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Feng shui bazi Element enquiry


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Hello Master,

I am a weak fire born during winter. What would be my suggested career element?

If I am in perfumery industry selling perfumes + beauty products but I'm in a logistics role dealing with forecasting/budgeting, then how would you classify the element I am in? Would it be considered metal or fire & water or mix of all? 

For placement of housing furniture, lucky colors or lucky directions in house etc, will you be able to advise too? Thank u!


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4 hours ago, starry said:

I am a weak fire born during winter. What would be my suggested career element?

You can check what is your favourable element from our free report:-


But generally, weak fire would mean you either lack Wood/Fire (or depending how your five element percentage is, you may lack more wood or more fire or need both just as much depending on how close that percentage is to the ideal 20% range.

4 hours ago, starry said:

If I am in perfumery industry selling perfumes + beauty products but I'm in a logistics role dealing with forecasting/budgeting, then how would you classify the element I am in? Would it be considered metal or fire & water or mix of all? 

This depends on whether you are looking at the job industry or job scope and how you define them as what elements.

From job industry Perfumes is Metal (smell), while Beauty (cosmetic) is Earth element job industry. So it is likely a mixed of Earth+Metal element.

Logistics often is either storage and/or distribution/transport handling. Which the storage portion is a bit earth as it needs warehouse space, but distribution/transport handling is more Wood primary. So Wood+Earth, but often the distribution and transport of the logistic is what often defines logsitics rather while storage is just part of the process in order to organize and distribute it. So primarily Wood element is often the default element.

Forecasting/Budgeting where forecasting is like prediction which is Water, but budgeting is planning which is Wood element. So primarily Wood maybe some Water element.

Since your job scope is primarily dealing with forecasting/budgeting than it is Wood, probably containing some Water and Earth depending on whether you do more forecasting and/or more logistic storage.

Often, a job scope is not so straight forward nowadays with one single element, so it can be a mixed of elements.


4 hours ago, starry said:

For placement of housing furniture, lucky colors or lucky directions in house etc, will you be able to advise too? Thank u!

For Feng Shui, please seek professional help/service.

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