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Parc Greenwich by Frasers Property at Fernvale Lane / Yio Chu Kang - Which units are lucky?

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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to Parc Greenwich by Frasers Property at Fernvale Lane
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to Parc Greenwich by Frasers Property at Fernvale Lane / Yio Chu Kang
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Case Study 1: A secret (stealth) weapon of good Feng Shui is the RC ledge that functions as both sun-shading and rain protection.

1. This means that instead of constantly closed windows, residents have a means of leaving such windows slightly ajar all year round.

2. This allows for good natural air-circulation to the unit. Which otherwise would have stagnant qi.


"On behalf of all birds, we the pigeons Thank You!" No choice we also can bring bird..shit..



Hey! Pigeons! Count yourselves lucky at Parc Greenwich!

You ain't so lucky at the majority of all HDB owned flats! Cause we also a a secret weapon = sloping RC extended roof-line. How's that! 


"Who says I look like Bill Gates?" I am Bill Gates, Lah!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Interlude: Household Shelter Louver Door for Ventilation [Okay this is not Feng Shui = General Knowledge Only]


If I am not mistaken, this is the first time come across a Household Shelter that does not have one or two circular pot-holes for ventilation.

Looking at this Household shelter does not see this distinctive pot-hole. Or it is not shown?

Does the "Louver Door" acts as an alternative to the circular pot-hole? Hmm....


P.S. Oh Dear! On second thoughts such louvres in a kitchen and next to the stove ain't too good an idea! Don't want to look at it 5 years later! LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2: Parc Greenwich falls under Period 9 Flying Star Feng Shui 

1. Majority of the stacks either fall under N3 or S3 facing direction.


2. I am the breadwinner and also a West Group Person (NW, SW, West and NE). Should I even look at this development at all?

2.1. Holistic approach to House Hunting or Can or Cannot buy is based on a bigger criteria than just how suitable is the facing of the unit to me.

2.2. For example, here at Geomancy.net, we consider two major Parts:

1. Location, location and location = 70 marks
2. The three major considerations: Frontage, Kitchen and Main Bedroom = 30 marks.

In total the above add up to 100 marks.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Case Study 4A:  Thinking of purchasing a unit at either Block 35 and 37? "Don't afraid to ask this...."

image.thumb.png.32f4ba0458b26f88ca3ba43c5df9ddcd.png1. Frankly, if I were to ever purchase at either of these two blocks especially Block 35.

2. This is because there seems to me a mystery, not exactly an adventure. But rather if one does not check it may (just) become a misadventure, here!

3. Not sure how a bin truck which is not exactly small sized can drive into the basement and collect the waste?

4. To me it is bad enough to get a whiff of the smell from a rubbish truck. Not forsee it going down the basement of the development sometimes with waste water dripping over. And if so, such smells can soak into the basement flooring and can perhaps be quite a stench 24/7.


5. Furthermore, usually car-parks are littered or arranged in rows around this movement.

6. Plus also concerned with the safety of loved ones walking within the proximity of the Basement 35 and 37 car-park area.

7. Please get your Agent to obtain a copy of the basement design and /or ask how this basement Bin Centre functions!

8. To me, logically I drew a red-line from the front gate to the basement bin centre. This is simply not enough! 

Case Study 4B:  Is it true that pets especially certain breeds of dogs have sensitive noses?



9. If so,  I hope that it is not a torture to bring a beloved dog to have to be forced or dragged past the Bin Centre (even if it is under-gound) towards the Pets corner.

10. Perhaps, it could be a tool for a pet owner!

11. For example,d such a pet owner could simply tell their pet: Okay if you are so naughty, I will bring you to the Pet corner! 

12. This could be the answer for discipline 101 for the pet.. DOG! Else quickly report this to the S.P.C.A. as a form of pet cruelty!

Appended by Cecil: Looks like the waste management or waste disposal truck movement takes a totally different route as shown, here:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5: Parc Greenwich's Sales Brochure says this: "Grow Something" Fruit Orchard Garden, Herbs Garden, 
Aromatic Garden & Community Farm Garden

"A Case of See but Don't Makan.com (EAT) LOL"


Fruit Orchard Garden
Herbs Garden
Aromatic Garden
Community Farm Garden


Ask Developer this: "Can we get a discount if we cannot utilize such gardens?"

1. Developers must realize that all private estates/ECs/Condos must do mandatory fogging without fail each week. Multiply this by 4 on average per month. Per year is a total of 48 sessions to the beloved gardens. There is no such thing as exemptions. LOL


2. For those who have experienced a fogging episode will realise that often, the fumigation (fogging) can reach as high as the third or even fourth floor or more depending on wind conditions and layout of the blocks etc...


(Below: Even after fogging had finished after 6 minutes and depending on the wind conditions, the smoke can be seen to rise up to 3rd storeys or higher in this development).

3. So what is stopping the fogging to reach the" GROW SOMETHING e.g. Herbs & Veggies? Okay, so you want to grow papayas!

3.1. Even if the herbs grow beautifully.. dare to pluck and consume them? 

3.2. As this is not an enclosed area, no motivation also for a resident or group of residents to cultivate the herbs.

3.3. They get slowly poisoned by the fogging chemicals absorbed by the herbs...

4. Photo (Below) Location : Prive EC.. no more herbs.. just regular shrubs planted where the spices were suppose to be.


Location of Prive EC
T.O.P. in 2014


2.1 Even if herbs or spices are available: the maxim - see but not eat applies, here

5. All developers and their architects and their landscape planners should understand this is just a "in poor taste

5.1. Developers do not care. Once they sold this development, they will wash their hands with this.

6. Even if you don't stay there, don't become an idiot! Please.. Lol...

P.S. Note: Photos are not from Parc Greenwich EC.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 6: What to look out for if I want to purchase a ground floor unit?

785918199_1Shaqifromtreetrunks.thumb.png.f15c0a3ddbb761900690fbba1ddaa1bf.png1. Just hope and pray hard that the developer's landscaper plant trees with tree trunks not facing a living room balcony (hard to cure). And also if possible not facing other openings especially bedroom windows.

2. When the tree matures, such tree trunks or potential Sha Qi or poison arrow(s) can also reach 4th storeys. 

2.1. Thus even #02 ; #03: #04 and #05 onwards may be affected by this.

3. If one have a chance of visiting Block 88 of Parc Centros, Punggol, this was what is exactly happening. Where if one stands at a specific stack's balcony; one can see such a SORE THUMB.


4. I hope this developer's landscapers do take note of this. And try to plant such trees BETWEEN the walls of various rooms!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 7: Any concern if my unit faces a Splash Pool? Okay, this is not directly Feng Shui. More of a Human or Man Luck factor.


1. Today visited a client at Rivercover Residences who have two grown up sons. Both finished serving the army. 1 son is in university and the other going overseas for a Law Degree.

2. Wife said: "Luckily we did not get a unit facing the kids pool".

3. This sums up the mantra: "One person's meat is another's poison".

4. Thus depending on one's stage in life or needs; some simply love a unit facing such a splash pool.. more for their kids needs or vibrancy while there are always others who prefer "peace and quiet" or tranquility.

Related: What is the difference between Feng Shui and Man or Human Luck?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 8: One of the best sources to understand whether a unit has potential poison arrows(s) if any is look closely at the mock-up Sales model.


 1.  Sorry, I may be too quick to look at just this illustration to suspect a potential sha qi or poison arrow from what seems like the roof-line (circled) in red may or may not be a poison arrow aimed towards a specific stack in this block.

2. Best to look at such ancillary buildings in relation to your potential unit to see if such things may occur. 


3. Sometimes it could also be the sharp corner of a club-house building.. who knows.

4. Potential poison arrow from drop off porch towards the units (yellow arrows)?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 9: Ground Floor units with PES and Ventilation Shafts - if any

1.  This extract of another pretty recent launch development called Fourth Avenue Residence (see below) What I want to draw your attention is what is known as "Ventilation Shafts".
Note: This Sample Illustration is from Fourth Avenue Residence


2. Many developments which has basement carparks do have ventilation shafts or sometimes "openings" as a safety requirement to VENT exhaust or CO gas. Many also have blowers which often are turned on 24/7.

3. Let me share with you a case. In the past, a client just collected their keys to their dream home. A condo unit with PES (ground floor). What was disturbing was that the basement car-park ventilation shaft was just directly below bedroom 2's windows. 

3.1. Unfortunately, so happens that there was a fan extractor that was turned on for many hours ... and whenever this bedroom windows were opened, a family member could literally hear the humming of this fan.

4. Again, before signing the dotted line, get your Agent to confirm that there is no such "nasty" surprises waiting for you when you proudly collect the keys to the unit!

Appended by Cecil Lee: The Site Plan does show the locations of the Vents (and even location of the Roof-Water Tank)


Below. For example: Vent Shaft is located between stacks 29 and 32


Buying a PES unit at #02? Check whether the Ventilation Shaft in relation to the bedroom (if any):-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 10: Look for the unexpected to avoid surprises during the proud moments of Key collection

1. For a soon to be under-construction home (unit), always spent time to look at your potential unit closely.

2. There was once a client asked me to review several stacks/units.

3. The client was so thankful that she could not have imagined that a 3rd storey unit frontage was obstructed by a high wall. 

4. Yes, something similar to such landscapes that are found in some developments.

5. Please do due diligence (if any) for such things in this or any other developments.


Photo (above): extract from Parc Greenwich's Sales Brochure

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 11:  Facing Seletar Hills also implies over looking towards a major road: Yio Chu Kang Road

1. What I deduce is that if the benefit is about unblocked views, this must imply that it is also about looking towards a main busy road such as Yio Chu Kang Road. LOL [Correct me if I am wrong,]


2. Peace and Quiet for YOGA vs traffic noise? Hmm..... ponder over this.. LOL LOL

3. I would certainly like to know who drew up the Sales Brochure materials. To me it seems to have lots of HOLES (garden thing..) in it... LOL LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 12: Wait a minute where is the lobby schematic showing the common bins, stairs and lifts?

1. Developer, you could do better than that. Given that today, a higher level of standard is expected of your Sales Brochure.

2. Also where are the locations of the water tanks on DA ROOF?

3. You have seen by now the various examples that I have mentioned about not having the unit facing the common bins or beside the unit.
4. In reality, on 30 June 2021, I visited Watertown and as expected....4.1.  Dripping refuse “juice” hmmm…


Yucks! Just look at the dripping JUICE on the common corridor walkway...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Interlude: Wow! Clap, clap, clap! A badminton court!

This reminds me during my younger days where our house had a duo-role (out-door) badminton court. Where we used to either play badminton + cycle around our compound towards the badminton court and all over the compound of our house.

Fond memories...

1 badminton court.png

Wow! An indoor one...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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