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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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Dear Daniel,
1. The original purpose of Feng Shui is to:
a. neutralise Sha (bad) Qi and poison arrows and
b. enhance beneficial Qi.
It can be used to find good sites for a city. For example, many Chinese cities e.g. Canton and even Hong Kong has good Feng Shui.
For Hong Kong, consideration was given on how the dragon moves or passes from the mountain to the sea. This is why, many buildings there have either glass openings at the centre or `holes' in some of the buildings where some of the building owners want the `Dragon Qi' to touch and pass thru.
3. Feng Shui can also be used to look at a micro level e.g. buildings, homes.
Basically, it is like the food chain where
the tip is the Yin and Yang Principle while in the middle the Five elements concept, lower down are theories like Eight Trigrams etc...
So long as one can fully apply :
(a). Five Elements concept
Here, for example under the Flying Star Theory and Pillars of destiny, use the common denominator of the Five Elements Concept.
(b). Yin and Yang
If it cannot be `explained' using the Five elements concept or relate to it, yin and yang is thus used to look at the relationships.
4. Therefore, for the outdoors, one has to see what senario one wants to look at.
If it cannot be related to the Five elements, than try to see if there is a link to Yin and Yang.
Here, Yin is (dark, cold, water) and Yang (sun, bright, fire). Some of the applications are sensible ones like to avoid heat stroke, drink more water (Yin) while keeing warmth at night use Fire. Since these are common sense, one do not even give a thought about Yin and Yang at this level.
Therefore, it is not really Feng Shui but rather the application of Yin and Yang or if we can link it to the Five Elements where we can.
All Chinese traditional principles e.g. in medicine, Feng Shui, Pillars of destiny, Chinese Astrology have the common denominator of the Five Elements and Yin and Yang.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/28/00 6:16:24 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Cecil,
How is feng shui applied to
outdoor living?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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