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Hi [name hidden],

1. It is not a complete symbol that an exact Chinese Character/Word, unlike these four more commonly used character this Double Happiness (Xi) used in in the wedding or Fu (Good Fortune), Lu (Wealth) or Shu (Longevity).

1.1. Double Happiness


1.2. Fu Lu Shu Characters



2. So honestly, I cannot tell you exactly what's the meaning. 

However, that shape actually comes from this symbol in this image (the two bottom left and right shape). Which is expanded into the round pattern that you are asking about or some kind of mystic symbols.



3. I have seen it a lot in a lot of talisman as that is the fundamental shape of how most talisman structure is based on. So it appears to have more of either a protection / immortality / longevity etc type of symbol probably from a Tibetan origin. So I guess it has that kind of meaning due to the uniform nature of the shape.

You may want to search more into "Chinese Talisman", as I seem to see a lot of that symbol found in that topic to find the exact meaning that you are looking for.

Hope that helps.


Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 25/11/2022 1:47 am, [name hidden] wrote:


Dear Sir / Madam,

Can you tell me the meaning of the symbol mentioned below ?
Thank you so much for your time and effort.
Yours faithfully,

[name hidden]


Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET: Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
URL: http://www.geomancy.net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you Master Cecil. My situation a bit different 

Want to rent a condo unit, but inside has this metal thing from the owners Fengshui master . Indian owner


can't really see the image clearly. But usually more to do with some FS Masters who are religious inclined. Maybe the SW or NE sector or NW sector of the house....

if in doubt and since the market now is flooded with more rental flats.. look elsewhere

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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