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Hi all,
I just re-edited an email I sent out before and post it here now. If
anyone else think they could help, please let me know.
I shared a flat with my flat mate. The building built (?) in 1900. (that
is the best data I got, could be an estimate).
In terms of health, I think mine is getting worse (constant sore throat etc)
(having one at the moment with a temperature). My flatmate has constant
headache (well, even before moved into this flat) and starts having a bad
In term of career, my flatmate is not happy with the current job (lack of
'future'). I might have a couple of opportunities coming up, want to make
sure I am not going to miss !
In term of wealth, my flat mate is still paying the student loan. Our
salaries do not reflect our qualifications (flat mate got a MBA and I got a
Just wonder as if you could kindly have a quick look. See whether you could
spot anything obvious. See any cures etc. Health is of course important, but
I think career should be the focus at the moment.
Many thanks,
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  • Staff

Dear Travis,
1. Sorry to learn about your health problems.
2. Most likely, there could be a sickness #2 or #5 at the current sector that you are occupying.
3. We would be glad to provide you will a Free paid, Flying Star report. Please email: robert-lee@3dmail.com and let us know if you have an existing account at www.geomancy-online.com and the account name privately.
4. Currently, it would be crucial to try to determine:
The year of birth of the building/apartment and the direction of the main door.
As a reference, the `year of birth' of the building need not necessary be the year the building was built but rather, when was the last major renovations of the building.
If you still have a problem, and if the renovations was done prior to 1984, you may try to use Period 6 for the Flying Star Analysis.
If the renovations were done after 1984, you may try to use Period 7 to do a Flying Star audit of the building.
5. As we are not physically present to help you, you may like to check whether there are any external `poison' arrows aimed into the apartment thru any of the windows or at your room door.
Take care!
Warmest Regards,

On 3/10/00 2:44:26 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi all,
I just re-edited
an email I sent out before and
post it here now. If
else think they could help,
please let me know.
shared a flat with my flat
mate. The building built (?)
in 1900. (that
is the best
data I got, could be an
In terms of
health, I think mine is
getting worse (constant sore
throat etc)
(having one at the
moment with a temperature). My
flatmate has constant
(well, even before moved into
this flat) and starts having a
In term of career,
my flatmate is not happy with
the current job (lack
'future'). I might have a
couple of opportunities coming
up, want to make
sure I am not
going to miss !
In term of
wealth, my flat mate is still
paying the student loan.
salaries do not reflect
our qualifications (flat mate
got a MBA and I got
Just wonder as if
you could kindly have a quick
look. See whether you
spot anything obvious.
See any cures etc. Health is
of course important, but
think career should be the
focus at the moment.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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