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On 11/29/2019 at 11:46 AM, myfs_165041 said:

Hi Master Lee,

Attached is the new punggol cove plan, it is not the resale flat.  It is built next to the punggol cove bto 2018.

Can you share your view for the new punggol cove 2019?

Thank you.

PUNGGOL_POINT_COVE-1 13.pdf 1.5 MB · 3 downloads


Will certainly study it. And post some reviews soon.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1B: Rare to find a virgin piece of the "East Coast" environment left in Singapore

1. Okay, if we ignore the potential air-pollution from Johor Bahru, this has to be one of the last few remaining East Coast of Singapore left.

2. The other  "East Coast" at Upper Serangoon Road has been fully developed. 162878700_hougangcapeview.png.abe974005f93b77d25cc44fd84e4c79b.png

3. While even the "East Coast" of Sengkang up to Rivervale Shores has also been developed..


4. The last few plots are across the fringe of Sengkang ...

5. Actually in my opinion, a close resemblance of a similar piece of land has to be Changi Village (up north) on the east coast.

5.1 Where we take a boat to Pulau Ubin.

5.2. And also once upon a time to Pulau Tekong as I remembered clearly during my BMT days when some of us were allowed to booked out after BMT.

5.3. In addition, when reservists had in-camp training at Tekong and time-off or after office hours also via the boats.. to ferry us to Changi Point. 

5.4. Yes, a quick one... in the past around the 1970's we had to assemble at the Changi Point HDB carpark, then march towards and past Hendon Camp (Commando Unit) and towards the beach.

5.4.1. The landing craft would ferry us towards Pulau Tekong... towards.. then we had to march towards SAF BMT Camp II..

close cousin is the Changi Village.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2: This development's block layout style although not exactly identical but one could see some resemblance to the style of HDB Punggol Point Cove launched in August 2018

1. Therefore, one may conclude that HDB passed the design to the same team.. 

2. Although this time round, although one can seem some vague resemblance to a fish: Head and tail fins, there are fishes that resembles a long thin stick.... as opposed to this developments more curved contours of the body:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4: Is it bad for the main entrance door to face a lift or lifts?

190401914_PUNGGOLPOINTCOVEUNITMAINDOORFACINGLIFTDOORBAD.png.15f213b5e1b42831b0666166e6c04827.png1. Here, one does not need to have a degree in common sense to understand why?

2. Please put on your thinking cap. As this forum is not just a spoon feeding session.

3. If you understand why, that's good.

4. But if you still cannot figure out... then you are not able to earn a degree in Common Sense. By the way, the degree is FREE! LOL

5. Get hold of a Feng Shui Master (FSM) ask one question: "Why is it that a bed should have four legs?""

5.1. If the reply from the FSM is that: "This is to allow good qi to flow below the bed".. then most likely; the FSM may be lacking in pure common sense. LOL

5.2. Most likely, also you can certainly get another vague answer for why it is considered no good? to have a main door face the lift...

[In the near future, I may add the common sense reasoning....Actually, I had in the past gave my views based on common sense for these two scenarios...]

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5: Stacks/Units are too close to the Common Bin Lobby (CBL)


1. Preferably, Stacks/units #646 and #704 could be considered as a lower priority or choice as the main entrance and even the yard area is pretty close to the CBL.

2. As for stacks #644 and #702 the main consideration is that standing at the main entrance door, one can see the CBL.

3. Often there can be a stigma attached to this even by some persons and also some Feng Shui Masters (FSM).

3.1. To be told that one's unit is inauspicious is a turn-off.

3.2. In addition, when it time to sell the unit through a re-sale environment; the potential purchaser (PP) may hire such a FSM. And told to avoid purchasing the unit.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: 6 Dear Devil, are you at home? I want to visit you soon-:)


1. This stigma often only applies to SOME Christians. (Hopefully not all)


2. Typically, SIX-SIX-SIX OR 666 often does not apply to the majority of other races/religion.


3. In addition, Stacks/Units like #644 and #744 found under this development normally should not be an "eye-sore" for some who are not that in favour of a number like 4 or 44. Let's hope so....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 7: Precinct Pavilion (PP) at Level 1 means out of sight... but does it also mean out of mind?

363739872_PUNGGOLPOINTCOVEPRECINTPAVILION.png.ae061613974b54fdcc1a8bf9d82f658b.png1. It is good to know that since the PP is at level 1 whilst on level 2, it is a garden, here this means that the activites at the PP will be out of sight of stacks #604, #606, #608 and #610. 

2. Although the PP is out of sight, however, it does not necessarily means that the PP is out of mind.

3. This is because if activities within the PP is loud, it can still spread towards the lower floor units especially that of #610 and maybe also #608 & even at #606.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 8: What about the Electric Sub-Station (ESS) any concern?

1067966219_PUNGGOLPOINTCOVEESSANDPRECINTPAVILION.png.d756abe30031098e50cc0815415ad5f6.png1. Although stack #604 is the nearest to the ESS, good news is that there is totally no concern whatsoever.

2. The second closest stack to the ESS is #608. All the more, no issue!

3. The ESS should be considered out of sight + out of mind! Cheers!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi, New to this forum? 

Just because there are lots of write-ups does not automatically mean that you can post specific questions.

So you think that you are the only one posting such specific questions. 

Please multiply it with lots, lots more of same postings... 

Frankly, Please don't waste each other time on this... as the posting may never see day-light... Learn Why?

The most used words in the English dictionary are : "I, me or mine". But this cannot be said for the forum.

This forum is only about us or we. Not "U" as in You. LOL!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 9: Potential reflection from the surface of the sea based on specific conditions...

2073492325_PUNGGOLPOINTCOVEANDREFLECTIVESURFACEOFTHESEA.thumb.png.6f2a253c2ff5acf74bebf7065ad4b059.png1. Personally, I had encountered such a phenomenon where I was in a client's flat at around 10.30am facing similar conditions.

2. The client's home is also NE-East facing. I saw that the client had virtually drawn blinds for their balcony and bedrooms facing similar circumstances.

3. As I walked towards one of the bedroom windows, I could see why the blinds were drawn.

3.1. Suddenly, as I approached the windows, I saw a mirror like surface with the intensity of sunlight focusing it's lights into my eyes. That was uncomfortable. 

4. Please take note that all these depends on several factors:

a. Sunny Day

b. Certain time of the day = since this is the NE-East coast area of Punggol; occur only during the morning period. Thus could be between say 8.30am to 11.30am. After which no more once the sun rises to the apex at 12-12.30pm.

c. Distance between the unit and the sea and any obtacles as mentioned under Para d. below...

d. Is the Punggol Promenade full of tall trees? Or open areas. If open areas, expect lower floors to be affected by this glare of the sun.

e. Height of the unit.

5. Fortunately, if this occurs, it is only in the mornings. May be quite irritating for a housewife. For the rest, it could be irritating especially on a Saturday or Sunday morning when one wants to catch up on much need sleep... LOL...

6. Okay, even if the “sea does not get you”; as these units face east, will certainly get the morning sun.

6.1. A blessing in disguise as by afternoon, the unit will be cool. Unlike an afternoon sun facing unit.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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E0C455AA-0CD5-439D-8BA1-ABAA90E7B726.jpeg.7d2ce90d0faeb73e2e016f00d47c95ca.jpegFeng Shui enjoys a bad reputation today!

As many associate Feng Shui (FS) with the need to buy expensive but useless commercial products sold in the name of FS.

Many FS masters take advantage of this. It is like an addiction!

Selling products are indeed a very lucrative thing.

Know that not all Feng Shui Masters are into selling useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui. ? 

When the buying Stops! The selling, Can!

Geomancy.net has always distanced ourselves from the above!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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51 minutes ago, myfs_165041 said:

Hi Master Lee,

Thank you for your detail review.

Is frontage of stack# 610, 612, 634, 636, 674 and 676 facing sea instead of main door or need to see individual floor plan to determine the frontage of the unit?

Thank you.

Majority of Feng Shui concepts can easily be dissected using a simple formula = common sense driven.

Common sense driven guidelines can be found, under this link:-



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 12/23/2019 at 5:34 PM, Iseria said:

Hi Master Lee,

I enjoy reading your detailed explanation on this project.

Frankly this precisely echoes what this 25 year old forum is all about!

Simply, this forum reviews key macro considerations specific to a development. 

And not unit 642. Who else in this forum cares about a unit called 642? Thus, please don't waste your time posting such requests.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 11/29/2019 at 10:28 PM, Cecil Lee said:

Case Study 1A: Possible air pollution (if any) is on some clients minds as this is beyond one's control...

Extract of a snapshot from HDB Punggol Point Crown ....


A write-up on this can be found as Case Study 4... under this resource link...


Today, I visited a client who currently stayed a Punggol Breeze (near time Oasis LRT/Oasis Terrace).

I known this client since their first home in Tampines + this home which I also FS around 9 years ago. Their two children’s names were also chosen by us.

We were discuss their new yet to T.O.P. Condo unit..

The Mrs confided that in these nine years, she could occasionally smell pungent “gas” smell...not cooking .. but some chemical smells... within her unit.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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