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Can induction cooker face the toilet door?

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SENARIO A: Sometimes what we consider as Feng Shui has it's roots from Pure Common Sense

1. For example, if a WC directly faces the toilet door; as the illustration suggest "spray" nasties towards the stove and stove surface area. Therefore it does not matter if this is an induction or burner type of stove.


Below, the illustration may seem exaggerated.. but look at the "spray" pattern:-




SENARO B: Clash of Yin & Yang

2. Such a clash can occur if a stove (does not matter if it is an induction or the flame type) faces a sink or a shower pipe.)

2.1. Thus under symbolism in Feng Shui, this is considered as a clash of FIRE (Yang) = Stove with WATER (Yin)= tap or shower head etc...

For both instances, close toilet door when not in use.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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