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House with different entrances for couple with different kua

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My husband and I are currently looking into buying a house, but it's been tricky. He's kua n.3 and I'm kua n.2.

We found a nice house that the front faces NE but front door faces SE.

Master bedroom bed also faces SE.

Is it a compatible house for us? Please help

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"You wrote: " We found a nice house"

1. Location, location, location (L x 3) accounts for a whopping 70% of the total Feng Shui score. 

2. Often a nice house would mean that the L x 3 may be above average score say at least 50 marks or more onwards..

3. This thing about Kua (GUA) or how suitable to a person only accounts for the other 30%. In Feng Shui, we call this as "The Three Major Considerations" (Based on Kua (GUA) of the Main breadwinner.

3.1. Thus even if say the Frontage: "He's kua n.3 and I'm kua n.2." Accounts for a miserable 10 marks! "

3.2. The other 20 marks are for:
- Master or Main bedroom ? Suitable for whom? 10 marks
- Kitchen Location? If it falls under Mrs (or wife's) bad Kua sector), here, add an additional 10 marks!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. If the home is not new or rather "born" before e.g. 2004, then the Feng Shui may differ from period to period:-


2. Here, if the 1st owner's luck may be different from the next owners as the years past. Thus by 2021 onwards, the above score can change.

3. Therefore Kua (GUA) is not the MAIN consideration.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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