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Dear Master, 

I have a pressing question need your advice. My kitchen is currently under reno. My old location of stove/hood is directly facing the kitchen door. Understand may not be a good fengshui. Will it be ok to relocate the stove to a new position that facing directly the kitchen door (see photos attached). The facings of the old and new locations and sink are as follows:

Sink (position no change) - N 6

Stove (old position) - NW 312

Stove (new position) - SW 220

Thanks for your help

Changing stove location_1 of 2.pdf Changing stove location_2 of 2.pdf

Edited by myfs_124978
to make it clearer
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From a Yin & Yang point of view, the stove must not face the sink


Therefore it is not ideal for the stove to be as shown above.

1. In an apartment, and especially if this unit is not in it's highest floor, please take note that the stove should not be directly below the upper floor unit's sink-waste pipes. One can easily check on this by opening the false ceiling of one's unit and see where the waste pipes are.



2. A proper perspective as to whether the stove sits and facing is based on one's Eight house concept. Thus for example: if say the lady of the house is a West Group person then good e.g. for the stove to sit e.g. West facing East etc...

2.1. For example in the above illustration, the old position of the stove seems to be e.g. sitting SE facing NW.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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[Note: Unless the Male Head is a Home-maker]

1. In Chinese culture, the kitchen or stove is the domain of the lady of the house.

2. Thus one method is based on the Eight House Concept: East or West Group Person.

3. In this example, the lady of the house Mrs X is an EAST group person.

3.1. The last column of the illustration [Below] shows her preferred stove directions. For example the stove can sit e.g. with the wall at WEST and the stove facing EAST




This Icon shows the North direction:





Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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