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Dear Sir,
My son is a 9 year old born in the year of the horse 8/8/90 @ 1 pm. Is there anyway we can find out what he is to excel and develope it the ealier the better??? He may or may not be famous but when he is an adult he is aaaah, master??? Can feng shui help???
I appreciate your assistance if it is not a trouble to ask you?
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Dear Anon,
1. The closest Chinese `theory' that can analyse a child's future is:
1.1. Pillars of Destiny,
1.2. Palmistry. This area is less popular today. But it is still able to `map' out a person's Heaven luck.
2. Pillars of Destiny
One must understand that Pillars of Destiny is suppose to map out a person's Heaven's map.
However, the `escape' clause is that it can be changed especially by:
- interaction with the surrounding
e.g. family,
- education,
- relationships with friends etc..
- technology and advancement in science, such as test-tube babies, artificial insemination, advancement in replacement of organs etc...
3. More importantly, give your child, love and affection. Plus `proper guidiance'.
4. Under Pillars of Destiny, one interesting analysis is on a person's career i.e.
4.1 a career with wealth
4.2 a career with power
4.3 a career that are `neither' wealth or power
5. One interesting thing about learning or finding a child's talent is that he/she must have an interest in the subject.
Secondly, I believe there are lots of cases where, if a child gets pushed too hard, may just do the "opposite."
As your child is only 9 years old, I believe, allow him the freedom to grow in a caring home.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/5/00 8:02:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Sir,
My son is a 9 year old born in
the year of the horse 8/8/90 @
1 pm. How can I find his
talent to improve his future?
Can feng shui help??? What do
I need to do now???
I appreciate your assistance
if it is not a trouble to ask

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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