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Hi Master,

Nowadays Singapore apartments are getting smaller and kitchens are reduced to one single row instead of a conventional kitchen room. Due to the Fire and Water clash where fridge, stove, sink, and washing machine are all so close to each other, I would like to ask what is the ideal kitchen position for each Fire and Water element item. 

This is how my kitchen looks like now and I am wondering if the second photo would be a better placement for all the kitchen appliances so that there is less Fire and Water clash. 

Seeking your advice, please. Most appreciated! 



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This are some considerations:

Not the highest floor?

1. Is the unit at the highest floor? If not, one is truly constrained by the fact that the unit above's sink waste pipe is directly above your current sink.

Fridge = Water or Metal Element?

2. Many would assume that just because a fridge interior contains perhaps "water" or cool, it is assumed to be the water element. However, many Feng Shui Masters (FSM) consider a regular fridge with mostly all sides encased by metal is instead considered as the water element.

Water Tap fixed to the wall?

3. Need to seriously explore whether or how the water tap on the wall and how the drainage pipe can be properly relocated.

3.1. For example, if in place of the sink, one has the electric or induction stove, and if there is a wall water pipe, using this stove may create heat and if the water pipe is nearby, it may become too hot.

Water pipe running close to the stove?

3.2. Here not only is unseen: water and fire (stove) clash, it is not good to have such a pipe water getting hot, also.

Microwave belongs to the Metal Element 

4. Good news is that if it is purely just a micro-wave and not a micro-wave cum oven, then many FSMs would consider this micro-wave as a Metal element. As unlike an oven, this micro-wave uses microwave with certain wavelengths to produce heat.

4. Therefore, from the photo showing your existing arrangement, it is not perfect but one can still see that it is still okay.
4.1. For example if micro wave is a metal element, it is still okay for "metal" (micro-wave) to be above a washing machine. 

Fridge skeleton is metal even if covered with cosmetic wood 

Below: The side view of a built-in fridge. It is simply a naked metal door mounted on a wooden door, that’s all!

4.2. For an in-built fridge, it may be considered also as a metal element. This is because if one were to remove the wood panels, the side walls do have metal sheets.. and even the front door is mounted with adjustable brackets to the wooden doors: upper door (normal items) and lower (frozen items).

Is the stove below upper floor neighbours sink waste pipes?

5. Overall, as mentioned under Para 1, do take note that your stove is now directly below a neighbour's sink waste pipe. Will not be if as mentioned, this unit is the highest and no other unit is directly above your unit:-

5.1. Else, isn't it bad to have such an important item: the stove directly below a waste-pipe? For condos, cannot be seen as there is a gypsum-board cover. Perhaps, food cooked on this new arrangement would taste better "with additional" substance added to the cooked food - if you get what I mean.. LOL (Joking only).


Not easy to hack flooring to lay or re-lay the waste pipes

6. Last year, I remembered visiting a client's existing house for discussion. And noticed that it was a hassle to hack the flooring since their kitchen area is not specifically meant to be just a kitchen. Their "great" Interior Decorator (ID) had instead had to raise the flooring a few inches higher to route the waste pipe of say the sink and washer. Unlike now, where these waste pipes was buried in the ground,

7. In my opinion, hope you can consider all of the above factors before starting the renovation.

VOID condo warranty. For water-proofing is usually 10 year warranty 

For example, this is a sample/typical warranty agreement given by the developer or their main contractor to the MC/MA of a condo:-


8. For condos, do also take note that if one's unit has caused a leak, this often VOIDS the water-proofing guarantee by the developer. And most developers had signed a 10 year warranty in the event of waterproofing leaks - to make good of it. 

Leak from your condo/EC unit to lower floors? You are to bear 100% of the costs

8.1. Once, you redo the kitchen area and if one is unlucky, should there be a leak at the lower unit, THIS condo unit owner(s) are to make good such leaks. It is not the same as an HDB where often, we hear of a 50/50 split or HDB do it FOC.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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"You stay, here we don't?" - Why care?

1. Yesterday, 15 March 2023, was discussing with a client the Feng Shui of her house.

2. She told me that earlier she had invited two contractors: one a 30 year old and the other who is around 50+ years old.

3. She felt that the younger contractor did not take her views into consideration. And told her, this must demolish, that must demolish. Change all the kitchen cabinets. And relocating the sink and stove. All these means that she would have to especially redo the wall and floor tiles etc...

4. The older contractor was more in-tune with her concerns and needs. And suggested to re-laminate the kitchen cabinets. etc... 

5. She opinioned that the younger contractor is more towards making her spent "unnecessarily".



6. For example, if I were to call a few contractors and submit this proposal.

7. I would like to hear feedback and or concerns; some of which I had brought up previously.

7.1. But if a contractor were to agree blindly to the above proposal. I will think twice or run-away-like the plague and will never use such a contractor.
7.2. However, if another contractor has brought out some or all the similar concerns, then Thumbs-Up for this contractor!

Should instead be:
"Even if we don't stay, there, we should always be considerate or mindful of your home!"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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