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Name: Lu Dong Bin
Key figure of the Eight Immortals
1. Lu Dong Bin's birthday is the 14th day of the fourth lunar month.
2. He was born in the Tang Dynasty. His father and grandfather were Court Officials.
3. He is said to have a tiger body, cheeks of a dragon and eyes of a phoenix. The lines on his feet were like the profile of a tortise.
4. Since young he was very clever and intelligent.
5. At the Lu Shan Mountain, he met the Fire Dragon Immortal. The Fire Dragon Immortal taught him advanced swords fighting skills.
6. Later on, he met his new master Zong Li Quan. Zong Li Quan placed several tests for him. The tests include tests on his attitude towards the poor, wealth and beauty.
Zong Li Quan was satisified that he had passed his test and said that Lu Dong Bin is qualified for the `Way of a Toaist'. However, he was asked to perform 800 meritoriious deeds and after it is completed,
he will become an immortal. After this, he became an immortal.
7. Legend has it that during the reign of the Song Dynasty, demons came to the Palace to steal gold and other valuables plus his many consorts.
The Emperor dreamt that a Toaist priest came to his aid and peace again prevailed at the palace.
Because of this, the emperor was very grateful and soon realised that it was Lu Dong Bin who had helped him. He thus ordered all temples to change their name to honour Lu Dong Bin. Today, the Toaist School known as Quan Zhen venerated him as their founder.
8. Overall, Lu Dong Bin is thus the key figure of the Eight Immortals.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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