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Hi Master Cecil,

Need your inputs on the following. Appreciate your inputs very much. Thank you.

- Is this considered a bad layout? Narrow layout?

- Kitchen not inside the normal area which become a protrusion > What does protrusion means and will it help to make the house more balance?

- Is this layout suitable for WEST person? or The mirror layout is better for the WEST person?

- Based on Bazi, North facing also suitable for me but based on WEST person it is best to avoid. Which is more accurate or i can choose either N and NE/NW?

- For Peiod9 house, North clashes with RAT. Does this mean North facing Period9 house is BAD for my spouse whose Zodiac is RAT.



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1. Using a quick "eye-ball" method, I would normally plot the centrepoint as follows:-


2. Thus the centre-of-gravity is closer to the wash basin.

3. Therefore, if one were to cut-out an outline of the layout plan and paste it on a cardboard outline and use a rudimentary nail to balance it; most likely, the tip of the nail should roughly be around the above red dot.

3.1 Here, this is considered the centre-of-gravity.

4. Sorry, your various questions needs homework. And... there is no homework in this forum. 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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2 hours ago, versus13 said:

Hi Cecil,

Thank you for your prompt response. Appreciate it very much.

The centre of gravity is at the basin. Is this considered BAD? Thank you.


Frankly, your questions till now dwell over the abstract. Where it is not easily quantifiable as it is not an exact science.

Your many questions may seem easy, but the answers need lots of brain matter to extract out. LOL

For example, one can even write many pages of subjective implications, yet, unfortunately, it may at the end of it…. not a fruitful endeavour.

In fact, for such things, one should do their due diligence and avoid buying such a unit, since one may have been looking out for this. And not cry out for spilling the milk! And/or asking how serious it is. Go, later find out what is Habit number 12. Aka. “Head banger”. Under the 12 Habits, mentioned, below. 

One  should instead focus/apply especially the Compass School of Feng Shui + Eight House. And if possible to improve or enhance the Feng Shui of the unit. Where it can be quantified.

Find out the 12 Habits of Feng Shui. And try to apply especially eg. Habits 1, 2 and 3.

Reference: The 12 Habits of Feng Shui


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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