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Volume 1 of 2: Selected Cases with real life examples of Ba Zi Feng Shui + Eight House + Flying Stars + Shapes & Forms + Water Classics + lots more concepts. Useful to get into the head of a FS Master!

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Case Study 1: Identifying Health Issues early in the Master Bedroom (If any)

Major concepts:
a. Eight House Concept: Who sleeps where?
b. Flying Star Feng Shui: NW MS#5 W#2 (Nasty Stars)

c. Ba Zi Feng Shui: Binding elements (colours)
d. Shapes & Forms: Poison arrow from sharp corner of ward-rope

1. In this illustration: #5 = misfortune with #2 sickness affects the health of women.

2. This issue was identified and this flaw can be discussed with the client as one of the considerations to take note of should they still want to go through with the purchase of this unit.


3. Engaging a Feng Shui Master (FSM)? Check that they do provide you with a detailed Feng Shui report.

4. It is a good practise for Comprehensive Feng Shui audits to do so is because all the concepts are laid to bare for the FSM to have a big picture of the home. And better able to plan the Feng Shui exercise.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2A: Detecting an issues relating to the kitchen (if any). Plus advising client on a cure for maid's room.

Major concepts:
a. Eight House Concept: Who sleeps where?
b. Flying Star Feng Shui: NW MS#5 W#2 (Nasty Stars)

c. Shapes & Forms/Yin & Yang: Kitchen at NW - Fire@Heaven's Gate

1. Fortunately, the stove is at an inauspicious sector. And it affects the Male breadwinner's career and also impact on the overall luck of the whole family!

2. Detecting early sickness imbalances in the Maid's Room and recommending cure(s) for it.


Case Study 2B: Client bought a re-sale home. The current stove was exactly at the NW cardinal point.

Major concept:
Shapes & Forms: Poison arrow from sharp corner of ward-rope


Client advised to move it to location in blue "A".

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3: If Option 1 is selected, the stove will fall exactly on the NW cardinal point. A very bad case of Fire @ Heaven's gate.

1. Recommendation to adopt Option 2 for the kitchen layout plan.

2. In addition, specific materials are to be avoided for the dining table.

Major concepts:
a. Flying Star Feng Shui: NW MS#5 W#2 (Nasty Stars)

b. Shapes & Forms: Kitchen at NW - Fire@Heaven's Gate


3. Proposed to client to Opt for Option 2 for the kitchen/stove layout to avoid inauspicious career luck for the male breadwinner and also for family luck on the whole:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4A: Applying Ba Zi Feng Shui + Who sleeps where is no accident

Major concepts:
a. Eight House Concept: Who sleeps where?
b. Flying Star Feng Shui

c. Ba Zi Feng Shui: Binding elements (colours)
d. Shapes & Forms:
Kitchen at NW - Fire@Heaven's Gate

1. Both partners individual best colours are combined to find a common denominator.

2. In this example, both partners have a common element: Water element.


3. Thus in the master bedroom, water element is one of the colours used in this bedroom.

4. In addition, who sleeps where is no accident.

4.1. This is because the Qi flowing from NE towards the bedroom window is inauspicious for Mrs.

4.2. Thus Mr sleeps closer to the windows to shield or protect Mrs.

5. At NE sector, from now till 2023 = Very auspicious. But from 2024 onwards, this becomes past prosperity.

6. This unit is also affected by the inauspicious Fire at Heaven's Gate. As the earlier case studies 2 and 3 had already covered this, no longer discussed, here.

Case Study 4B: Both Mr & Mrs are West group persons. It is Nice-to have the bed-head as shown, below.

Furthermore, the position of the bed fits very well with Shapes and Forms Feng Shui i.e. interior layout plan.


P.S. Bed-head faces NW direction.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5: Applying Ba Zi Feng Shui and Eight House Concept

Major Concept:
a. Ba Zi Feng Shui
b. The Five Elements Concept

1. Under Ba Zi Feng Shui:

1.1 Mum's best colours are: Water and her wealth colour is Wood. While Fire is okay for her.

1.2. Son 1's individual best colours are: Metal, Wealth (Water) + Wood elements.

1.3. Son 2's individual best colours are: Water, Wealth (Wood) + Fire elements.


2. Option 1:

2.1. Under Eight House concept 4 Good / Bad directions, Bedroom 2 is suited to Son 1 as it is his longevity sector.
2.2. Bedroom 3 is suited to Son 2 (Health)

2.3. Using Ba Zi Feng Shui: Son 1's best colours in his bedroom 2 are 1. Water, 2. Metal & 3. Wood.

2.4. For Bedroom 3:  Using Ba Zi Feng Shui: Son 2's best colours are 1. Water and 2. Wood. But based on Flying Star Feng Shui an additional element = Metal is considered to balance this sector.


3. Option 2:

3.1. Under Ba Zi Feng Shui, if both sons are to occupy bedroom 2, then the binding element or common denominator of colours are used to harmonize this bedroom for Son 1 and 2 i.e. Water and Wood colours.

3.2. As Mum will for the time being occupy Bedroom 3, this bedroom is also harmonized to her.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 6: Can my dad occupy the utility room as I ran out of available bedrooms?

Yes, the utility room is suitable to dad (No choice as ran out of bedrooms due to a large family)

1. Dad is a west group person.

2. The utility room is located at West sector of the house.

3. The bed-head direction facing west (as shown) is suitable to dad.

4. In addition, the sector his bedroom is is equally suitable to him.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 7: Where can I place a water fountain at my house? house

Major Concepts:
1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui
2. Flying Star Feng Shui

1. Frontage of the house under Period 8 has the water wealth position as shown at the frontage / baloncy of the living room.

2. Double auspicious #8's at the frontage of the unit.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 8: The worksheet shows that there is a nasty combination of #5 misfortune/sickness with #2 sickness in Bedroom 3.

1. [Below] Refer to marking A  at SE Bedroom 3 sector 

1.1.  Bedroom 3 has nasty Flying Star numbers. Need to disarm to avoid health issues.


2. [Above] Refer to marking  B where both partners are West group persons. So happens that their bedroom is located at SW + Bed-head direction facing West = Nice to have both to be favourable.

In additional Ba Zi Feng Shui is also applied for the Master Bedroom + Bedrooms 2 & 2. Will not elaborate. Since this topic has been covered earlier under several Case Studies.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 9: Harmony of Shapes and Forms Feng Shui with Eight House family members best directions

Major Considerations:
1. Shapes and Forms
2. Eight House
3. Flying Stars

1. Frankly, what is most important here is how the living furniture should be placed.

2. This is crucial in order to allow for the furniture for the TV console and other periperals.

3. All family members are West group persons. Here, it is good that family members sit facing their favourable directions like: NE, SW, West or NW.

3.1. It is NICE-TO have them face marking in BLUE "A" = NW = everyone's best directions. But not a MUST-DO given that seeing TV is for leisure. Not for study or work.

A = sofa facing NW
B = sofa facing SE
C = Main Door


3.2. For a landed properity best or top choice to mount the TV console at A. And allow unobstructed movement from the main door into the home vs having say a coffee table to obstruct this movement.

3.3. Common sense also says that one may accidentally trip when walking into the house.

4. Thus family finally accepted sitting at the sofa facing A.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 10A: #3 represents quarrels, conflicts and entanglements

1. Oh Dear! #3 is found in the master bedroom.

1.1. #3 combined with #6  results further into = Lawsuit, injury to hands and legs.

1.2. A cure or rather to avoid is GREEN in the Master Bedroom and Master Bath.


2. [Above] Good also that the bed-head direction suits both partners

2.1. Top left frame shows both the study and bed-head directinos.

2.1. Both partners: Mr & Mrs are West Group persons.
2.2. Nice-to see that the Master Bedroom is located at West (suitable) + Bed-head direction always faces West. A Plus.

2.3. P.S. Actually the stove is sharing the same wall as Bath 2's WC. Okay... this will not be looked into, here.

Case Study 10B: Under Symbolism in Feng Shui - Avoid bed (especially bed-head) sharing the same wall as the stove.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 11A: Mirror, mirror on the wall?

1. West wall has inauspicious combinations of #2 sickness with #5 misfortune/sickness. Thus not ideal for a mirror on that wall. As it can bounce back twice the bad luck!

2. Equally the foyer leading into the home is also partially at West.

2.1 And Also NW has the inauspicious #3 with #4 = Quarrels, conflicts and legal entanglements. Thus also less than ideal for a mirror, there.


Note: 1. Kitchen/stove at NW is also affected by Fire at Heaven's Gate. Already covered in earlier postings. Thus not discussed, here.

Question: Where is the wealth sector?

2. Double current prosperity #8's also wasted at North - utility and bath area. 

Case Study 11B: Can I simply install a mirror in my home?

1. Flying Star Feng Shui can reveal the qi within a room.

2. In this example, it is best not to install a mirror at the East = dining room wall. As there is a nasty combination of #5 misfortune/sickness with #2 sickness at this sector.

3. Ideally, mirror should also not face the main door.


4. Main door has the #3. Learn what #4 with #3 means.

5. Pity also the current prosperity double auspicious #8's are wasted at the kitchen.

Case Study 11C: A similar senario at this EC


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 12A: Can a bed share the same wall as an altar?

No. An altar belongs to the Yin dimension. While the living is Yang. Thus avoid a living person sleeping next to the "Yin".


Case Study 12B: Can an altar be placed at the balcony wall as shown?

1. Client was given a range of locations for her Guan Yin altar: A, B, C & D. 

1.1. As can be seen from the layout (below); the unit is very small.


2. Under Option 2, I took the opportunity to WARN client that altar at "D" = Balcony might have a problem i.e. afternoon sun. 

2.1. Question: Can the client drawn down the external blinds or zip track (if any)? If so, this is a "Last Resort" still location.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 14: Eight House / 4 Good-Bad and the placement of bed (bed-head) + study table

1. This client previously took the Can or Cannot Buy Review.

1.1. Son is a West group person. Thus it is Nice-to have bedroom at West. (Not shown. Daughter is an East group person. Thus [not shown] her bedroom 2 is at East-:)

1.2. I offered client four (4) variations [can be mixed and matched] to the parents liking. 


2. Nice-to: Bedroom sector good for son + bed-head + study table = all three areas are good for son. By the way, son and father (Mr) share the same West group directions.

3. Not shown above:  Mrs and daughter are East Group persons

3.1. Okay, this is their bed-head and study matrix:

By the way, in case you are wondering the numbering: 1, 2, 3, 4? 
1 = Prosperity direction
2 = Health
3 = Excellent
4 = Longevity
P.S. For study direction better if it faces 1 or 3.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Another client shared her disappointment with her former Master. 

She feedback that all she received was just this sheet  of paper. Even the paper was provided by her. LOL 

Other geomancers report1.png

Check carefully before hire one! LOL

You deserve better!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 15: Applying Flying Star Feng Shui with the combined 20 Year + Annual + Monthly

1. This was a 2012 case. Where client needs as much help with his Feng Shui.

2. In such circumstances, we then try to fine tune the Feng Shui by also looking to "plug" bad stars...


Below. This is the actual Comprehensive Feng Shui worksheet taking into consideration the above monthly flying stars.


P.S. For confidentiality, this is a thumb-nail Pixelated image

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 16: An "Amazing Grace" or "Saving Grace?" post 2023?

1. This was a 2012 case. Took the opportunity to also highlight a future change of Flying Star Feng Shui qi. 

2. Current prosperity wealth luck is the mountain MS#8. Future or coming prosperity will be #9.


3. The fallacy for MOST people to do annual Feng Shui is de-bunked, here.  

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 17: Avoid Stove facing a Toilet door


1. This layout design is popular with Singapore Housing Development Board (HDB) in the Period 7 era [Between 1983 to 2003 period].

2. If the stove is facing the toilet door, it would then have to face a sink. 

2.1. Here, sink TAP (water element) vs stove (fire element) = a clash. Thus to be avoided

3. [Below] It would be worse-off if the WC faces the toilet door. As this is based on Common sense.


3.1. Here, if the WC lid (down) at the closed position; flushing the WC would mean that water gushes into the WC confined area and forced out of it.


3.2. Leaving the WC lid open is just as bad. As the micro droplets from the WC  "shoots" upwards instead of horizontally. 

3.3. If one really has a toilet seat that faces the toilet door; frankly, it is better to have the toilet seat lid "open" all the time instead of this closed, position.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 18: Option 1 is preferred vs Option 2 where when sleeping the "legs" can face the bedroom door = Coffin Position

1721511955_whatisthecoffinposition.gif.423ec3f9e7c87775a951591dc6738633.gif1. In a landed home.

2. When a family dies and brought home for the last time, the head goes into the hallway or living room.

3. When it is time for the funeral, the deceased legs go out of the door first.

3.1. This is how the term "Coffin position" is derived.

4. Locally, many private ambulance attendants, know this thus when someone is really sick, the person is carried out in this way.

4.1. This is also based on common sense. Why?

4.2. Sometimes there are obstacles when bringing out a person on a stretcher. And thus the person's head and body (heaviest) side is protected...


1. Option 1 is the preferred choice.


2. [Below:} Option 2 - Legs face bedroom door is considered inauspicious


Related: A better understanding of the taboo of : "legs face door". Coffin Position?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 19: Optimal Bed-head direction based on Qi Flow (under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui)

1. Eight House concept of who sleeps where?
1.1. Master Bedroom windows are between the living room and master bedroom.

1.2. Under the Eigh House concept, qi flows from the windows area into the master bedroom. And Since NE sector favours MR = Prosperity. Best that he sleeps closer to the windows: shielding Mrs. Thus Mrs  = Death sleeps closer to the bedroom door.

1.3. Some don't like to sleep where the bed-head can be seen from the Master Bedroom door. But later, we will see that it is preferred that the bed-head be at this area of the master bedroom vs at East sector.


2. Why is it better for Master bed-head is placed against the NE wall?


2.1. The assumption here is that one does not turn on air-con 24/7. If so, with an air-con, one can virtually sleep at any corner of the master bedroom. As air-circulation is good anywhere with an air-con.

2.2. Normally, many would be expected to sleep often with windows opened.

2.3. If so, natural air would flow in or out of the bedroom as shown.  While the area highlighted in RED are areas of stagnant qi / dead qi.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 20: Kitchen partially within the fringe of Fire @ Heaven's gate and making sure that the stove or oven or microwave ovens are out of this area

A = Green zone. Within Fire @ Heaven's gate but fortunately falls within the main entrance door and open space / foyer area

X = Cardinal point of NW. A terrible spot if ever the stove can be found, here. Fortuately.. okay if it the fridge.

B = Yellow zone falls partially within the kitchen.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Why is there a need for a new Volume?

1. Have placed a limit to each Volume,

2. Thus each volume will contain approximately around 20 Case Studies.

3. This is because each Case Study contains at least one graphic file.

4. To avoid long or slow loading of these pages.

5. This is Volume 2:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Fixed Template Popular in the West 

I hope you are not applying this or intending to do so....




Recognise that even a teenager with a little imagination can also write a book on it:-
Chapter 1: North - Career & Personal Journey
Chapter 2: South - Reputation
Chapter 3: NE - Wisdom & Knowledge.. LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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