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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to HDB Parc Woods Tengah BTO launched in February 2021
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Case Study 1: Any concern with Stacks #410 and #412 facing a fork road?

Not perfect but generally acceptable.

Low floors may occasionally hear the screeching sounds of heavy braking, though.


Related: Several examples of homes facing a junction...

Part 2 of 2: Advise on Waterwoods EC + Minimum Occupation Period M.O.P. Dec 2020 + Fast Hands Fast Legs - General Help - FengShui.Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2: Pray that Parc Wood's Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System works fine all the time-:)

1. This system depends on the co-operation of every resident.

2. Else...


P.S. Related: Do a search in this forum for Pneumatic

3. Waste Conveyance System and there are several write-ups on this topic.

4. Imagine, a Bin Centre comes one circle again. As this was popular in the 1980’s. Much like these pictures (below). With the exception that these ones are not as high-tech as the PWCS of today....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4A: The neighbour = A Bus Interchange A Question Mark for Now!

1. The U/C Bus Interchange may or may not have an impact on lower & higher floors of Stacks #474 and #476. Plus a future high-rise development on this same plot.

2. Coincidentally in the past, I had new clients who called for a Feng Shui audit for similar homes in other developments close to such a Bus Interchange.

3. Thus best to place these stacks at your back-burner for the time-being.


Case Study 4B: The neighbour = Site reserved for a Church located at Tengah Park Avenue which is directly across the frontages of both Stacks #474 and #476.

Less of a concern given that it is "a development" away. Need to see this neighbour's block plans, first.

What ever it is, do expect both construction noise and dusts during the duration of these neighbour's build-up.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5: Poor Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, Frontage of  Stacks #382 and #410 and the Common Bin Lobby  (CBL)



Residents of both #382 and #410: "Sir! Can you please ban the consumption of durians at Blocks 322B and 322C respectively?

MP: "No, Sir, NOT!"

MP: "Didn't you read the HDB Brochure Fine Print or at least use your common sense? Before purchasing the UNIT?"


MP: "Serve you Right! NEXT!"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 6: The Precinct Pavilion

Frankly for newer developments (touch wood) there should be fewer wakes/funerals. 
Perhaps more happy occasions like Malay wedding activities. Thus do expect some noise.
For stacks #420 and #422 tendency for less privacy especially at the VOID deck during such activities.


In green such as stacks #402, #404 and #406 face the Pavilion. Thus higher floors preferred to avoid looking into it.

As for #400, #408 #418 and #424 has more to do with "noise pollution" if any if there are certain activities carried out at the Pavilion.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 7: To some there can be a stigma associated with the number "444" of Block 323A.

1. Sometimes if one is neutral to such a unit number. However, cannot say the same in the event that one may consider selling the unit in the near future.

2. Thus more sensitive are numbers like #04-444 or #14-444 perhaps to a future potential buyer. Whatever, sometimes do expect low-ballers!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 8: Stack #442 and potential Sha Qi from "the GAP"

1. On windy days and specific conditions, wind may be "forced" into the gap as illustrated by the three/four SOLID RED arrows towards #442.

2. On strong and windy days can affect both health and wealth of residents staying in this stack #442.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Type in the unit number to find out



Please go to this link to check a unit number:
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Go to
URL: https://login.geomancy.net
On the blue navigation on the left, click under Free Reports | House Number.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Feng Shui suffers a bad reputation, today.

Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui.
But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui.

Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one:



Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why.

Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES!

On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client


P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away!


FAKE (7).png




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Related: Non-Religious Chinese Customs For New Re-Sale Home


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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