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Based on my chinese name & bazi, only East & North area is good for me

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Hi all~

Has been told by a fengshui master that based on my chinese name & bazi, east & north area is good for me to stay, west is a nono.

So recently I have been looking for resale flat, does that mean I cannot search for houses in central area or in the west area as it will not do any good to me based on my chinese name & bazi?

What if I really like a house in the west area, which means I cannot proceed to buy it? Or is there other explanation to this?

Any advice?

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1. In my opinion, this is truly extreme Feng Shui.

2. In fact, tell your Feng Shui Master that you shouldn't be in Singapore! Singapore is in the "South".

3. You should ask your Feng Shui Master to give you money to migrate WEST. LOL

4. Do you know that under the Eight House Concept: Half are West Group and the other Half are East Group.

5. Thus statistically speaking every Two sets of couples; one set should have one partner stay in the East as in East Asia. And the other West as in India, Europe, Texas, California or New York.

5.1  If everyone strictly follow this, then many husbands and wife East vs West have to live apart.

6. Sigh... Singapore Feng Shui Masters are really, really mad people. Most likely such Feng Shui Masters are also a Feng Shui store in disguise. It fits such people. 

7. Feng Shui is also governed by the Bell Curve:-

8. Talk is cheap. The Feng Shui Master must always remember Habit 10. Else, should volunteer to visit the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) at Hougang. 


9. One of the fundamentals in Feng Shui is to apply the three major considerations also. Whether your home is in the North, South, East or West of Singapore:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Whether one stays in the North, East or West, Feng Shui has the means to look at it using all available Feng Shui tools




For example under Case Study 1: Identifying Health Issues early in the Master Bedroom (If any)

Major concepts:
a. Eight House Concept: Who sleeps where?
b. Flying Star Feng Shui: NW MS#5 W#2 (Nasty Stars)

c. Ba Zi Feng Shui: Binding elements (colours)
d. Shapes & Forms: Poison arrow from sharp corner of ward-rope

1. In this illustration: #5 = misfortune with #2 sickness affects the health of women.

2. This issue was identified and this flaw can be discussed with the client as one of the considerations to take note of should they still want to go through with the purchase of this unit.




Sample audit 1 - Chiltern Park.png



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Furthermore, especially those who were born in the months of January and February... will most likely have a wrongly calculated Ba Zi. Especially if the Feng Shui Master use what is known as a H'sia calendar only (Xia / Seasonal / Solar Calendar).

Learn Why...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Another consideration is, if an enemy wants to take down Singapore, they need only to bomb three + one:-

A.  District 15 Katong (East) 

B. Districts 10/11 Holland /Bukit Timah (If one looks close to the map, they are at the fringe of The Central Singapore.)

C. The last one is Serangoon Garden’s area

None of these are located at areas like Jurong, Tuas.

Many of the who who are West group: Ministers, Senior servants, who who in our industry.

And who who in Singapore are staying in these areas.

Jurong was merely a swamp land... not as superior qi as these areas. Thus if the enemy is smart, won’t want to waste their bombs, here. Thus ensure a quick and decisive victory.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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