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My pillars consist of 3 Earth, 3 Fire and 2 Wood. My self element is Earth. I lack of money element (Water) and intelligence element (Metal).
1. While it may be possible to enhance the missing elements as suggested in some of your advised, will it really help in changing my destiny? Will wearing ornaments that are Water or Metal help in making me wealthy?
2. Would renovating my home according to good Feng Shui help? Is it true that it can improve but still limited to a person's destiny?
Thank you for your advise.
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Dear Dylan,
It is best to look at it in relation to a Quantum Leap.
For example, some people are born lucky and given a silver spoon.
In Pillars, one can roughly categorise one's luck into:
- Born with a silver spoon
- Average life (Must constantly work hard)
- born to `suffer'
In the above, one can thus see the three classifications above.
As the Chinese pay importance to:
Feng Shui
Feng Shui is all about trying to `topple' the balance and since Feng Shui is earth based, it can be considered our `Earthly Luck'.
So, what may offset the balance is `Luck'. This is why, some people, through their earthly luck prospher.
This is why, many people, go into Feng Shui. Because, Feng Shui is about earthly luck,
(which I feel is distinct from your own luck under destiny).
Many people have through a good home, achieved a Quantum Leap if the home `fits' them and the home has excellent Feng Shui.
Destiny, or fate, is a totally different aspect from Feng Shui. Pillars of Destiny has many `modules' each looking into various sectors of our fate. However, it is just a snap shot of what we were born with.
An interesting thing to note is that under palmistry, it is said that we have both hands. One hand shows our Heaven map, while the other hand, is constantly changing and shows our current fate.
Presently, we have used all the available tools to review and enlarge our understanding of Feng Shui such as:
1. Shapes and form
2. Compass Schools: Eight House and Flying Star
At the same time, Destiny has its own set of tools such as:
1. Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zhi) or Eight Characters Reading
(This is the largest component, which includes new born name, fate, luck pillars and more)
2. Palmisty
3. Face Reading
As the current focus not just here but in other sites are more attune to Feng Shui.
Although at Geomancy.net, has the most detailed Pillars report / analysis, we currently used it more for Feng Shui i.e. finding the birth element and strenght and using the Luck pillars to analyse the season of strength.
Fate or Destiny can on its own, be a totally huge site.
Hope the above helps.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/6/00 8:02:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
My pillars consist of 3 Earth,
3 Fire and 2 Wood. My self
element is Earth. I lack of
money element (Water) and
intelligence element (Metal).
1. While it may be possible to
enhance the missing elements
as suggested in some of your
advised, will it really help
in changing my destiny? Will
wearing ornaments that are
Water or Metal help in making
me wealthy?
2. Would renovating my home
according to good Feng Shui
help? Is it true that it can
improve but still limited to a
person's destiny?
Thank you for your advise.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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