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Hi Master, 

I’ve a few burning questions. 

I’m collecting keys on 27 April 2020. Does that consider moving in?

28 April 2020 seems to clash with Goat, my partner is goat, can he enter the apartment on 28 April 2020.

29 April 2020 seems to be the best day of moving, can I shift non-personal stuff on 27 and 28 April and leave it at the courtyard?

We are buying a new altar for Guan Yin, which item should I shift over first to set up? Am I allowed to remove her lights and etc while Guan Yin is around?

I told the company to deliver the altar on 28 April 2020. 

How to I know how to calculate the auspicious time to move Guan Yin?



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  On 4/23/2020 at 11:23 AM, Jas_bunnies said:

Hi Master, 

I’ve a few burning questions. 

I’m collecting keys on 27 April 2020. Does that consider moving in?

28 April 2020 seems to clash with Goat, my partner is goat, can he enter the apartment on 28 April 2020.

29 April 2020 seems to be the best day of moving, can I shift non-personal stuff on 27 and 28 April and leave it at the courtyard?

We are buying a new altar for Guan Yin, which item should I shift over first to set up? Am I allowed to remove her lights and etc while Guan Yin is around?

I told the company to deliver the altar on 28 April 2020. 

How to I know how to calculate the auspicious time to move Guan Yin?




1. Free Combined Auspicious Dates for the next 30 days available:

1.1. Sorry, this Free report (is identical to the paid but is "As it is" No auspicious timing not available for the free report)

2. The day one sleeps in the house is the day one move-in. Collecting Keys is not considered as move-in.

3. One can install the light fixtures on the altar if it is built in. But for existing lights, often, this can easily be done ON the day of move-in.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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