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Hi there,
I have some questions to consult your experts:
Q1: I 'm a strong Fire person according to my Pillars of Destiny, should I choose direction of house, colors, etc. in favorable of fire or opposite of fire?
Q2: If there is a conflicts of direction of house, color, etc. using Pillars of Destiny, 8 house theory & Flying star, which will take precedence? DO we always have to calculate the 3 of them for accuracy?
If Flying STar is in precedence, why do we need to calculate the rest?
Thanks for any advice! :>
Chris Ng

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Dear Chris,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed>
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 1:18 AM
Subject: Conflicts using Piller of Destiny, 8 House theory & Flying House

From: "Chris Ng"
This message is sent from "pillars-of-destiny" Mailing List.
Hi there,
I have some questions to consult your experts:
Q1: I 'm a strong Fire person according to my Pillars of Destiny, should I
choose direction of house, colors, etc. in favorable of fire or opposite of

Are you the breadwinner for the house?
a. no? Then you do not need to worry about this portion.
b. yes? You should find a house suitable. Strong Fire means you stay in the
Earth house. As for the colours of the house, this is secondary, as the best
and most pratical colour for house is still white or light colours.

Q2: If there is a conflicts of direction of house, color, etc. using
Pillars of Destiny, 8 house theory & Flying star, which will take
precedence? DO we always have to calculate the 3 of them for accuracy?

Each theory has a specific use. It depends on what you are trying to do?
What are the uses for each theory?
a. Pillars of Destiny
This theory gives you the Feng Shui of an individual. A person's true birth
element, 80-year luck period, and other predictions about a person. What is
most important for a Feng Shui Audit is the true birth element (eg. weak
Fire or Strong Earth). You need to know this so that you can find the most
suitable home, or how you can apply cures so that it is suitable for the
various members in the family, or to find a suitable element which helps to
bind the two elements together.
80-Year Luck period can be used for personal enhancements, to improve each
period of your life, so that you get the most benefit from your own fate.
Eg. Knowing when is your best period, allows you to make use of these
periods to start a business etc. This can ensure that you get the best in
your venture.
b. Flying Star
This theory gives you the Feng Shui of a house. A house's guiding period
(for 20-year, yearly, monthly). The two stars which are always changing,
creating different flying star influences. These combinations are most
important, as most of the time when there are any problems it is due to
several conflicts in the stars which give rise to illness, quarrels,
lawsuit, marriage breakup, etc.
In order to apply cures properly, not only do you have to apply cures based
on the stars, the cures must suit the person who uses the room. Thus here
you see that the Pillars cures comes in to give this additional information.
c. Eight House
This theory gives you the suitability of a house to the breadwinner, or best
directions which other members can used as their bedroom etc. Flying Star
takes precedence over Eight House, it is still important to make use of the
Eight House.
Why? Simply because Flying Star can only tell you the Feng Shui of a house,
it does not tell you if you are suitable to the house. A house can have the
best and most excellent Feng Shui, eg. double 77 in period 7 for the main
door, but if the breadwinner of the house has the death or disaster that
falls in the main door, then no matter how good the Feng Shui of the house,
the breadwinner is not suitable to the house, as he cannot find a suitable
room for him to stay in.
Also, Flying Star cannot tell you which direction should you put your table
in the location to improve your working conditions etc. But Eight House with
the knowledge of your 4 good and 4 bad directions you will be able to apply
such knowledge to your life.
d. Shapes and Forms
These theory tells you the interaction of Chi and external influence to your
home. Even if you fulfil all the three Calculation schools, you still need
to access the external environment for a complete overview of the Feng Shui
of your home. Whether or not you are getting Chi into your house, any
pointed objects from other house, any pool of water, mountain, etc.


If Flying STar is in precedence, why do we need to calculate the rest?

You need to do so because each theory is for a different purpose. Only after
knowing how you can make use of these theories, then you can perform a very
detailed an accurate assessment of your home.
As you can see, all the 4 major theories are already easily found either
from the website or from the www.Geomancy-Online.com, for anyone to apply
these tools easily to their home or office, individual or suitability.
Basically here is a simple and quick guide:-
1. Finding a suitable house, you should use:-
- Eight House for suitability of the Breadwinner. (Main door and bedroom)
- Pillars of Destiny for Breadwinner's true element. (Match it with your
house element)
- Eight House for the rest of the members. (bedrooms)
- Shapes and Forms for the external factors.
2. Accessing a choosen home or existing house, you should use:-
- Flying Star for the Feng Shui of the House. (Check our the good or bad
sectors of the house)
- Eight House for suitability of the Breadwinner. (Main door and bedroom)
- Pillars of Destiny for Breadwinner's true element. (Match it with your
house element)
- Eight House for the rest of the members. (bedrooms)
- Pillars of Destin for the rest of the members. (In order to apply cures to
the various locations of the house)
- Shapes and Forms for the external factors.
3. Having Problems affecting entire family at home?
- Flying Star for the Feng Shui of the House. (Very likely clashes in the
stars which is causing this)
- Apply 2. Accessing a choosen home or existing house for full details.
3.a. Having Problems affecting only individual at home?
- Eight House of the person. (Check the bedroom is a bad location?)
- Pillars of Destiny for true birth element (Check if any incompabitility in
elements with objects you are commonly with)
3.b. Having Problems affecting only individual at office?
- Eight House of the person. (Check the office facing direction is a bad
- Pillars of Destiny for true birth element (Check if any incompabitility in
elements with objects you are commonly with)
3.c. Having Problems affecting both home and office?
- Eight House of the person. (Check the bedrom & office facing direction is
a bad location?)
- Pillars of Destiny for true birth element (Check if any incompabitility in
elements with objects you are commonly with)
- Pillars of Destiny for the 80-year Luck period (10-year period for the
current period).
Check if the 10-year period is a good or bad, go further into the 5-year
breakdown for details on which 5-year period is causing the problem, finally
go into the yearly breakdown. Follow the advices on what you need to apply
to improve your situation.
4. Having Problems affecting entire business at office?
- Flying Star for the Feng Shui of the Office. (Very likely clashes in the
stars which is causing this)
- Apply 2. Accessing a choosen home or existing house for full details.
5. Improving your family life with Feng Shui?
- Apply 2. Accessing a choosen home or existing house for full details.
6. Improving your office business with Feng Shui?
- Apply 2. Accessing a choosen home or existing house for full details.
7. Improving your individual life with Feng Shui?
- Pillars of Destiny for true birth element (Check if any incompabitility in
elements with objects you are commonly with)
- Pillars of Destiny for the 80-year Luck period (10-year period for the
current period).
- Eight House of the person. (Make use of the 4 good directions.)

Thanks for any advice! :>
Chris Ng

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