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A Book of Common Sense Feng Shui. A unique Feng Shui book to show case that 70% of non-theory related Feng Shui are related to Common Sense.

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Another situation which can be answered by common sense...

Gd morning! Exploring one more idea. Is it advisable to have the stairs in living hall designed this way rather than L-shape?

Is a set of straight staircase inauspicious?

Blame this on Feng Shui!

Feng Shui’s preference for the regular turn. As some say qi can meander upstairs. Actually this is a poor FS excuse.

With a landing... if someone slips and fall, at least there is a break.

Here, good luck! If some falls... and elderly also don’t have a rest stop



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Additional Case Study:  I noticed the main door (via Private Lift Lobby) seems to be facing the master bedroom door which is not good? If the bedroom door is always closed, will that still be a concern?


This is based on common sense. Where in some layouts, one can even look into the bed and/or see an activity on the bed. What activity? Use your imagination! 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Additional Case Study:

Hi Cecil I just wanted to get some opinion on the kitchen arrangement. If you are ok to provide some advice.

OK.. I be more specific. Is it OK the stove is quite close to the main door? But cannot see fr main door..

If one meets a conservative FS Master, it is a no no.

But the underlined concern is based on common sense.

If unit is high floor, and touchwood if a fire break out at the most probable location at the kitchen stove, then may have to jump down from the balcony or bedroom windows



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Additional Case Study: Proposed master bedroomimage.thumb.png.12ec1530f0ed9d35c40fb588bf100cab.png

Cecil Lee (CL): Why use cupboard above bed?

Coz need to create storage...😥
Cutting head?

CL: If things drop down on eyes how!

Ok. Maybe wil ask designer to build it opposite wall.

CL: Yes more like it




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Cecil. Dont mind. Can I ask opinion on storage?

Reply: More to do with common sense as bottom harder to clean.

Haha....ok ok thank u for your wisdom
Ok glad to know nothing tondo with fengshui if I change to storage. Thanks



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Additional resources:


1. I had previously written and even shown photos of this "junction".

2. In the past, before Singapore had a network of expressways; many vehicles coming from Katong, Telok Kurau and Siglap used to past through this once upon a time busy STRAIGHT (UPSTREAM) Mountbatten Road:-


2.1. By the way, the earlier colonial planners or civil engineers that had designed this road, frankly ought to be hung to dry or like the Nazi's hung by piano wires for such a shoddy work. Really, who in the world design such angular roads?  Anyway by now should already they should have been "6 foot under" buried somewhere in the UK.

3. In fact, there were a few incidents or close-call where a few vehicles plough through house No. 11 Mountbatten Road. 

3.1. Common sense says that inevitably a straight road = Mountbatten Road + Right Hand Drive country  + some drunks + night time would result in several instances of vehicles simply ploughing into the compound of house Number 11:-


3.2. This is the reason why I was interested in what is beyond the original photo shown, here:-


4. For example, if the road is similar to the above: a stretch of straight road, then I would indeed be concerned about it.

5. Today, Mountbatten Road (formerly called Olive Road) .. but changed to Mountbatten Road was to honour the late LORD Mountbatten who was part of the Royal Family who was unfortunately killed by the IRA on a boat ride.

6. Today, also House 11 has been converted into a Kindergarten. And there is a highway style barrier at this stretch or corner. This barrier will certainly contain or deflect any rogue vehicles - cars (other than perhaps heavy vehicles).

7. Frankly, this review should actually be classified as COMMON SENSE and not even Feng Shui.

8. It indirectly becomes BAD Feng Shui is when something really happens. Then as a consequence people will then say the HOUSE has BAD or ROTTEN Feng Shui right?

P.S. Princess-former US actor = Grace Kelly also met her death through a sharp turn in Monaco. Speeding +unable to manage the vehicle was also a recipe for calamity.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Another Common Sense thing

Hi Mr Cecil, my contractor told me under fengshui living room floor has to be slightly higher than kitchen, is this true?

Outdated common sense. 

Common sense in the past because frequent washing of the kitchen flooring. Thus don't want washing water to flow into the DINING flooring. Not so much the living room.

Ask contractor to update themselves. Nowadays all new homes all same level. 

Hopefully don't pull a fast one. Ask him.. does it mean that it will cost more for you?




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Cecil, need your advice on following lights whether any issues.
1. Living room 
2. Kitchen (even number)
3. Can I install such pendant light? And which direction (3A or 3B)? Or is it better not to install pendant light. Note: there is be *AC* on the dining room wall.


1. Ok
2. Yes
3. Feng shui does not micro manage this. But if your dining table is as shown, then common sense says 3A


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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More… Why bed-head directions no indicative numbers?

it seems that only the writing table direction is only indicated correct?



For example, 

Hi [hidden],

The reason why only study table is indicated is based on  common sense.

Study tables are smaller and easier to place. 

For a bed, once one goes into a bedroom, placement is limited to the bedroom door / attached toilet and windows. Beds are big. 

Actually the BED-head direction is indicated or shown. Just no NUMBERS shown.




For example, if a good bed-head direction is favourable as shown. Not many would consider this plan where the bed-head is slanted as shown below... 


Would you do so?

The concept: "Although one does not stay here, one should give responsible advice. Certainly not like this!"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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This is common sense and not Feng Shui:

Can I check a quick layout update with you? Any issues if we reshuffle some of the small utility rooms and toilet in level 1 in terms Of Feng Shui


Hi [Hidden],

Usually still strongly recommended (not Feng Shui) that a store room is beside the staircase instead of the laundry room.

This is because a store room is plain and simple just a room for storage of "normal items".

But the laundry room often consists of water pipes, water drainage and often electrical items such as washing machine and or dryer. Touch wood that there is no electrical fire etc... else this is close-by to the staircase for emergency exit. As well as avoid smoke along the stairs in-case of a fire.

Thus more of a safety issue. 

If you feel this is not that crucial or can live with it, then, go ahead.




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Cecil, my house 3D design is out, I’m sending to you now, please help to take a look, any changes need to be done? Thanks

everything looks good. except the stove is too close to the side of the fridge. maybe either shift slightly to the left or use a 30cm by 60cm stove and or add a piece of vertical plank between the fridge and the the kitchen top. 

Don't want food debris also to drop thru the side of the fridge. As can make friends easily with roaches and ants who love this type of thing8C4C3A9A-33A6-49B8-8B05-22ECB3E29BB3.thumb.jpeg.7fe1f581bc09039d8e6f0c2204b33db5.jpeg



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Which recessed ceiling lights should I install in my home? 

1957411612_flatroundceilinglight.jpg.a0e3acdc4ca669c8c7eda45a595f3e4c.jpg       OR  1642992622_flatsquareceilinglight.jpg.8332a232bba88b62e33f01aedf57b64c.jpg

Square lights or round ceiling lights?

Source & Credit:



1. Frankly, this has nothing to do with Feng Shui. Yes, based on Common sense.

1.1. There are some claims that square lights have higher luminous efficacy. However, there is no argument, here that both square and round lights are of a flat panel design, thus, they should be of equal luminous efficacy. 

2. Personally, I always prefer round ceiling lights. Why?

3. Majority of the light installers use a drill with a circular saw attached to it. And the diameter of the saw is just nice so that a circular/round ceiling light can easily be mounted once this hole has been drilled.


4. Contrast it with that for a square light.  You don't see a saw capable of sawing a square hole right?

4.1. To install a square light, a circular hole has to be drilled / sawed. Next, a workman (work-person) has to use a linear saw and start to prepare a squarish hole. And the quality of this square hole is at the mercy of this person. If this person is not skillful or had sawed a larger hole, this is what can happen as shown in the above photo. 



This is why I personally prefer this one:


That's Me!


What about you?


Seen a re-sizeable circular saw?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Install Curtains or blinds? 

What do you think?

Hi all! Just wondering if anyone have any good/efficient methods to clean venetian blinds?

Source and Credit:B933DB1E-74C9-4059-9D26-4996CC13142F.thumb.png.5cb0d72710b8c0cf2034465d0876b240.png

Another concern are the strings of the blinds….gets dirty, never mind, but avoid them too close to a bed-head.

If you know what I mean…


Source & Credit:
Mum's warning to parents after her daughter was almost strangled to death by a common household fixture

A mum has warned parents to be careful with kids around blinds after her child came close to choking herself on a pull cord. IMG_3908.thumb.jpeg.87f6d45be4e4a6415c40adab5f4c1c39.jpeg



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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