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Hi [name hidden],

Please see my replies below:-

Hi, i would like to purchase the fengshui bazi service. From the service, can i get info like:

1. Is the type of business suits me and my husband (our bazi are totally different)

As long as you take up a ba zi for 2 persons and provide date of birth info for both you and your husband, I will be able to review both the ba zi and advise you on whether the business you have in mind is suitable or which business elements would work best for the two of you.


2. which position facing the shop that i need to choose?

A person’s luck is shaped by three types of luck:

1. Heaven Luck – The luck you are born with and destined to have.  
2. Earth Luck – The luck influenced by your home, office, and surrounding environment.  
3. Human Luck – The luck derived from your relationships with others and your own efforts.  

Each category contributes approximately 33.3% of your overall luck. To maximize your luck, you typically need to focus on improving at least two out of the three (e.g., Heaven Luck and Earth Luck), which can influence about 66.6% of your total luck. The remaining portion comes down to your Human Luck which affects the remaining 33.3% of your total luck.

Through a ba zi review, I can only guide you based on your Heaven Luck. This includes identifying the best facing direction for your shop or home, which is determined by your ba zi and the Eight House Theory. These tools can help reveal which directions are the most suitable for you based on your personal Heaven Luck.

When it comes to feng shui for your home, office, or shop, the external environment plays a crucial role. Factors such as the shop’s location, external feng shui, and Flying Star feng shui significantly influence Earth Luck. These elements determine whether a shop or property has strong Earth Luck. Since Flying Star feng shui evaluates the luck generated by the property itself, it requires a separate and detailed feng shui assessment, going beyond a simple ba zi review. Please note that this service is distinct and separate from a ba zi review.


3. What theme colour should i use (for building, uniform, logo)

As for theme colour, I mean from your ba zi, I can advise you the common binding element that will help boost the luck for you and your husband, while I am assessing your whether the business is favourable to you or not. You can then use  that info to apply it to your building decor, uniform colour, or logo colours.


4. Should I get advice about the logo i create using feng shui?

Logo review is not typically part of a ba zi review service. While we do not offer services to design a logo for you, we do provide a separate logo review service. If you already have a few logo designs in mind, we can help evaluate them to determine which one is more suitable for you based on its elements. However, please keep in mind that this service is distinct and separate from the ba zi review.

That said, from your ba zi, we can provide guidance on the most suitable binding elements for you, such as favorable colors and shapes. This insight can assist you in designing a logo with these beneficial colors and shapes in mind.

Hope that helps.


Warmest Regards
Robert Lee



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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