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Dear Pei Yee,
1. There are a few references on this site, somewhere that shows clearly why Lunar Calendar Method should be used instead of Xia (Hsia) Calendar.
2. Both methods will give the same results most of the time. However, the Hsia has an inherent flaw, it is unable to `see' a blind month or we call it an intercalary month.
In Chinese Lunar Calendar, there are frequently years where there are double months e.g. Two 1st month, 2nd month etc...
In such a situation, there is no way the Hsia calendar or (Xia Li) calendar can detect this.
Because of this, the calculation using the Hsia calendar goes `off' for those whose birthday ie. month pillar is out.
The traditional method is to use the Chinese Lunar Calendar Method and at this site, at the appropriate calculation it is cross referenced to the Hsia as it is used to find the season.
Thus, from the above, we infact use both the Lunar and Xia calendar (Hsia) at the appropriate time.
Hong Kong practitioners or those who learned Feng Shui from Hong Kong prefer to use, the Xia as Hong Kong uses the Xia calendar.
I have thus pointed to you the inherent weakness of the Xia System.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/30/00 4:12:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
You mentioned in your website
that your calculations of the
four pillars are according to
the Lunar calendar instead of
the Xia calendar because you
have found the Lunar one more
Any evidence or reasons for

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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