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Hello Mr. Lee.

We live in the house that stands on the hill and has a main entrance on the west, even though the front of the house (visibility and most of the windows) are on the south.

When we bought this house, we had a consultation from a Feng Shui practitioner. At that time, we didn’t know much about Feng Shui, now I am assuming that she was from Compass School of Feng Shui. She told us the house had a good energy and that the placement was not bad. The problem was the east side (dragon) because the house is on a mountain and there is a steep slope right next to it that goes down. At the back (North) the mountain continuous raising up, so she told us that the Turtle was good as well as the Tiger.

However, after living in the house for 5 years, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And we hired another Feng Shui and BaZhai practitioner who turned out to be trained in the Traditional School. She saw the placement of the house differently. With this approach we completely lost our Turtle, our Dragon is still pretty bad, but the Tiger got very strong. Another issue is the shape of the house. Big portions of areas on NE, E, and SE are missing, plus some on South and SW. With all that she gave us a lot of guidelines to follow in order to compensate for the bad placement.

After 7 years of practicing recommendations the way we could, and focussing on my recovery from different perspectives, I was not able to recover. At the beginning of the year, we contacted the same traditional practitioner, and she said that with my Gua in Kan-2 West Group, it would not be possible to recover in this house: all energy goes on coping. My husband’s Gua is Zhen-3 East Group and the house seems to be more beneficial for him then for me.

Now, she told us that if we are to stay in this house, we need to change the entrance to the East side. It would fix our turtle and dragon problems, leaving with a smaller tiger. However, If we are to do that, we would enter directly into our master bedroom. It’s the only choice. I guess we could probably use that entrance for ourselves only and not for our visitors. Also, the entrance door will be quite hidden in this case. Another issue is that our septic tank is on the south side. It means, in order to get to the door, we will have to pass by it.

With all that said, it seems like it would be a lot of work for me to move somewhere else and sell this house because my energy levels are quite low for now. I don’t really know what would be the best thing to do.

But she also said that in 2023 for me, who is a rooster, there will be a clash with rabbit according to BaZhai in relation to my environment. And she also mentioned that 2023 is a bad year to do renovations in the east and eastern southeast sectors.

I still don’t know much about Feng Shui, and that’s why I want to ask you: do you think that changing our entrance to the east side of East or SE sectors makes sense regardless of complications I mentioned earlier?

Thank you so much for your generosity and expertise.. Anya.

house in quebec.png

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Hi Francois,

1. Firstly, sorry to learn about your current situation.

2. You wrote: "I still don’t know much about Feng Shui, and that’s why I want to ask you: do you think that changing our entrance to the east side of East or SE sectors makes sense regardless of complications I mentioned earlier?".

3. Unfortunately, in my opinion may not help at all.

The Flying Star Feng Shui

4. Frankly, I did not mention from you  that your practitioner(s) applying Flying Star Feng Shui?

5. If so, even without the "Ba Zi or 4 Pillars" element as found in the right side of the chart (see below):-


6. May be adequate determine the good / imbalances  in a home:-
a. Enhance any good sectors
b. Disarm or neutralize any bad sectors.

7. For the Flying Star Feng Shui, technically, it is first and foremost about finding the "correct" facing direction, plot the proper Flying Star Chart and apply above Para 6. 

7.1. Thus a potential candidate for the facing direction of this house may be "A". However, with just this one photo and without it's surroundings, it may also be possible to be at the other two sides. While in my opinion, this doorway at "B" is unlikely to be the "frontage."

7.2. Do note that the frontage of the house may not necessarily be the same as the main door for purposes of Flying Star Feng Shui.


7.1. Assuming the Feng Shui practitioner is also applying Flying Star Feng Shui, the above fundamental - determining the FRONTAGE, thus affect the use of the "correct" or "wrong" chart can also make a difference in the "cures" or "enhancements.


Shapes and Forms Feng Shui

8. As for a house on a mountain, so long as there are no constant strong winds; but if so, I do see lots of trees to break such wind.. not perfect but does help. [Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.

9. Applying theories based solely on the Dragon or Turtle or Tiger  (white / big or small) unfortunately would not yield OFTEN yield the correct results. Unfortunately, this concept is most effective, here. 

10. In my opinion, what needs to be sorted is, that there is no mention of applying the Flying Star Feng Shui or if so, applying it correctly at all. Thus the hope, in my opinion most probably lies with this school of "timely stars" plus the Eight House and Ba Zi or Four (4) PIllars.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned:-

1. Habit 1: Hopefully the Feng Shui practitioners have done a proper diagnostic of the issues of your home?

2. Habit 2: Good to prepare, analyze and apply via the Flying Star Chart of the house. 



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hello Mr. Lee.

Thank you so much for your answer.

Here's attached the flying star analysis as well as a picture that shows more of the surroundings.

By the way, the practitioner told us that according to the flying star analysis, "starting from 2024 what is unfavourable will be felt more; until February 2024, your house benefits from a protection, what is unfavourable is less affecting you." (The front of the house is "A" according to her).

Any additional recommendations based on this added information?

Thanks again,

François and Anya

flying star.png

house from above.png

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Good that the Flying Star Chart was used. 

However there may be two possibilities why the Feng Shui did not work for you:

1. Perhaps, the wrong Flying Star Chart was applied to your home? For example, instead of a "B" [see photo, below] = S3 chart, maybe it could instead be "A" = E3?


1.1. Please note that after doing a protractor reading [via the next thread] It is highly unlikely that this house is a S3 house. Most likely it is 170 degrees or S1. A vast difference in reading. 

1.2. In addition, from the google map, and your 1st photo, this house could most likely even be a E1 facing house!


2. Cures and enhancements are properly identified and applied at a timely manner.

Please understand, the purpose of this forum:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Is this house really a S3 facing house?
Under Flying Star Feng Shui, the Frontage is where the house gets the most yang qi. Frontage need not automatically be the front door.

1. If this google map was not altered, please note from the profile of the outline of the house, this side of the house is at 170 degrees or Flying Star S1 not S3.



2. Thus correspondingly the other directions are E1, W1 and or N1 directions. Most likely possible to be an E1 facing house.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hello again Mr. Lee,

Thank you so much again for all your efforts in helping us.  Very appreciated.

I regret that I didn't check the orientation of the google map I sent; it was not aligned with the North.

The practitioner used a compass to determine the S3. I will double-check with her and keep reflecting on this.

Again, much gratitude for your support.

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