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I am conducting a serious research on feng shui. I have a lot of information on yin and yang, chi, the elements, etc., but I would like to know more about the history of feng shui (e.g., when people started practicing it, did someone invent it, have different ideas changed over time, etc.). I have looked through a lot of books and read articles on web sites, textbooks and I need more information. Anything you have that is interesting would help me a lot. Thank You
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Dear Anon,
So far, there are few works especially in English on history of Feng Shui.
1. Dr Evelyn Lip
So far, she has a few books on Feng Shui or `Geomancy'. In her basic Geomancy book, she does provide some history of Feng Shui.
2. Dr Ong Hean Tatt - PHD
He has a book called Amazing scientific basis of Feng Shui
3. The other site is Dr Steven Field's Feng Shui Gate, who is one of the original /first members of our Wind and Water Ring.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/5/00 5:19:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I am conducting a serious
research on feng shui. I have
a lot of information on yin
and yang, chi, the elements,
etc., but I would like to know
more about the history of feng
shui (e.g., when people
started practicing it, did
someone invent it, have
different ideas changed over
time, etc.). I have looked
through a lot of books and
read articles on web sites,
textbooks and I need more
information. Anything you have
that is interesting would help
me a lot. Thank You

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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free-advice Listmanager wrote:

2. Dr Ong Hean Tatt - PHD
He has a book called Amazing scientific basis of Feng Shui
Do you have ISBN number?

Wayne & Rebecca Lowry
Springfield, Oregon
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Dear Wayne & Rebecca,
The ISBN is 983-899-943-1
Warmest Regards,

On 3/6/00 2:42:23 AM, Anonymous wrote:
free-advice Listmanager wrote:
2. Dr
Ong Hean Tatt - PHD
He has a book
called Amazing scientific basis of Feng
Do you have ISBN

Wayne & Rebecca


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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