Crescent. This development comprises 8 residential blocks, with heights staggering from 7 to 14 storeys.


The developments in the Garden District are influenced by garden elements, and Garden Vines @ Tengah is inspired by the meandering Garden Farmway and winding landscaped paths within the development.The landscaped deck at your doorstep provides a tranquil garden space where you can enjoy various recreational facilities such as playgrounds, fitness stations, and hard court. Roof gardens in some blocks serve as ideal spots to enjoy views of the surroundings. A supermarket, eating house, shops, and a childcare centre are also conveniently located within the development.

You can choose from 900 units of 2-room Flexi, 3-, 4-, and 5-room flats.

About Garden District

Garden District is framed by Tengah Pond and Central Park. This picturesque setting will be complemented by the garden-themed farmway, which encourages healthy and active living.

Thematic playgrounds inspired by nature motifs such as flowers and garden creatures, strengthen the visual identity of Garden District and encourage imaginative play. Green markers at key entry points along the Garden District, such as botanical arbours framed with flowering creepers, provide shade and visual respite from the urban landscape.

An array of amenities such as eateries, schools, and retail shops, will be available in Garden District to meet the daily needs of residents.







Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1: Temple beside HDB Garden Vines @ Tengah

The allocated squarish plot of land means that most likely the frontage of the temple is facing SW. And the rear of the temple is at NE.


Red = Units located at the region of NE of the temple. Can be come an unexpected portal for the netherworld. As NE is generally considered as the devil's "front door".

Green = In close proximity of the future Chinese temple. Last resort or last consideration purchase as it is also in the path of the NE "Devil's highway"


Unit's in RED affected by Devil's front gate (Generally unlucky). Any units furthest away from the GREENs are the least affected such as #420 & #422 and beyond them.

Placement of altar may inadvertently become a portal for spirits to enter and exit.

There is no doubt that this future temple will be aligned at an SW to NE alignment. If so, this is extremely bad luck for those units within the NE zone. Especially units ranging from 1st storey to 4th storey high.

Both Chinese Feng Shui and Indian Vastu principles ... share the (above) same thoughts...

Many temples purposely align themselves to a NE-SW or SW-NE depending on their intended purpose. 

E0A9C503-7F74-4F98-90F7-DCE7BA1964AD.thumb.jpeg.19576c93d5396492d3ef0c465433c4fb.jpegThe famous Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery at Toa Payoh is aligned at a North Easterly direction. (However, this is not based on Flying Stars alignment. The temple is aligned precisely or exactly at a 10 degrees to 190 degrees for a specific purpose.)

In the past, I received several SOS separately from some residents at block 255 and also 253....

215615322_KongMengSanPhorKarkSeeMonastery.png.e4600ae491f27199448ac5ea99601ad7.pngBy right, the temple could have been aligned North to South similar to block 194. But because of this temple; many HDB blocks has no choice also aligned to the temple’s profile.

61D00F2E-03F0-41D0-8006-E2F7B1773772.jpegThe above Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery plus the Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (Sin Ming - also known as Bright Hill) are never aligned exactly true North to South. But again;  if one compares the two outlines of these templese, these two temples are tilted towards a North-Easterly direction. Again, for a specific reason.

In Indonesian or Malay origin.. the word to describe this situation is "Mampus"  = sure to die... 

Want to read more about the Devil's gate?


Need Advice on Altar Placement?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2: Garden Vines uses only even numbering of stacks/units such as #464 or #466.

Hi! I stay at Block 238B Garden Vines #04-444.


stigma.gif.0a5b23b6180e2e155c29b338f378f7db.gif1. Thus one can find unit numbers such as e.g. #04-446 or #05-466.

2. One also can find even unit number like 444.

3. Frankly: "One man's meat is another man's poison applies, here".

4. Some Chinese (especially the Cantonese dialect group) find 4 = sounds like "die". And here, 444 to some means die, die and die!.

5. If in doubt, skip these stacks/units since it may sometimes affect the re-sale value.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3: If these zig-zag and jagged boundary is true than this has to be one of the weirdest "division" of property!

903834900_gardenvinesfrontier.thumb.png.a8d9cd4532ee24758533ce14054d8f6a.png1. Luckily both plots: HDB Garden Vines and HDB Garden Vale are public plots of land.

2. Imagine if one day it becomes SERS or either plot sold to private developers, many developers would think twice about purchasing the plot of land.

3. Just imagine, if a developer of an EC/condo may have to spent lots more to install their boundary wall or fencing, here! 

4. Truly, honestly, this is the first ever development in Singapore or for that matter in the entire world that has such a dividing line! Crazy! The planner of HDB Garden Vale must either be very drunk or intoxicated or most likely by now could be resting at IMH (Institute of Mental Health, Hougang).

4. Technically, if it is just drawn here as a virtual border, then really no issue. As even if there is a fence between the two plots; the sharp corners of such a fence is low. And often does not go up to 2nd storeys. 

5. Most likely this stepped or jagged edges had led the planners of HDB Garden Vines to plan the blocks parallel to the RED border-line.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4:  Samples of Potential Poison arrow aimed towards a unit

1. The block layouts HDB Garden Vines ensure that there are many sharp corners of neighbouring blocks aimed towards a unit.

2. Frankly, I tried my best to locate as many such potential poison arrors.

3. However, as you can see the illustration below is a tangled web of lines and arrow.

4. Thus, if you can understand the methology, I am sure you may be able to spot another unit with the same concern...



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5: Common Bin Lobby (CBL) and near-by units

726105356_GARDENVINESCOMMONBINLOBBY1a.png.1736b8047af595be37be8a9f3d57d53e.png1. Where possible try to avoid purchasing a unit at stack #348 and #392. This is because the CBL is close-by to the frontage of the unit.

1.1 Of course, if the CBL is well-maintained and clean and tidy is fine.

1.2. But what happens if one has neighbours that dump junk and waste materials outside the bins.

1.3. For example, hopefully, no inconsiderate home owners dump or discard durian shells and eaten seeds at the lobby. Hopefully, the wind does not blow these smells towards one's living rooms and open bedroom windows at stacks #348 and #392.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case 6A: Sha Qi from a long straight corridor leading towards the main entrance door(s)

1. It is certainly a surprise to see this type of block / corridor arrangement where a long corridor flows towards the main entrance doors.

2. However, there are still some layouts that are not exactly straight flowing but at a slight angle leading indirectly towards a main door.

3. I observed none at all from January 2019 till I saw this..

4. A total of four (4) stacks have a long straight corridor leading towards their main entrance door:


4.1. The thin red lines is like a crude "waves" or disturbed qi:-


5.1. Above:  Showing the corridor leading towards stacks #448 and #450.

6. In additional there are four more stacks with the same corridor layout orientation:-


6.1. Above: The four (4) additional stacks are: #324, #326, #372 and #374.

7. If you intend to have a habit of leaving the main entrance door opened majority of the time when at home... should consider looking elsewhere.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1273468912_gardenvinesandshaqi3.png.8250b798f03cd611ef316ee42a5f2c69.pngCase Study 6B: Potential Poison Arrow from the sharp corner of the corridor side-wall.

1. Illustration showing the sharp corner of the corridor wall / railing aimed towards stack #450 main entrance door/opening.

2. Purple arrow is aimed towards stack #448.


1270251002_gardenvinesandshaqi2.png.76ffbe5a70009a2f4ad5120a51b8a6ae.png3. Below: Full illustration showing the two stacks/units in relation to the common lobby area:


4. The four (4) additional stacks are: #324, #326, #372 and #374 with similar concerns or issues.

4.1. Sample photo showing similar sharp corners aimed towards the main entrance door:

4.2 Two photos extracted from the above link.


4.2.1 Note: Above is not from HDB Garden Vines (in the event that it had T.O.P. Clue = photo taken sometime in the year 2011.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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503611543_gardenvinesandbincentre.thumb.png.694b9289b9380144c47641352e64e977.pngCase Study 7: Any concern with the Bin Centre (PWCS)?

1. The planners of this estate did a marvelous job in not only placing the Bin Centre tucked at one corner but also sandwiched it with the Electrical Sub-Station (ESS) as a buffer with the nearest stacks 310, 300, 302 308.

1.1. In addition, the bin centre also next to the temple... as to whether the future temple supervisors like it or not, the temple people has no control over it.

2. Thus no issue for stacks in HDB Garden Vines.

3. It may become a stigma for the the future design of the directly opposite : "Site reserved for Future High rise residential development.

3.1. As mentioned, this is as they say "not our problem" .... at Garden Vines! LOL!

4. The PWCS system relies on suction. And when I first visited CDL's The Venue, there was a signage with so many Don't do this Don't do that on that single signage above the common bin.

4.1 Extracted this photo from a previous posting on The Venue at Potong Pasir:-



4.2 Above: This are a total of Twelve (12) Don'ts! Can you figure what they are?

4.3. A few weeks later, I see an advisory notice with photos of the clogged bin pipes... and not to throw certain items down the chute....

4.4. This is because the vacuum suction many not be able to move heavy objects.. even things like liquid waste in a sealed plastic bag may have a problem.

4.5. But I believe eventually, and hopefully if all residents do their part, this may not be of a common occurence!

Related Topic on PWCS system:

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1 hour ago, binbin said:

Hi, May i know if Unit 344 is a good unit number?

1. Numbers such as 4, 44 or sometimes even numbers ending with a 44 may be deemed by some Chinese as inauspicious.

2. Frankly, this has nothing to do with Feng Shui or Numerology. 

2.1. Even in the field of numerology, there are many or even hundreds of various numerology formulas: which result in either: auspicious or inauspicious meaning. 

3. The significance of: "One man's meat is another person's poison" applies.

4. I know of some individuals who instead find 4 or 44 or 444 lucky.

4.1. But frankly, this sample is much smaller in the Chinese culture especially from the Cantonese dialect group and or their influence in other Chinese communities.

4.2. Thus more so especially in Hong Kong.


5. Even if one is neutral to such a number with 4 or 44 or sometimes even with a 3 + 4 + 4 = 344.

6. What this translate to is that in the future, if one decides to sell the unit, there may be some who don't like the number even if one is neutral to it.

7. Sometimes, this may even result in a potential buyer giving low-ball offers.

7.1. Thus the marketability of the unit may or may not be questionable in such a situation.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study  8: Every temple has a a burning offering mount or chimney. Some nicely decorated as a Pagoda. (Location: HDB Garden Vines BTO)

For the future temple, there is a possibility that such an offering mount could be located at y or z:-


Here, even, if the temple is no threat to the occupants to a unit, the frequent burning of 



Thus in some instances even if the "temple does not kill-one". Depending on wind or air-flow, these fumes may-kill. 

Frankly, there is no such thing as complaining about such things. Have to honestly take-it or leave-it, please.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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Part 1: How is the luck of the Internal Feng Shui of this unit?
Part 2: External Feng Shui luck? 
Part 3: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom?


PART 1 = 35%

Depends on the Internal Layout & Sectors - How Lucky?




Expected Lease Commencement Date is in 2024


Good, Better, Best!

image.png.eca59c69e7fbe6bb056ab7f13cf0332b.pngN2 = Very Lucky. Frontage has the auspicious double #9's.



The Rest!


image.png.7545db4b1821123891bf5c0fbd790cb9.pngimage.png.7d02d0ef034508d89d82e51e7311d6f6.pngS2 = Less Lucky as wealth luck [Double 9's] wasted at the rear.







But also need to review/consider the individual Internal Layout Plan 
& this is just part of the many considerations in a home purchase.

However the above does not take into consideration things like:
Kitchen/Stove at Inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate
or Poison arrow aimed towards the unit, proximity to common bin etc..



PART 2 = 35%

Location, location, location?

Sha Qi? Poison Arrow? 


Watch Your Front, Sides & Back!



Sha Qi or Poison arrow(s) from Sharp Corner(s)
煞 (tiān zhǎn shà) = Tian Zhan Sha etc...




PART 3 = 30%

How Suitable to breadwinner?


Please note that has yet to take into consideration:
1. How suitable is the unit to the main breadwinner &
2. External Shapes and Forms of the unit


TOTAL SCORE = 35 + 35 + 30 = 100%

Get Expert Help:


How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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