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Does the following info still shows we're compatible , as our bazi element & horoscope  are compatible, even though we have 6 clashes ? Does it reflect serious  damage?

Ba Zi Element : I'm strong wood, she is weak fire.

Horoscope Compatibility:  I'm Tiger, hers is Pig

(1) Heaven Stem Clash between year pillar (jia) & month pillar (geng).

(2) Heaven Stem Clash between year pillar (jia) & hour pillar (geng).

(3) Heaven Stem Clash between day pillar (jia) & hour pillar (geng).

(4) Earthly Branch Clash between year pillar (yin) & month pillar (shen).

(5) Earthly Branch Harm between month pillar (wu) & day pillar (chou).

(6) Earthly Branch Clash between month pillar (wu) & hour pillar (zi)


Please advise, thank you.


Paul W.

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Yes, from the info you provided, while there are no major clash/harm, there are 5 minor clashes, 1 minor harm. In general, 3 or more minor clashes is as good as 1 major clash, so that is almost like 2 major clashes. In general, it is fine to have 1 or 2 minor clashes, but too many is not really good. As that means there are many internal conflicts between the two ba zi charts. Which usually means, there maybe lots of conflict between the two charts. So from the ba zi chart compatibility, the compatibility is not that great. 

Ultimately, whether or not it is good or not, also depends on the five element compatibility and horoscope compatibility. So when you assessed all areas then you will be able to determine an overall compatibility. Such as Strong Wood and weak Fire is a good pairing, so that would help improve the compatibility.  Tiger and Pig is average compatibility, may need some tolerance and understanding. So overall, not the best compatibility but not the worst compatibility. So I would probably rank it as below average compatibility. But expect some conflicts from time to time, hence need lots of tolerance and understanding.

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