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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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hi there,
I was told that you will only "fan tai shui" if you were in the year where you born. Recently, Someone corrected me that this is not true, but did not elaborate. As I was born in the year of horse, I was told this year( year of rabbit), I was "fan tai shui". Can you elaborate more about "fan tai shui" and how can we remedy? Thanks! :>
Chris Ng

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My understanding of Fan Tai Shui (Jupiter) is on the year that you were born. Of course we are talking about lunar year. Anyone who is FTS will encounter bad luck for that year. Bad luck means accidents, illness, lawsuit, etc. People in Asia that are FTS go to Tai Shui temples and pray for safe year. I have heard that you could wear a jade with your compatible animal sign. Your compatible animal for horse is the lamb. You could try wearing a jade lamb on your 12th, 24th, 36th, 48th, 60th, 72th, 84th, etc. birth year. Remember that there are also Chung Tai Shui & Ying Tai Shui to deal with. In the year of the horse, the rat, hare, & rooster are also FTS. I hope this brief info answer some of you questions.

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