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Odd corner rooms and main door 45 degree facing window

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Hi Master,

Based on the floorplan below, seems like there are some issues that is not good for fengshui.

  1. Main door is 45 degree facing the window
    • Does that mean loss of wealth?
    • Does closing the main door help?
  2. Main door is directly facing neighbour's main door
    • Does the mean it will get conflicts easily?
    • Does closing the main door help?
  3. Bedroom 2 & Bedroom 3 are having odd corners (5 corners)
    • Heard it is bad in feng shui but not sure what will happen and any remedy?
  4. Is the center of the house consider the toilet?
    • Heard it is bad in feng shui but not sure what will happen and any remedy?
  5. Not sure if I miss out anything based on the floorplan?

Also, may I know is it ok to place a mirror in the master bed room? Understand that mirror should not face the bed. If I place it without facing the bed, will that be ok?



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Main door is 45 degree facing the window
Does that mean loss of wealth?
Does closing the main door help?

>A blessing in disguise. As wealth luck does not flow directly out of what would have been an "opening". As highlighted in the 5-Bedroom Improved layout, below.

>If feel uncomfortable, then close door when not in use. Or can always leave a small opening gap.

Main door is directly facing neighbour's main door
Does the mean it will get conflicts easily?
Does closing the main door help?

>Many homes, more so for condo and EC units are even closer. Got to live and let live. Unless some one uses a ba gua mirror facing the other unit's door. Or placing a partition with an altar facing the other unit/

Bedroom 2 & Bedroom 3 are having odd corners (5 corners)

>These are protrusions. Not perfect but can be acceptable. In fact, let these pointed corners not be aimed towards another block's opening such as living room windows. As they can be considered as a Sha Qi or poison arrows towards it's neighbour(s).

Is the center of the house consider the toilet?
Heard it is bad in feng shui but not sure what will happen and any remedy?

>No. It is as shown as a red dash. And just outside the toilet door
Is the center of the house consider the toilet?


Frankly, in general such layout plans are pretty common. If one has so much phobia about such a layout, should when purchasing such a layout plan, avoid it. Else, this interior layout is not the only Feng Shui consideration.

Feng Shui does not just revolve with the layout plan alone

Part 1: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom? 30 marks
Part 2: How is the luck of the Interior Feng Shui of this unit? 35 marks
Part 3: External Feng Shui luck? + Overall score/luck. 35 marks.

The layout plus interior Feng Shui especially Flying Star Feng Shui falls under Part 2 and the total marks besides other considerations is only 35 marks.

Here, often a partition is placed between the front door and the windows to avoid wealth luck to flow away:-


5-Room Improved (Corridor End/Stairs) Year: 1999

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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