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need help on bed direction

my auspicious direction is as follow.

NE > Longevity   

SW > Health

NW > Prosperity

W > Excellent

S > Spook

SE > Irritation

N > Disaster

E > Death

My new home will be facing NE

My new bedroom have two wall that I can put head of bed facing which are NW and SE

The room is designed to have head of bed direction facing SE (with commanding position) as the NW position the left side of bed will be adjacent to entry door.  I might be able to put some night stand between the bed and the door.  Also the bed room has both balcony sliding door (SW) and hallway to master bathroom (NE) in the middle of the master bedroom.  Please advice on which bed direction should I do.  Thank you very much


                                                                                  NW (prosperity)


                                                            |                                                      (  entry door

                                                            |                                                                  |

                                                            |                                                                  |

                               ---------------------                                                                   ---------------------------------

                               |  balcony with                                                                                 hallway to master bath      NE (longevity) front of the house

      SW (Health)      |     sliding door >>                                                                   ----------------------------------

                               |------------------- |                                                                  |

                                                            |                                                                  |

                                                            |                                                                  |

                                                                                   SE (irritation)


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Usually bed head facing NW on paper seems the better choice.

However, as I suppose the bedroom door is along this wall; another consideration based on Shapes and Forms is thus not the best choice here.

As Feng Shui accounts for 33.33% of the total luck; and human or man luck 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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11 hours ago, myfs_139059 said:

yes the NW head facing will get the direct chi coming in at the head of bed of left side.  If I were to use the SE bed head, do I need to do anything to cure the problem?

This is beyond this scope of one applying basic Feng Shui.

As the Eight House concept or also called 4 good/4 bad has it’s limits. For example either one face a good direct or not. There is that much or little else than it’s limited application. This is explained under habit No. 9. The Three Step approach. Refer to the resource link on the 12 Habits of Feng Shui.

Concepts like Flying Stars, Ba Zi Feng Shui are plotted and applied for a cure (if any). 

Thus as far as your knowledge goes it is up to the last habit 12: Go become a headbanger all you want. Maybe even wear a helmet and start the process of headbanger...

As mentioned it involves more advanced methods... and detailed plotting and analysis...



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I mentioned:

1. Use of the Eight House (EH) or 4 Good/bad directions is equivalent of taking an X’ray.

2. Holistic Feng Shui is not so simplistic.

2.1 A full Feng Shui audit uses many tools and applications and concepts. 

2.2 The result is similar to one undergoing an Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning.

3. An X’ray is akin to a kindergarten student standard of a black and white and a flat one dimensional view.

3.1 Vs to an MRI. Equivalent to a degree or higher learning standard.

4. Thus what cures one wants or begs for in a kindergarten type review? 

5. Thus EH has it’s limitations under the 9th Habit out of a total of 12 habits.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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